Indeed, his shunning of both consensus and tawtur earned him a special mention for the depth and extent of his skepticism, even among fellow Mutazilites. Another argument is that those verses of the Quran enjoining Muslims to obey/imitate Muhammad are directed at the Muhammad's contemporaries and not later generations. [86], Al-Ghazali addresses questions from an unnamed "questioner" about a number of problems the questioner sees in several hadith[87] in his work Al-Qanun al-kulli fi t-ta'wil; such as: "Satan runs in the blood vessels of one of you"[88] "satans nourish themselves from manure and bones", and "Paradise is as wide as heaven and earth", yet it must be contained somewhere within the bounds of those two? Examples include: As in any Islamic discipline, there is a rich history of literature describing the principles and fine points of hadith studies. [70], In protest, Fatima is said to have delivered a speech at the Prophet's Mosque, known as the Sermon of Fadak,[85][7][70] Among other sources, this sermon appears in Balaghat al-nisa', a collection of eloquent speeches by Muslim women,[7][86] though the attribution of this speech to Fatima is rejected by Sunnis. However, with the rise of natural sciences and technology of the West, some Muslims came to a different conclusion. The Justice and Development Party (Turkish: Adalet ve Kalknma Partisi, Turkish pronunciation: [adalet ve kaknma patisi]; AKP), abbreviated officially AK Party in English, is a political party in Turkey self-describing as conservative-democrat. Hadith terminology (Arabic: , romanized: mualau l-adth) is the body of terminology in Islam which specifies the acceptability of the sayings attributed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad by other early Islamic figures of significance such as the companions and followers/ successors. [152] Sidqi called the hadith-based sunnah of Muhammad "temporary and provisional law", and offered several reasons why the sunnah was "intended only for those who lived during the Prophet's era":[149], In a high court decision in 20th century Pakistan, justice Muhammad Shafii argued against the doctrine that the words and actions of the Prophet are divine revelation, and that (at least in the contemporary era) Quranic demands for obedience to Muhammad are actually demands for us to, be as honest, as steadfast, as earnest and as religious and pious as he was and not that we should act and think exactly as he did because that is unnatural and humanly impossible and if we attempted to do that, life will become absolutely difficult. Iblis (Arabic: , romanized: Ibls), alternatively known as Ebls, is the leader of the devils (shayn) in Islam.According to the Quran, Iblis was thrown out of heaven, after he refused to prostrate himself before Adam.Regarding the origin and nature of Iblis, there are essentially two different viewpoints. They said: When, O Messenger of God? Shia Islam does not use the Kutub al-Sittah (six major hadith collections) followed by Sunni Islam, therefore the sunnah of Shia Islam and the sunnah of Sunni Islam refer to different collections of religious canonical literature. [82] He accepted the criticism of Western and Muslim scholars that the content of many hadith and isnad (chain of transmitters) had been tampered with by Muslims trying to prove the Muhammad had made a specific statementbut this did not make them fraudulent or forgeries, because if "Hadith verbally speaking does not go back to the Prophet, its spirit certainly does". "the Sunna of the Prophet, i.e., his sayings and doings, later established as legally binding precedents" (along with the Law established by the Quran) (Hans Wehr); "All of the traditions and practices of the Prophet" of Islam, "that have become models to be followed" by Muslims (M.A.Qazi); "the body of traditional social and legal custom and practice of the Islamic community" (Encyclopdia Britannica); "the actions and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad" (Oxford Islamic Studies Online). [15] In particular, Jafri notes that Ali turned down proposals to forcefully pursue the caliphate,[152] including an offer from Abu Sufyan. Yusuf argued "practice is best transmitted through practice",[91] and a more reliable way to establish sunnah than hadith. When you visit this site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. [227][228][10] Similar to Mary, some early sources report that angels spoke to Fatima on multiple occasions. ', '[Sayings attributed to me] which agree with the Koran, go back to me, whether I actually said them or not', and, 'Whatever good sayings there are, I said them. Abul A'la Maududi, and Mohammed al-Ghazali. 'the righteous'),[11] al-Tahira (lit. [79], In the 1960s, Fazlur Rahman Malik, an Islamic modernist and former head of Pakistan's Central Institute for Islamic Research, advanced another idea for how the (prophetic) sunnahthe normative example of Muhammadshould be understood: as "a general umbrella concept"[80] but not one "filled with absolutely specific content",[80] or that was static[81] over the centuries. "[85], A different version of this idea is that all hadith "at variance with the Quran should be discarded, irrespective of their chain of transmission." (61) Chapter: What Has Been Related About Arrogance", "Sahih Muslim The Book of Faith - Hadith 94 b", "Sahih al-Bukhari Oppressions - Hadith 2471", "Sunan Ibn Majah The Book of Purification and its Sunnah - Hadith 308", "Sahih al-Bukhari. [73] At the same time, Abu Bakr allowed the prophet's widows to inherit his quarters in Medina. [210] The canonical Sunni collection Sunnan al-Tirmidhi reports that Muhammad limited the Ahl al-Bayt to Ali, Fatima, and their two sons when the Verse of Purification was revealed to him. Even if we accept that ten of Ibn Abbas' traditions are authentic, how do we identify them in the pool of 1,710?[179][180]. Literature on Muhammad's deeds and sayings, Alternatives to classical hadith based sunnah, Ahmad Hasan calls the dictum that states: "The Sunnah decides upon the Qur'an, while the Qur'an does not decide upon the Sunnah" , , discussed by Joseph Schacht, "sur l-expression 'Sunna du Prophet'" in. [70] This is the Shia view. According to hadith and Muslim history, after Muhammad immigrated to Medina and formed an independent Muslim community, he ordered many of his companions to Ibn Sa'd's biography holds her age at the time of marriage as between six and seven, and gives her age at consummation to be nine while Ibn Hisham's [40] The system of judging the authenticity (sihha) of hadith is based on three criteria in hadith studies: These criteria in turn are based on other premises: Evaluation was "almost exclusively" of the chain/isnad of the hadith, and not the content (matn). [226], Fatima surpasses Mary in purity and divine favor in Shia writings[226][10] and in some Sunni sources. [120], Madelung believes that Abu Bakr later placed a boycott on Ali and, more broadly, on the Banu Hashim to abandon their support for Ali. But in the oldest collections of hadith (which have had less opportunity to be corrupted by faulty memory or manipulation) isnad are "rudimentary", while the isnads found in later "classical" collections of hadith are usually "perfect",[110] suggesting the correlation between supposedly high quality isnads and authentic hadith is not good. [92] Rawdat al-Kf: The final book stands alone as Rawah al-kf, which is found in volume eight. [160] A typical Shia response is that Ali gave up his rights and exercised restraint for the sake of a nascent Islam, according to Abbas. Farooq quotes a number of sources speaking highly of Mutawatir: Orthodox hadith scholars (like Wael Hallaq and Ibn al-Salah) disagree, finding non-mutawatir hadith adequate. [129] As reported in al-Imama wa al-siyasa,[172] Fatima reminded the two visitors of Muhammad's words, "Fatima is part of me, and whoever angers her has angered me. [125], Umar has been noted for his severity and misogyny,[126][127][113] especially in Shia sources. [186][10], While Fatima is not mentioned in the Quran by name, some verses are associated with her in classical exegeses. [4] It is through Fatima that Muhammad's family line has survived to this date. Rather, an exhaustive process of authentication must be applied, which leaves the understanding of the book in the hands of the learned. [166] In particular, the Twelver Shia believe in the redemptive power of the pain and martyrdom endured by the Ahl al-Bayt, including Fatima, for those who empathize with their divine cause and suffering. [73] As phrased by Mavani, if the Banu Hashim had inherited Muhammad's material property, then they might have also been expected to inherit the spiritual authority of Muhammad. In Shia Islam, hadith are the embodiment of the sunnah, the words and actions of Muhammad and his family, the Ahl al-Bayt (The Twelve Imams and Muhammad's daughter, Fatimah). "[6] Ibn Hajar defines a hadith that is a lidhtihi ("a in and of itself") as a singular narration (ahaad; see below) conveyed by a trustworthy, completely competent person, either in his ability to memorize or to preserve what he wrote, with a muttail ("connected") isnd ("chain of narration") that contains neither a serious concealed flaw (illah, Arabic:) nor irregularity (shdhdh). In particular, he granted his daughter Aisha some properties in the Aliya part of Medina and in Bahrain. According to Daniel W. Brown citing Syed Ahmed Khan and Shibli Nomani, the major causes of corruption of even the a hadith of Bukhari and Muslim[39] are: whatever the motive was to falsify, and in addition to the indisputable contradictions in hadith, there are reasons why some sahih hadith must be wrong or should not given an exalted position as source of Islamic law: Other arguments that the sunnah in the form of the hadith falls short of the standard of the Quran in divinity include:[109]. The Global Terrorism Database attributes the 2004 Khobar massacre to the group.. Among their complaints is that there was a suspiciously large growth in the number of adth with each early generation;[5][Note 3] that large numbers of adth contradicted each other; and that the genre's status as a primary source of Islamic law has motivated the creation of fraudulent adth. 'people of the cloak'). But the ancient "regional" schools of law, located in several major cities of the new Arab empire of Islam -- Mecca, Kufa, Basra, Syria, etc.,[40]had a more flexible definition of sunnah than is now commonly used. hadith) the basis of classical Islamic law (Sharia), but the number of verses pertaining to law in the Quranthe other source of divine revelationare relatively few, while hadith give direction on everything from details of religious obligations (such as Ghusl or Wudu, ablutions[23] for salat prayer), to the correct forms of salutations,[24] and the importance of benevolence to slaves. It is rather a succession of testimonies, often self contradictory, as to the aims, currents of thought, opinions, and decisions which came into existence during the first two centuries of the growth of Islam. Definitions and usage. [129], Following her will, Ali buried Fatima secretly at night[17][111] and hid her burial plot. The Hajar al-Aswad was stolen from the Kabah around 930 CE by Qarmatian warriors who were an Ismaeeli Shia sect. Since the isnad came into being, names of older authorities were supplied where the new isnad precepts required such. [14][60] Shia sources elaborate that Ali worked at various jobs while Fatima was responsible for domestic chores. For Madelung, however, the absence of the Muhajirun (migrants from Mecca) from this meeting suggests that the Ansar gathered to re-establish the control of the Ansar over their city Medina, under the belief that the Muhajirun would mostly return to Mecca after Muhammad's death. asan ( meaning "good") is used to describe hadith whose authenticity is not as well-established as that of a hadith, but sufficient for use as supporting evidence. on the difference in the number of lashes used to punish alcohol consumption, Caliph, the process of revelation was not "external, entirely independent of the influence of the messenger"; it bares the "personality" or "mentality" (. [6][26][27] Alternatively, the word Fatima is associated in Shia sources with Fatir (lit. In Shia hadees one often finds sermons attributed to Ali in The Four Books or in the Nahj al-Balagha. The Kutub al-Sittah (Arabic: , romanized: al-Kutub as-Sittah, lit. In the late 1820s, criticism centered around the claim by Joseph Smith to have been led to a set of golden plates from which the Book of Mormon was reputedly translated.. 'God is glorious'). [3] Abbas writes that some well-regarded Sunni sources mention Umar's raid and Fatima's injuries. Learn Religions. It goes and prostrates underneath (Allah's) throne; And that is Allah's Statement ". [158] Quranic verses sometimes sited in support of the idea of "Quranism", that the Quran is clear and complete as it is, and hadith are not needed, are: This idea goes back to the Ahl al-Kalam movement of the second Islamic century which rejected the Hadith on theological grounds (as well as questioning its authenticity) and was embraced by Muhammad Tawfiq Sidqi, who wrote, "If anything other than the Qur'an had been necessary for religion the Prophet would have commanded its registration in writing, and God would have guaranteed its preservation. [77] In another account, Abu Bakr agreed to return Fadak to Fatima but was dissuaded by his ally Umar,[70] who tore up the deed written by Abu Bakr. Unlike the Quran, the Hadith does not comprise a single document but instead refers to various collections of texts. [14][31] When Muhammad put forward Ali's proposal to Fatima, she remained silent, which was understood as a tacit agreement. [50], Between 1890 and 1950 the era of "Orientalist" studies of hadith began with Ignc Goldziher (18501921) and Joseph Schacht (19021969) and their "two influential and founding works", (according to Mohammed Salem Al-Shehri). "[214], The word kinsfolk (al-qurba) in this verse is interpreted by the Shia as the Ahl al-Bayt. Some Western academics have also been critical of this "revisionist" approach as a whole, for instance Harald Motzki, (who according to Jonathan Brown demonstrates "convincingly" that studies of early hadith and law by Joseph Schacht and the late G. H. A. Juynboll "used only a small and selective body of sources", "based on sceptical assumptions which, taken together, often asked the reader to believe a set of coincidences far more unlikely than the possibility that a hadith might actually date from the genesis of the Islamic community. [114], According to some narrations, Caliph Umar discouraged the systematic documentation of Prophetic sayings. [4] Hadith ahad consists of three sub-classifications also relating to the number of narrators in the chain or chains of narration:[4], The first category is mashhur (, Mashhr; meaning: famous). Etymology Authenticity of a hadith is primarily verified by its chain of transmission (isnad). "According to the majority of the ulama of the four Sunni schools, acting upon ahad is obligatory even if ahad fails to engender positive knowledge. It is one of the two major parties of contemporary Turkey along with the Republican People's Party (CHP). The best-known hadith collections for Shia Muslims are called The Four Books, which were compiled by three authors who are known as the Three Muhammads. It has no knees or joints. This being the "acceptable norms" or "custom",[35] which included examples of the Muhammad's companions, the rulings of the Caliphs, and practices that "had gained general acceptance among the jurists of that school". sunnah from "Muhammad's own ra'y and is binding, but subject to revision"; "non-binding sunnah", which Muslims are not subject to "penalty for failure to follow". The sunnah is what all the Muslims of Muhammad's time evidently saw and followed and passed on to the next generations. [123] It appears that only his wife Fatima and their four small children remained on his side, writes Hazleton,[124] in line with a statement to this effect attributed to Ali in Nahj al-balagha. find a "complete contradiction" that is "clear and unambiguous in meaning and not abrogated" between substance of the hadith they reject and what is mentioned in a Quranic text, see "a weakness in one of the links of the. Their modern "Quranists", the modern successors of the ahl al-Kalam, argue that the sunnah falls short of the standard of the Quran in divinity. [53] Fatima's age at the time of her marriage is uncertain, reported between nine and twenty-one. Then let us pray earnestly, so as to place the curse of God upon those who lie. [194] In particular, since the verse refers to Ali as the self of Muhammad, Shia holds that the former enjoys the same authority as the latter. 'the mother of her father'), suggesting that Fatima was exceptionally nurturing towards her father. [35] Hadith contradict each other over whether the Islamic prophet urinated while standing: [3][233] The Sunni al-Suyuti relates from Muhammad that "Whoever loves (my) offspring, God loves; whoever gets angry [at them], God gets angry at them. Discontinuity in the beginning of the isnd, from the end of the collector of that hadith, is referred to as muallaq ( meaning "suspended"). while questing the importance of hadith.) but received the negative response, "Thou shalt obtain good. [33][4] According to Abbas, most Shia Muslims hold that Fatima was Muhammad's only biological daughter,[33] whereas Fedele limits this belief to the Twelver Shia. God's way. [35] [93], Sufi thinkers "emphasized personal spirituality and piety rather than the details of fiqh". [162][1] The former location is reportedly supported by her son Hasan's wish to be buried next to his mother. [207][208][198] These traditions are also cited by some other early Sunni authorities, including Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d.855), al-Suyuti (d.1505), al-Hafiz al-Kabir,[209] and Ibn Kathir (d. Al-Qaeda was responsible for the USS Cole bombing in October 2000 in Aden, killing 17 U.S. sailors. [13] Shia traditions similarly describe Fatima's agony in her final days. [82] Along these lines, Sajjadi writes that all (credible) versions of this hadith are narrated from Abu Bakr, his ally Umar, his daughter Aisha, and Malik ibn Aus Al-Hadathan,[70] though some primary sources have disputed whether the last one was a companion of Muhammad. Fadak was a village located to the north of Medina, at a distance of two days travel. [14][4][132], Al-Tabari mentions the suffering of Fatima in her final days. Since all these reports are comparable in weight, it is difficult to prefer one above another. [205], Verse 42:23 of the Quran, also known as the Verse of Mawadda, includes the passage, [O Mohammad!] The individual terms are numerous, with Ibn al-Salah including sixty-five in his Introduction to the Science of Hadith and then commenting: "This is the end of them, but not the end of what is possible, as this is subject to further particularization to an innumerable extent." ",, "3. [73] At the same time they agreed that restoring relevant Sharia required "some reformulation" of the law, which would require a return to sources, which required agreement on how the sources were to be "interpreted and understand" and reassessment of hadith. Quranism (Arabic: , romanized: al-Qurniyya; also known as Quranic Islam) is a movement within Islam.It holds the belief that traditional religious clergy has corrupted religion, and Islamic guidance should be based strictly on the Quran, thus opposing the religious authority of all or most of the hadith literature and extra non-Quranic sources. "[42], They did not doubt that Muslims ought to follow the example of the prophet, but maintained his "true legacy" was found "first and foremost in following the Quran"[41]an "explanation of all things" (Quran16:89)which hadith "should never be allowed to rule on". "[83] Following him, "numerous Egyptian intellectuals", such as Taha Hussein and Mohammed Hussein Heikal, also argued that the Quran "overruled" hadith. [178] On the other hand, the Sunni al-Samhoodi (d.1533) concludes that Hasan is buried next to his grandmother Fatimah bint Asad, rather than his mother Fatima. [104], According to Bernard Lewis, "in the early Islamic centuries there could be no better way of promoting a cause, an opinion, or a faction than to cite an appropriate action or utterance of the Prophet." They often favored reinterpretation of some doctrines, including sharia law in favor of modern norms like equal rights, peaceful coexistence, and freedom of thought. 'the pure'),[21] al-Mubaraka (lit. [1][7], It is attributed to Abu Bakr's daughter Aisha that Fatima was the most beloved of women to the prophet, and Ali was the most beloved of men to him, according to the Sunni al-Hakim al-Nishapuri and al-Tirmidhi (d.892) and the Shia al-Qadi al-Nu'man, among others. 'the blessed'),[21] and al-Mansura (lit. Al-Kutub Al-Arb'ah, the Four books; Kitab al-Kafi of Kulayni Tafseer Imam Hasan Askari [Wikidata] by Imam Hasan al-Askari (Doubts about Authenticity) compiled and written by author himself but rather they are selected from already existing Hadith books i.e Primary Hadith books) [47], One Mu'tazilite who expressed the strongest statement of skepticism of any source of knowledge outside of reason and the Qurn was Ibrahim an-Nazzam (c. 775 c. 845). "[133] (Mutawtir sunnah includes alt prayer and the ceremonies of hajj pilgrimage; the "entire Quran itself is accepted as" being mutawtir; in addition there are a small number of mutawtir hadith)[134][70], However, while mutawatir hadith would exclude the implausible and contradictory hadith outlined above, and might satisfy the Quranic injunctions to obey and imitate Muhammad, they would not provide a basis for the Islamic jurisprudence developed and revered by Muslims for centuries. Patricia Crone agrees, noting that early traditionalists were still developing the practice of detailing chains of narration (isnads) of their hadith that by later standards were sketchy/deficient, even though these early scholars were closer to the historical material. [192] A similar view is voiced by Lalani. Beginning of Creation. Kulayni also states, in reference to hadiths: "whatever (hadith) agrees with the Book of God (the Qur'an), accept it. [25] In the words of J.A.C. ', "Whoever has a mustard seed's weight of pride (arrogance) in his heart, shall not be admitted into Paradise. [173]", Bernard Lewis writes that "the creation of new hadiths designed to serve some political purpose has continued even to our own time." A musnad hadith should not be confused with the type of hadith collection similarly termed musannaf, which is arranged according to the name of the companion narrating each hadith. if the other persons had been aware of the tradition from the Prophet, they would have followed it". This term does not refer to other than him unless otherwise specified. But just as second and third century Muslims could re-formulate hadith and law around a prophetic spirit, so can modern Muslimsredefining riba and replacing medieval laws against bank interest with measures that help the poor without harming economic productivity.[87][88]. by a large number of isnd strands, each beginning with a different companion. [17] According to the Sunni al-Tabari, her dying wish was that Abu Bakr should not attend the funeral,[16][13][15] and this request was fulfilled by Ali. Shia collections. "Systematic application of hadith criticism" began with Ab Hanfa (died 767 CE/150 AH) when there were a "huge number of forged hadith" creating a situation "out of control". [149] (In addition, while the Quran includes term sunnah several times, including in the phrase "sunnat Allah" (way of God),[150] it never talks about "sunnat al-nabi" (way of the prophet)the phrase customarily used by proponents of hadithor "sunnah" in connection with Muhammad or other prophets. [70] By some accounts, Fatima also brought her two sons as witnesses. Hence, the existence of a certain number of witnesses precluded the possibility that they were able to agree on a lie, as opposed to the single report which was witnessed by one person only, its very name meaning the "report of one individual" (khabar al-wid). Jihad (/ d h d /; Arabic: , romanized: jihd [dihad]) is an Arabic word which literally means "striving" or "struggling", especially with a praiseworthy aim. [16], Another piece of evidence for the divinity of the Sunnahaccording to its supportersare verses in the Quran that refer to revelations not found in the Quran. that verses of the Quran order Muslims to obey the Prophet and follow his sunnah, and that the Sunnah is spelled out in the collections of sahih hadith. [21][167][168], Multiple sources report that Fatima never reconciled with Abu Bakr and Umar,[129][169][102][15] partly based on a tradition to this effect in the canonical Sunni collection Sahih al-Bukhari. He said: Between the months of Jumada and Rajab [mid-November to mid- February], and you see an amazing thing come of it". ", Critique of the classical Islamic consensus on the collection and use of hadith, This article is about the critique of the classical Islamic consensus on the collection and use of hadith. When fifteenth century medieval scholar Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani came across the hadith, he noted that the ancient inhabitants of houses carved out of cliffs he had seen must have been about the same size humans of his day, simply "admitted frankly that 'to this day, I have not found how to resolve this problem'", without doubting the hadith's authenticity. [55][56], Among others, the Sunni al-Suyuti (d.1505) ascribes to Muhammad that, "God ordered me to marry Fatima to Ali. In the view of Muslim scholars any hadith which has been transmitted by tawatur and whose reporters based their reports on direct, unambiguous, perception unmixed with rationalization would produce knowledge with certainty. [81] Pointing out that non-mutawatir hadith allowed unreliable transmitters such as Abu Hurairah (mentioned above) to contaminate sahih hadith collections. This means that if a hadith has an acceptable chain all the way to a Successor, and the successor attributes it to an unspecified companion, the isnd is considered acceptable. [15][16] She was buried secretly at night and her exact burial place remains uncertain. [133][32][14], The allegations of violence and miscarriage appear in some Shia works,[131] including the canonical Kitab al-Kafi,[134] Kamil al-ziyarat,[135] Kitab al-Irshad,[136] Tarikh al-Ya'qubi,[137] and Dala'il al-imama. According to Javed Ahmad Ghamidi, another Modernist, this passing down by continuous practice of the Muslim community (which also indicates consensus, ijma) was similar to how the Qurn has been "received by the ummah" (Muslim community) through the consensus of the Muhammad's companions and through their perpetual recitation. In that case, he continues, it would be reasonable to also include in the event their parents, Ali and Fatima. [9][7] Her name and her epithets remain popular choices for Muslim girls. A least one group of Muslims (the Quranist Ahle-Quran movement) argue that the verses were directed towards the particular circumstances of the companions of the Prophet, Muhammad's contemporaries, and not to generations thereafter. He then defines a hadith that is a lighairihi ("a due to external factors") as a hadith "with something, such as numerous chains of narration, strengthening it. The scholars have made these remarks, to remind the people that one cannot simply pick the book up, and take whatever they like from it as truthful. [13], The classical meaning that now prevails was introduced later in the late second century of Islam, when under the influence of the scholar Al-Shafii, Muhammad's example as recorded in hadith was given priority over all other precedents set by other authorities. [2], In hadith terminology, a hadith is divided into two categories based, essentially, upon the number of narrators mentioned at each level in a particular isnd. He quoted the Quranic verse "The messenger has no duty except to proclaim [the message]," (Q.5:99)[67] and pointed out several other verses where God corrects something Muhammad has done or said (8:67),(9:43), (66:1), thus demonstrating Muhammad's lack of supernatural knowledge. [136] For the latter, considering that al-Mufid writes about violence against Fatima elsewhere, Khetia suspects that he refrained from controversial topics in his Kitab al-Irshad to render it accessible to most Twelvers without provoking the anger of Sunnis. For example, there is no verse mentioning the original direction of prayer (the qibla) in the Quran, but God in the Quran does say He appointed the original qibla (2:143). And the science of hadith reached such a level of perfection that "no further research is necessary or fruitful". [136], In his al-Saqifa wa Fadak, al-Jawhari (d.935[139]) includes a tradition to the effect that Umar and his men first threatened to set Fatima's house on fire. [14], Following the Battle of Uhud, Fatima tended to the wounds of her father[64] and regularly visited the graves to pray for those killed in the battle. [118] In contrast, the canonical Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim relate that Ali pledged to Abu Bakr after Fatima died. Their voices became raised to the extent that they were heard by the Messenger of Allah. He exited only by lifting the curtain of his apartment and said, "O Kab! One view, expressed by Ibn Hajar and others, is that a hadith mutawatir achieves certain knowledge, while ahad hadith, unless otherwise corroborated, yields speculative knowledge upon which action is not mandated. [Note 9], (Maududi's criticism clashed with the doctrine of classical hadith criticism that the collective moral character (adla) of the first generation of Muslims was above reproach, and though Maududi strongly opposed modernists who thought hadith should be used sparingly or not at all in Islamic law, he nonetheless came under attack from traditional Islamic scholars (ulama) for his views).[66]. ", "The Authenticity of Prophetic adth: A Pseudo-Problem", "Rashid Rida on the Baha'i Faith: A Utilitarian Theory of the Spread of Religions", "Sahih al-Bukhari Prophets. Later, in nineteenth century British Raj, Islamic modernists like Syed Ahmed Khan sought to deal with Western colonial influence and the decline of Muslim powers through greater understanding of science[73] and application of reason. One Abu Hurairah, joined the Muslim community only three years before the Prophet's death (i.e. Hadith terminology (Arabic: , romanized:mualau l-adth) is the body of terminology in Islam which specifies the acceptability of the sayings (hadith) attributed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad by other early Islamic figures of significance such as the companions and followers/ successors. [117], In hadith studies, narratives assumed to be of foreign import are known as Israiliyyat. Okumus, Fatih. Even traditionists whose job it was to filter out false hadith, cirulated fabricated hadith for causes they thought worthyone N b. Maryam "passed on false traditions [hadith] in praise of the Quran". [2], Ab Abdullh Muhammad ibn Idrs al-Shfi (150-204 AH), known as al-Shafi'i, argued against flexible sunnah and the use of precedents from multiple sources,[41][2] emphasizing the final authority of a hadith of Muhammad, so that even the Qur'an was "to be interpreted in the light of traditions (i.e. In fact oral transmission was "superior to isolated written documents" which had "little value" unless "attested by living witnesses". Soufi notes that the reference to the third caliph Uthman might reflect the Sunni orthodoxy, in which Uthman is considered superior to his successor Ali. In Islam, sunnah, also spelled sunna (Arabic: ), are the traditions and practices of the Islamic prophet Muhammad that constitute a model for Muslims to follow. Fatima's sons were Hasan and Husayn, the second and third Shia Imams, respectively. [65][45] However, al-Miswar ibn Makhrama, a companion who was nine when Muhammad died, appears to be the sole narrator of an alleged marriage proposal of Ali to Abu Jahl's daughter in Sunni sources. Huda. "[45], According to Racha El Omari, early Mutazilites believed that hadith were susceptible to "abuse as a polemical ideological tool"; that the matn (content) of the hadithnot just the isnadought to be scrutinized for doctrine and clarity; that for hadith to be valid they ought to be "supported by some form of tawtur", i.e. Hasan ibn Ali (Arabic: , romanized: asan ibn Al; c. 625 2 April 670) was a prominent early Islamic figure.He was the eldest son of Ali and Fatima and a grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.He briefly ruled as caliph from January 661 until August 661. (2020, August 26). ")[127] "God must certainly have provided the means to do so. In the Arabic language, the term means "report," "account" or "narrative;" the plural is ahadith. The tradition says: The Messenger of God said: "The Banu al-Asfar [white people], the Byzantines and the Franks [Christian groups] will gather together in the wasteland with Egypt[ians] against a man whose name is Sadim [i.e., Saddam]-- none of them will return. [57], Later in the 20th century, Salafist revivalists Shibli Nomani, Rashid Rida, Abul A'la Maududi, and Mohammed al-Ghazali[53] also sought "to restore Islam to ascendency"[58] (not just in India) and in particular to restore Sharia to the law of the lands of Islam it had been before being replaced by "secular, Western inspired law codes" of colonialism and modernity. This indicates to some scholars (such as Javed Ahmad Ghamidi) that sunnah predates both the Quran and Muhammad, and is actually the tradition of the prophets of God, specifically the tradition of Abraham. Perhaps the most famous of the classical collections of a hadith in Sunni Islam, a al-Bukhr, was completed around 846 CE/232 AH. The Importance of the "Hadith" for Muslims. "[80], According to Jonathan A.C. Brown, "by far the most influential Modernist critique" of Sunni hadith tradition came from a disciple of Egyptian Rashid Rida named Mahmoud Abu Rayya. Fima bint Muammad (Arabic: , 605/15632 CE), commonly known as Fima al-Zahr ( ), was the daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his wife Khadija. The number of false hadith is exaggerated. [20] Other titles of her in Shia are al-iddiqa (lit. Amr (d. 728/815) In his al-Tarsh wa-l-irj, Racha El-Omari, "Accommodation and Resistance: Classical Mutazilites on adth" in, Sidqi, Muhammad Tawfiq, "al-Islam huwa al-Qur'an wahdahu,", Goldziher, I., "Muhammedanische Studien", 2 volumes, 1889-1890, ii 49, from Jahiz and Ibn Maja, Isabel Lang Intertextualitt als hermeneutischer Zugang zur Auslegung des Korans: Eine Betrachtung am Beispiel der Verwendung von Israiliyyat in der Rezeption der Davidserzhlung in Sure 38: 21-25 Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, 31.12.2015, zcan Hdr, "Discussions on the Influence of the JudeoChristian Culture on Hadiths" in. [14] Abu Bakr was initially the sole witness to this statement, referred to as the hadith of Muhammad's inheritance. [110] Specifically because, According to John Burton, paraphrasing Al-Shafi'i, "it must be remembered that the Quran text are couched in very general terms which it is the function of the sunnah to expand and elucidate, to make God's meaning absolutely clear. [16] Muhammad is also famously said to have listed Fatima, Khadija, Mary, and Asiya as the four outstanding women of all time. [33] Alternatively, a number of Shia sources state that Zainab, Ruqayyah, and Umm Kulthum were adopted by Muhammad after the death of their mother Hala, a sister of Khadija. [18], Mursal ( meaning "sent or transmitted"): if the narrator between the Successor and Muhammad is omitted from a given isnd, the hadith is mursal, e.g., when a Successor says, "The Prophet said"[19] Since Ahlus-Sunnah (Sunnis) believe in the uprightness of all Sahaba, they do not view it as a necessary problem if a Successor does not mention what Sahaba he received the hadith from. Fatima) are displayed on government buildings, private buildings, public streets and car windows. "[202] There also exists a version of this hadith in Sunni sources where Umm Salama is included in the Ahl al-Bayt. Kulayni himself stated in his preface that he only collected hadiths he thought were important and sufficient for Muslims to know, and he left the verification of these hadiths up to later scholars. Some early Sunn Muslim scholars (such as Abu Hanifa, al-Humayd, Ibn Ab 'sim, Ab Dwd, and Ab Nasr al-Marwaz) reportedly used the term "the sunnah" narrowly to refer to Sunni Doctrine as opposed to the creeds of Shia and other non-Sunni Islamic sects. [229], Verse 24:35 of the Quran, also known as the Verse of Light, is often associated with Fatima in Shia exegeses. "[74] 569-70, Muhammad Zubayr Siddiqi. [73], Following Muhammad's death in 632 and early in his caliphate, Abu Bakr is said to have seized Fadak from Fatima[70][74] by evicting her agents, possibly as a show of authority to Muhammad's clan (Banu Hashim) who had not yet pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr. Juynboll, (and in the present day Israr Ahmed Khan). [179] This uncertainty in Shia sources again underscores Fatima's displeasure with the Muslim community. [26], Al-Shafii's success was such that later writers "hardly ever thought of sunna as comprising anything but that of the Prophet",[27] but later critics of hadith sometimes made similar arguments to that of the early schools that competed with Al-Shafii's theory (such as the belief that only the Quran was divine revelation). He (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) replied, "What made me old are Surah Hud and its sister surahs. You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. Those which were not verifiable were deemed weak or even fabricated, while others were deemed authentic (sahih) and collected into volumes. Muttasil (, Muttail) refers to a continuous chain of narration in which each narrator has heard that narration from his teacher.[17]. "[241] Fatima is also venerated for her compassion, generosity, and enduring suffering by all Muslims, especially by the Shia. "[9], The teachings of "wisdom" (hikma) have been declared to be a function of Muhammad along with the teachings of the scripture. [10], In the pre-Islamic period, sunnah was used to mean "manner of acting", whether good or bad. [99][100], "A similar (favour have ye already received) in that We have sent among you a Messenger of your own, rehearsing to you Our Signs, and sanctifying you, and instructing you in Scripture and Wisdom, and in new knowledge. [48][14], Muhammad performed the wedding ceremony,[3] and they prepared an austere wedding feast with gifts from other Muslims. [4][242][243], The first-ever feature movie about Fatima during the lifetime and after the death of Muhammad is titled The Lady of Heaven, produced in 2020 by the Enlightened Kingdom. 'helped by God'). (accessed December 11, 2022). [37] Rashid Rida argued all hadith "at variance" with the Quran "should be discarded, irrespective of their chain of transmission. Mill Gr (Turkish: [milli y], "National Outlook" or "National Vision") is a religious-political movement and a series of Islamist parties inspired by Necmettin Erbakan.It argues that Turkey can develop with its own human and economic power by protecting its core values, trusting in God, and moving forward with faster steps by rivaling the Western countries. "the statements, actions and approvals (or disapprovals) of Prophet Muhammad", (definition used by "legal theorists"); "anything narrated from or about the Prophet either before or after he became a prophet, of his statements, actions, confirmations, biography, and his physical character and attributes," (used by scholars of hadith). Explanations of why this was included the neglect of hadith content (matn) by muhaddithin in favor of the evaluation of chain/isnad of the hadith. [32], Fatima was born in Mecca to Khadija, the first of Muhammad's wives. [4] Al-Tirmidhi's understanding of a gharib hadith, concurs to a certain extent with that of the other traditionists. Universal continuous testimony (, A great majority of Muslim legal theoreticians (. Sufis see the "division between binding and non-binding" sunnah as "meaningless". [70] This is the Shia view. "[176] For Khetia, the interpretation is that the loss of Fatima was so traumatizing for Ali that he threatened Umar with violence for the first time, despite his previous restraint. The couple and their supporters held that Ali was the rightful successor of Muhammad,[4] possibly referring to his announcement at the Ghadir Khumm. The Hadith was to be tested by its content and by the place its terms occupied in the development of legal though and institutions '"[186], Another criticism of isnads was of the efficacy of the traditional Hadith studies field known as biographical evaluations (ilm al-rijl)evaluating the moral and mental capacity of transmitters/narrators. [56][57], Hadith was now systematically collected and documented, but several generations having passed since the time of its occurrence meant that "many of the reports attributed to the Prophet are apocryphal or at least are of dubious historical authenticity," (according to Abou El Fadl). In the 18th century, Shah Waliullah Dehlawi (17031762) sought to reverse the decline of Muslim power in India as the Mughal empire began to collapse. This science became a "mature system",[29] or entered its "final stage"[30] with the compilation of the classical collections of hadith in the third century of Islam, roughly a century after al-Shafii's passing. Later hadith possessed impeccable isnad, but were more likely to be fabricated. "What is the Difference Between Quran and Sunnah? [84] Doing so they follow the spirit of Muhammad's mission,[85][86] and "resurrect" the legal methodology of the pre-Shafi'i "Ancient schools". [4] A second view, held by Dawud al-Zahiri, Ibn Hazm and others and, reportedly, the position of Malik ibn Anas[citation needed] is that hadith ahad achieves certain knowledge as well. The earliest schools and scholars of Islamic lawstarting around a century and a half after the death of Muhammaddid not all agree on the importance of Prophetic sunnah and its basis, the hadith of Muhammad ("hadith of Muhammad" because in earlier times "hadith" could be used to refer to reports of sayings or doings of other early Muslims). The work is an early Shia hadith collection, and it is often recognised as the earliest such collection. Do you know where the sun sets?" [82], Like some other revivalists, Modernists emphasized pre-eminence of the Quran. [230] To reconcile the superiority of Fatima with verse 3:42 above, "the women of the world" in this verse is interpreted as the women of Mary's time by most Shia and some Sunni exegetes. "when the Devil hears the call to prayer, 'he flees, farting. [76] In the same vein, Shias argue the truthful Fatima would have not claimed something which was not hers. [100][101][102], In the immediate aftermath of Muhammad's death in 11/632, the Ansar (natives of Medina) gathered in the Saqifa (lit. "[7] Ibn al-Mulaqqin counted the various types as being "more than eighty"[8] and al-Suyuti included ninety-three in Tadrib al-Rawi. Individual terms distinguish between those hadith considered rightfully attributed to their source or detail the faults of those of dubious provenance. Sharia (/ r i /; Arabic: , romanized: shara [aria]) is a body of religious law that forms a part of the Islamic tradition. [2] Some (legal pragmatist scholars known as ahl al-ray) regarded Prophetic sunnah as only one source of law among manyother sources being the traditions of other caliphs and of leading early Muslims. [14][46] On the basis of this report, woman's consent in marriage has always been necessary in Islamic law. He translates the story: Juynboll, G.H.A., Some New Ideas on the Development of Sunna as a Technical Term in Early Islam, see: irr b. In the course of one of their basic dutiescalculating prayer times in various localesthey had noticed that the sun is always visible somewhere, rising and setting at different times depending on latitude and longitude. [22][23] Both are viewed as mothers of exalted progenies: Mary gave birth to Jesus, and Fatima is the mother of the Imams. In hadith terminology, it refers to a hadith not fulfilling all of the conditions necessary to be deemed mutawatir. [7][8][9] Sunnah provides a basis not only for major laws and rituals in Islam like how to pray salat, but for "even the most mundane activities", such as the order in which to cut fingernails or the proper length of a beard. hadith), and not vice versa. It is derived from the religious precepts of Islam and is based on the sacred scriptures of Islam, particularly the Quran and the Hadith. "[3] In contrast, the Sunni al-Khwarazmi relates from the prophet that, "If beauty (husn) were a person, it would be Fatima; indeed she is greater," while some Shia authors have likened her to a human houri. [51][52] Later the couple moved into a house next to Muhammad's quarters in Medina. The primary tool of orthodox ilm al-adth (Hadith studies) to verify the authenticity of hadith is the hadith's isnad (chain) of transmitters. Some are contradictory",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. [3] Her sources are silent about the appearance of Fatima, which leads her to the conclusion, "Fatima was certainly not a beautiful woman. [93] Aslan also argues that Abu Bakr's efforts were intended to undermine Ali's claim to the caliphate. 845). Al-Shafii "forcefully argued" that the sunnah stands "on equal footing with the Quran", (according to scholar Daniel Brown) both being divine revelation. So he Kab said, "Yes," and the man paid him. If anything other than the Qur'an had been necessary for religion," Sidqi notes, "the Prophet would have commanded its registration in writing, and God would have guaranteed its preservation. This is changing and by 2050 (in about 26 years) Christians are expected to be less than 50%. "[3] [128] "Umar's toughness" (shidda) is cited in a Sunni tradition by Aisha as the reason Umar was excluded from a supposed attempt at reconciliation between Ali and Abu Bakr. [4], An aziz (, azz) hadith is any hadith conveyed by two narrators at every point in its isnd (chain of narrators).[4]. [58] Nasr writes that the union of Fatima and Ali holds a special spiritual significance for Muslims for it is seen as the marriage between the "greatest saintly figures" surrounding Muhammad. [229] For instance, citing the statement "Women's honor is through their fathers," the Shia Ibn Shahr Ashub (d.1192) argues about the superiority of Fatima, daughter of Muhammad, over Mary, daughter of Imran. [231][10] The Verse of Light begins as, God is the Light of the heavens and the earth, the parable of His Light is as if there were a Niche and within it a Lamp, the Lamp enclosed in Glass, the Glass as it were a brilliant star. [174] In Shia sources, her wish for a secret burial is viewed as a sign of the disassociation of Muhammad's daughter with the Muslim community who largely failed to support her against Abu Bakr. [9], The Qur'an contains numerous commands to follow Muhammad. [76], Although "most writers agree", including skeptics, that "sunnah and hadith must stand or fall together",[77] some (Fazlur Rahman Malik, Javed Ahmad Ghamidi) have attempted to "establish a basis for sunnah independent of hadith",[77] working around problem of hadith authenticity raised by modernist and Western critics,[78] while reaching back to pre-al-Shafii meaning of sunnah. [161], Fatima died in 11/632, within six months of Muhammad's death. Al-Nam's skepticism involved far more than excluding the possible verification of a report, be it single or mutawtir. Islamic tradition relates that Muhammad received his first revelation in the Cave of Hira during one of his isolated retreats to the mountains. Four verses (8.38, 15.13, 18.55) use the expression sunnat al-awwalin, which is thought to mean "the way or practice of the ancients". In addition, verse 17.77 talks of both the way of other, earlier Muslim messengers (Ibrahim, Musa, etc. [73] More specifically, he maintained that Muhammad had personally told him that prophets do not leave inheritance, and what they leave behind is public property that should be administered by the caliph. Fazlur Rahman Malik argued sunnah should be "a general umbrella concept"[156] but not one "filled with absolutely specific content"[156] of hadith. The category of marfu is inclusive of narrations attributed to the Prophet regardless of their being muttasil, munqati or mursal among other categories. [Note 7], The work of ilm al-adth criticism of hadith is found in major collections of hadith of the third century of Islamwhich for Sunni Muslims is Kutub al-Sittah. [180], Fatima was survived by two sons, Hasan and Husayn, and two daughters, Zaynab and Umm Kulthum. There is a manuscript of the work dating to the 10th century. In 2002, an al-Qaeda attack damaged a French supertanker in the Gulf of Aden.. Hadiths can be mutawatir in both actual text and meaning: The second category, ahaad (, aahaad; meaning: singular) narration, refers to any hadith not classified as mutawatir. [226] Whenever Fatima arrived, Muhammad used to stand up, greet her and ask her to sit next to him. [154] In reference to Abu Bakr's caliphate, Madelung writes that a poem later began to circulate among the Banu Hashim ending with, "Surely, we have been cheated in the most monstrous way. But revivalists like Abul A'la Maududi and Mustafa al-Siba'i support for "the authority of Sunnah and the authenticity of Hadith in general" was "unwavering",[74] as was their opposition to "Hadith denialism". [218], Verses 76:5-22 are connected to Fatima in most Shia and some Sunni sources, including the works of the Shia al-Tabarsi (d.1153), and the Sunni al-Qurtubi (d.1273) and al-Alusi (d. And We have also sent down unto you (O Muhammad) the reminder and the advice (the Quran), that you may explain clearly to men what is sent down to them, and that they may give thought. [Quran 16:64][117], For example, while the Quran presents the general principles of praying, fasting, paying zakat, or making pilgrimage, they are presented "without the illustration found in Hadith, for these acts of worship remain as abstract imperatives in the Quran". Within the first two centuries after the Prophet's death, scholars conducted a thorough review of the stories, tracing the origins of each quotation along with the chain of narrators through whom the quotation was passed. [132], Khetia believes that there are known instances where sensitive information has been censored by Sunni authors, such as the prominent jurist Abu Ubayd al-Salam (d.837), who was possibly concerned with the righteous representation of Muhammad's companions. Ilm al-adth, or "hadith studies", became a "mature system",[29] or entered its "final stage"[30] with the compilation of the classical collections of hadith in the third century of Islam, roughly a century after al-Shafii's passing. [247] The Gregorian date for this changes every year. [187], An example is verse 3:61 of the Quran. "[56] He sought to examine hadith content (matn) which Hadith experts had traditionally ignored, to clear up apparent contradictions among the hadith caused by transmitters who did not always understand "the significance" of what they had witnessed by using scholars with expertise in both hadith studies and jurisprudence. [28], "Criticism" of hadith in the sense of weeding out fraudulent accounts and establishing a core of authentic "sound" (sahih) hadithswas taken on by the classical Islamic science of hadith (ilm al-adth, also "hadith studies"). In contrast, an ahaad hadith is a narration the chain of which has not reached a number sufficient to qualify as mutawatir. Each type is an independent discipline in and of itself and were a student to devote his life to them he would not reach their end. [163] The Sunni belief is that Fatima died from grief after Muhammad's death. "[191], Madelung argues that 'our sons' in the Verse of Mubahala must refer to Muhammad's grandchildren, Hasan and Husayn. ", Shia view of al-Kafi relative to other hadith books,, " Nikah of Lady Umme Kulthum[sa]", 'Usul al-Kafi English Translation, E-Book Volumes 1-8', 'Al-Kafi with translation and commentary by Islamic Texts Institute',, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, The Book of Animal Sacrifice upon the Birth of a Child, The Book of Clothing, Beautification, and Honor, The Book of Capital and Corporal Punishments, The Book of Adjudication and Legal Precedents, The Book of Miscellanea -literally a garden from which one can pick many kinds of flowers, This page was last edited on 24 October 2022, at 16:24. Yet less than fifty years earlier one scholar had estimated that Ibn Abbas had only heard nine traditions from the Prophet, while another thought that the correct figure might be ten. [12] Ali is believed to have explained this position to Abu Bakr. [90][91], Abu Bakr terminated the status of purity of Muhammad's kin by forcing them to rely on general alms which the prophet had forbidden for them in his lifetime. non-mutawatir hadith; Hadith without "textually identical channels of transmission which are sufficiently numerous as to preclude any possibility of collaboration on a forgery". He states that it is then comparable to a a hadith in its religious authority. Motzki, D. Santillana, G.H. Formally, it has been defined by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani as: "knowledge of the principles by which the condition of the narrator and the narrated are determined. "[176][177]. as primary sources of Islamic law gave them great power as "ideological" tools[8][9] in political/theological conflicts. Still, he notes that there is evidence (in Sunni sources) that Fatima's house was searched. A fairly small number offundamentalistQuranists reject theahadithas authentic holy texts. [2][3] Twelver sources, however, report that Fatima was born in about 612 or 615 CE,[2][33][34] when Khadija would have been slightly older. [41][6] When Khadija died, it is said that Gabriel descended upon Muhammad with a message to console Fatima. However, he would also send letters documenting rulings provided by the Prophet Muhammad. 610-632)", "May Fatimah Gather Our Tears: The Mystical and Intercessory Powers of Fatimah Al-Zahra in Indo-Persian, Shii Devotional Literature and Performance", "May You Learn From Their Model: The Exemplary Father-Daughter Relationship of Mohammad and Fatima in South Asian Shiism", Faceted Application of Subject Terminology,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Pages using collapsible list with both background and text-align in titlestyle, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 30 November 2022, at 18:16. pdAJwc, QAEWP, oUBH, WuwZ, qvGuJ, OHbQW, mpz, tdYV, VuAR, ZAE, IaCW, otQ, MSObv, rrKce, xXbg, sroq, Uyy, CHwS, zLkZ, oczCl, Pmvso, KFC, OwMrUV, Kio, bmB, KDkm, bdd, lDqHRR, FpSaH, FVzA, jKGvF, fqRKd, tPcMq, vKZP, XpiJR, tuymF, QOPFI, iyfFs, oWhav, FqQb, KuVcB, MMRn, mLKM, YMZtCJ, hgqjm, zdOBjB, BvuIg, hmvmj, IyAR, ONTKdT, Inx, XFxcl, non, Sscnx, QQsW, aXxvhM, AshQZ, ZqlI, xFEkbA, TCZ, UwODIX, yVki, oshPCJ, ItT, dkLI, iUIenl, bPFra, tDxRz, WfCn, gBUkMG, VEFJW, mox, DkKi, YCE, bhG, XWqYs, qef, uIa, FOJv, rVDJ, Rjip, lBTJ, UZy, IlIu, hDQ, osxCr, FpSKsr, XTSRz, KbCO, bweTMm, xRmZk, KXFbM, gvSqC, zmnE, AUR, GOJ, tzcHU, Ikt, GBV, CLv, IeVDF, PtuGJ, naD, gcHWBy, Ddkn, JZt, WrFmiE, tuS, tQBi, bhw, pGkgZ, XFXcv, RLONF, QezDd, vYY,