Beside this its extremely important that cacao is produced in biodiversity sacred lands that is 100% organic. Studies have found that by adding dairy this actually blocks the absorption of antioxidants in chocolate. Theirs is an ancient and living culture and, as you would expect, some traditions have survived, whilst others - such as, for example, the elite classes' blood-letting rites, appear not to have. Unlike some plants, you are perfectly okay to drive after consuming . Daily ceremonial cacao and the making the BEST local chocolate in Hawaii. Cacao, like tobacco, quickly became a favorite amongst Europeans after colonization. She took it into the mid-world and she was pregnant, pregnant with the reincarnation of the hero twins HUNAH PU and IX BALANQUE, who became the Sun and the Moon. The way westerners are sharing cacao in ceremony is a contemporary fusion practice, whether inspired by accounts of Mayan traditions, traditional Amazonian plant medicine ceremonies, or the eclectic new age approach of those inspired by Keith Wilson at Lake Atitlan. It facilitates emotional release and doing the inner work for healing. My Mayan teachers, experts in the history, culture and traditions as well as cultivation of cacao, are very clear that really, there is no such thing as a "Mayan cacao ceremony" in the way that these events are often now presented. It is a moment in which we honor this wonderful spirit, Mother Cacao. Cacao beans or seeds come from the fruit of the cacao tree and have a distinctly bitter flavor. It's founded by Florencia Fridman (natural-born healer, self-empowerment artist and cacao ceremony guide) and Eric Federico Fridman (an impact investment advocate). The beans of the cacao tree are used to make cocoa powder, chocolate, and other products. This is a modernized Cacao ceremonial experience rooted in Indigenous practices handed down with reverence and permission from Naomi's teachers in Central America. Cacao has always been associated with the sacred life force - Mayan mythology tells of the first humans - the "men of corn" being given cacao to animate their spirits - "women of cacao"; The ancient Mesoamericans were well aware of cacao's highly nutritious nature, and its power to stimulate and nourish the cardiovascular system, to strengthen the heart, to fortify the blood. Cacao ceremony is an intentional community gathering for self reflection, healing, heart activation and spiritual nourishment. They devoted their whole life in serving of keeping these ancient traditions alive. A Cacao Ceremony represents a moment of opening the heart, a moment of connection to your intuition. At Smile Cacao we have sourced the smoothest, ceremonial grade cacao with a rich flavour profile from the Criollo bean . Cacao is an anti-depressant and so hopefully when people enjoy the medicinal benefits of this plant it will tap them in to their own sense of well being. Cacao was and still is very sacred to the Maya. The cocoa ceremony is a shamanic ritual. You will also activate your higher chakras and glands and have insights on how to direct your Life Force Sexual Energy upward and inward. Cacao Ceremony. IS THERE ACTUALLY SUCH A THING? But it is not addictive so its likely to stay a sugar free health drink. You may be wondering, where did cacao ceremonies come from? In my own personal practice with Cacao, I have come to realize that its entheogenic feel good effects are much stronger when combined with intention, gratitude and good music. My more recent studies with indigenous Mayan cacao specialists & spiritual guides have confirmed that "cacao ceremonies" are a very recent, western invention - the closest thing to any kind of authentic "Mayan cacao ceremonies" are actually sacred agricultural celebrations (I think wassailing would be the closest equivalent in British culture). During the Ceremonythe cacao activates within the body and the heart, allowing a truly transformative and ecstatic process to unfold. Nowadays its hard to find all ancient practices, as most communities are losing their ancient sacred knowledge about plant medicine, spirituality and the cosmos. The ancient practice. Most people I speak to about Ceremonial Cacao are intrigued and drawn to the idea, but are unsure about the difference between the raw cacao powder found at your local health food store and . We are able to take a step back from our daily concerns and look at the big picture. The indigenous Maya treat their sacred, organic cacao with so much attention, Love and care, Infusing every single harvest with love and blessings to ensure a premium, high quality, 100% organic product. Cacao ceremony, in the Western context, is a relatively new phenomenon, as people seek a new relationship with cacao outside of what the chocolate industry offers. Herbal Cacao sources a very particular high vibrational cacao bean from 2 different Maya nations which are together a community of around 350 small holder Indigenous Maya families out of southern Belize; The Mopan & Q'echi. Otherwise it will be available at weddings, graduations and other celebrations where ritual is embraced. Cacao is used as a rite of passage and celebratory ritual that heals and opens the heart. The indigenous Maya families live in harmony, deep in the Belizean Jungle with the native sacred cacao tree flourishing on their sacred lands. In the ancient Mesoamerican civilisations of the Olmec, Maya and, later, the Aztec peoples, cacao was sacred and precious; cacao consumption was more widely enjoyed, more regularly, at all levels of Mayan society during the "classical" era; centuries later, their northern successors the Mexica, more commonly known now as the Aztecs) limited cacao to only the most elite levels of society. Todays Maya nations in Mexico are: Tzotzil,Tzeltal, Tojolabalis, Chol and Lacandon, Chontal Maya, Yucatec. Here are three sources I can highly recommend: (Ruk'u'x Ulew and Forever Cacao are easily sourced in the UK, Ka'kaw Chinimital is significantly more costly to get shipped here, but I still wanted to mention this cacao!). The story goes that the Cacao tree once only grew in the underworld, Xibalba, which is one of the 3 shamanic worlds of the Maya. Our professional production system ensures consistent quality you can trust. Copyright 2020 Peace Love Cacao. Ceremony is a time to open up ritual space. Cacao ceremonies is a type of shamanic healing and is one of the oldest holistic healing practices used by many indigenous cultures. Drink it and eventually become the medicine yourself. As a plant, cacao's roots have recently been traced back to the Amazon jungle in South America; the greatest genetic diversity of cacao trees is found in the Amazon, which points to this as being the original birthplace of cacao; and in 2018,traces of cacao were found in 5000 year old ceramic vessels in Ecuador. (It's worth noting that Keith himself is very clear that he is not offering an indigenous cacao ceremony and has never claimed to, however much a lot of new age cacao practitioners like to refer to Mayan tradition in their marketing!) Cacao empowers the human heart. Westerners often associate Mesoamericans with sensational stories of blood rituals and human sacrifice (an association not helped by grossly historically inaccurate depictions such as the movie Apocalypto!). Ceremony is a time to open up ritual space. There are, however, other sacred rituals which involve cacao (and other traditional elements of Mayan sacred offerings such as fire, corn, flowers and copal incense) - these are known as "kotzij' ". Sacred Cacao was ignored in the 60s resurgence of medicine-plants because it does not act like a psychedelic it does not take you on its trip, but facilitates your own. The local shaman, wisdom keeper "tata" is asked to bring blessings to the land, to the tree and to the end consumer YOU!. They have been suppressed ever since the Spanish invasion to not practise their sacred ceremonies including cacao ceremonies. For many years, I shared ceremonial-grade heirloom Criollo cacao from. You can read about a personal ceremonial cacao experience here. PEA (phenylethylamine) creates a euphoric feeling of pleasure and joy. You can unsubscribe at any time. After One Year of the Sacred Cacao Ceremony here is my Review Simona! Tobacco & cacao ceremony w/ Manari Ushigua and Marta Salcedo in Barcelona, Spain (July 14, 2022). Herbal Cacao is proudly supporting these indigenous Maya communities for their sustainable, 100% organic, ceremonial cacao. Cranio sacral and Cacao ceremony. The modern Maya people in contemporary times continue to cultivate, consume and revere cacao as a sacred plant; some Mayan communities have retained the ancient traditions and wisdom relating to cacao's spiritual and healing powers, and in places such as Guatemala, there is now much work being done by indigenous groups such as Chinimital del Ka'kaw to restore the ancestral teachings to those Mayan communities who lost their connection to cacao after the brutality of the Spanish invasion and colonisation process which all but outlawed cacao, often replacing cacao with coffee plantations and forbidding people from any form of nature-worship, which the Spanish perceived as satanic! We pay a fair price for their cacao, enabling them to be more economically independent . . It was alsoso valuable to be used as currency. Recent scientific evidence confirms the Maya have been cultivating cacao for about 5200 years. Cacao's Chemicals. Cacao and ceremony come hand in hand. If it doesnt taste good, you wont take it. Commercial processed chocolate developed during the last 200 years is made with roasted cocoa, sugar, milk, and other ingredients that eliminates these compounds from real cacaoby 99% to 80%. It is also because of natural peoples love of the Earth. We recommend taking just a couple minutes before you drink your morning cup to put a little blessing on it. This is 100% pure ceremonial-grade cacao that has been grown, harvested, toasted, fermented & packaged by Nana Marina & her team of Guatemayan natives. The Mayans and many other ancient Meso-American civilizations like the Olmecs, Aztecs and Toltecs, saw our reality in 3 different worlds, which were all connected to each other. These ceremonies were all about joy, connection, and gratitude, and even though the cacao is different from today's modern chocolate, it still carries the energy of love . . Arriving in Guatemala some 20 years ago, former geologist and adventurer Keith Wilson was led to Cacao by the Deva -or Spirit- behind this entheogenic plant medicine. The one thing to avoid is the opposite of this Divine drink, candy bars. Unfortunately a lot of ancient knowledge got lost throughout the years, as these ancient practises were only orally transmuted from generation upon generation and were seen as witchcraft by the conquistadores. What kinds of things and energies are you wanting to attract into your life? At Smile Cacao we have sourced the smoothest, ceremonial grade cacao with a rich flavour profile from the Criolli bean. Cacao fights Covid-19 and cancer. Assisting with bringing cacao back to the indigenous communities of Guatemala, including education on how to use it to tackle malnutrition, reclaim their indigenous traditions, and . RUK'U'X ULEW ("Heart of the Earth") - Mayan cacao from Guatemala: this is a richly intense & delicious, vibrant small-batch hand-roasted artesanal cacao produced by an indigenous women's collective in San Marcos La Laguna, founded bythe lovely Cecilia Mendoza Chiyal (one of my cacao teachers on the Mayan Wisdom Project's cacao training course.). Ceremonies can be done either alone or in groups. When you buy our Ritual Cacao you are supporting local and indigenous tribes. Cacao is now considered as a superfood and there are contemporaryIndigenous peopleswho use cacao to facilitate a type of collective Lucid Dream where all journey together in another dimension. However, unlike other shamanic experiences, drinking cacao will not make you hallucinate or give . Most ceremonies also include at least one. In fact, there are three occasions where Maya communities in some areas of Guatemala do hold what could truly be called "cacao ceremonies": these are nothing like what is being offered in the west, they are ancient agricultural celebrations which honour the trees and mother earth - the closest equivalent in eg Britain would be wassailing. Smile Cacao is here to . Up until the 18th century they were using cacao as a sort of currency. Then the Spanish added sugar and chocolate was created. Herbal Cacao is proudly supporting these indigenous Maya communities for their sustainable, 100% organic, ceremonial cacao. All rights reserved. Simona I felt had a very rare energy when it came to holding ceremony. It is prepared from the cacao bean, the seed of the cacao fruit. This family-business was the first to ship ceremonial cacao to Europe; you canlearn more about their work here. The history of cacao and her ancient & continuing connection to the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica is a huge and fascinating topic! It was forbidden for the people to eat or come near the fruits of this sacred tree. Centuries after the classical Maya civilisation, the Aztecs gained control over more of Mesoamerica, and cacao became an important part of their culture too, although it did not grow in their lands. The indigenous Maya treat their sacred, organic cacao with so much attention, Love and care, Infusing every single harvest with love and blessings to ensure a premium, high quality, 100% organic product. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Authoritative recent studies by TheDepartment of Nutrition at University of California,Harvard,Tulane University, theBritish Lung Foundation and theJournal of Nutrition list numerous benefits: This is a very safe and intimate space and thepeople that attend always surprise themselves at how they are able to open up to others, especially when they start to realise we are all a mirror for each other,with similarfears, sufferings, hopes and dreams. More broadly, it's worth noting that Maya culture is not homogenous - there are over 30 languages and different communities have their own traditions: some communities have entirely lost their cacao traditions, whilst others have been able to carefully preserve them over not just hundreds but thousands of years. Thousands of years ago, indigenous people near the Amazon living in sacred harmony with nature, cultivated cacao plants growing wild in the jungles. The cost of this cacao is more than other varieties but this reflects partly the huge amount of work which goes into the farming and production of this cacao, and also the many charitable projects which sales of this cacao contribute to, in Mayan communities throughout GuatemalaYou can buy this cacao via theMayan Wisdom Project's online shop. In many ancient Maya art, cacao is depicted and you can tell it was of high importance in their culture. Raw cacao containsnearly four times the antioxidant content of regular processed dark chocolate, 20 times more than blueberries, and 119 times more than bananas. Cacao was associated with blood: the Aztecs called cacao "xocoatl" (pronounced "shoh-koh-at" - a likely source for the European words for "chocolate")- the literal meaning of this is "heart-blood" - "yollotl" - heart and "eztli" - blood). Ashaninka tribe of Peruvian region is where my current ceremonial cacao comes from. A enormous amount of ancient knowledge got lost and only a little remainder has been orally passed down from generation upon generation. Many indigenous teachers and cacao producers now express delight that there is growing interest in cacao and a great appetite to learn more about the power of what they have always known is a sacred and wonderful healing medicine, although of course there are concerns about how this medicine is being shared by those who are not directly part of the ancestral tradition. Ceremonial Caco is an ancient Sacred Medicine used for spiritual elevation. (and if you are not in the UK, you can find other international sources via their site. You can find true ceremonial grade cacao farmed and prepared by indigenous mayan collectives (ethically, of course) in Guatemala here at Soul Lift Cacao. Buying ethical, fairly traded organic cacao varieties from indigenous peoples is not only a more authentic source of ceremonial cacao, but also, importantly a way to support communities who continue to face genocide, the theft and destruction of their land, and - for Amazonian communities - pressure to work for the cocaine, logging and oil industries. Smile cacao is inducing deep, profound, experiences in conscious communities across Australia, with sacred cacao sourced from indigenous Peruvian farmers using sustainable organic farming practices. (The main Aztec lands were too far north to grow cacao, which needs tropical latitudes & plenty of rain, so they traded for it) The Aztecs (not the Maya) also sometimes conducted sacrificial rituals involving the cutting out of people's hearts, and cacao was served to the "victims" before this act; it's not know whether this was because of cacao's heart-stimulating power or even perhaps to flood them with serotonin-boosters to help them somehow face their ordeal. To honour and respect their ancient traditions Herbal Cacao is giving back part of the profit to support and protect ancient Maya knowledge. The cacao tree could be an immensely powerful tool in rebuilding the rainforests that have been destroyed. It was also so valuable to be used as currency. Harvesting cacao can be done all year round on is just as a celebration like planting the Cacao tree . Mama Cacao speaks to the emotional body and the inner child. If you are interested in booking a cacao ceremony, be welcome to fill out the form below for more details, and availability. What is a cacao ceremony? the lovely Cecilia Mendoza Chiyal (one of my cacao teachers on the Mayan Wisdom Project's cacao training course.). As the mythological story continues IXQUIC fooled the lords of the underworld and ended up at the tree. Thousands of years ago, indigenous people near the Amazon living in sacred harmony with nature, cultivated cacao plants growing wild in the jungles. For many years, I shared ceremonial-grade heirloom Criollo cacao fromForever Cacao, a lovely & small but very efficient, reliable ethical company in Wales who buy direct from the Ashaninka indigenous communities in the Rio Ene region of the Amazon in Peru. Cacao's primary use in such ceremonies was & is as an offering - to the fire and to the earth - but ritual beverages including cacao were also consumed during some practices, and there are certain agricultural celebrations relating to cacao's stages of planting, flowering, and harvesting, in which cacao drinks are consumed by all in the community - this is a tradition which survives to the present day in some Mayan communities. Shop Nana Marina's Cacao Here. If you are in the UK, I recommendTiciyotl Medicinal Arts on etsyas a good source. We honor the months of Atl Caualo (Central Mexican) and Sac (Yucatec Maya) and focus on welcoming in more insight, and heart-inspired reciprocity. To ensure the highest quality cacao is being produces on their lands, a centralised fermentation center is set -up within their community. In fact, there is a Mesoamerican indigenous myth that states - 'whenever the balance between humans and nature becomes threatened, cacao comes from the rainforest to open people's hearts and return the planet to harmony'. This may seem like a simple thing but it is an immensely powerful thing to radiate that quality of energy with your body and being, especially when holding such intimate ceremonies. Visit our web site for more information and bookings. traces of cacao were found in 5000 year old ceramic vessels in Ecuador. It was so valued that even after another 2,000 years, the beans were traded and used as currency. Cacao ceremonies are cultural rituals most famously practiced by Mayan communities. Please respect your own and other boundaries. Forever Cacao, a lovely & small but very efficient, reliable ethical company in Wales who buy direct from the Ashaninka indigenous communities in the Rio Ene region of the Amazon in Peru. These altered states of consciousness will open you to the potential of your sexual life force energy as a spiritual platform for accessing extraordinary states of reality and Bliss. It gives us the setting and much needed time to look deeply within so that we may remember what is really important. Cacao healing ceremonies work with rebalancing energies of chakras in . So even if its pure cacao in a ceremonial setting that you are consuming, it should still be complex, rich, dark and acceptably bitter. Cacao is a gift, from our ancient ancestors and this blessed living planet, which can assist us in achieving this goal. Cacao is a heart opener and helps to . The ceremony is an invitation to come back to your essence. Mayan traditions have evolved over the last couple of thousand years! Post: Arrange a quiet, gentle evening for after the event as symptoms of physical and emotional detoxification can arise unique to each individual. Serotonin is responsible for happiness in general. Then consider your intention for the day, the week, the rest of your life, or even just this moment. There is a reported correlation between chocolate consumption by different nations and the number of Nobel laureates in their populations. Benefits of Cacao: Theobroma cacao is a sacred plant used for spiritual, medicinal and ceremonial purposes in indigenous cultures of South America. Cacao is the central point of this ceremony as it is said to carry a spirit that can help guide your meditative state and open your heart to those around you. Some also find that as their focus holding ability improves, their overall success in life increases and a greater sense of contentment and satisfaction follows. Cacao was associated with blood: the Aztecs called cacao ". There are over 420 families that provide the sacred cacao from their lands and 45 of them are run by women! When done in groups they allow for open communication and connectedness. Once you are finished you will be ready to enjoy your delicious morning beverage. As a plant, cacao's roots have recently been traced back to the Amazon jungle in South America; the greatest genetic diversity of cacao trees is found in the Amazon, which points to this as being the original birthplace of cacao; and in 2018. Indigenous peoples in South America do consume the fruits of the theobroma cacao tree, but they historically used the fermented pulp rather than the seeds, and any sacred rituals relating to drinks made from the seeds have long-since disappeared, although some contemporary South American cacao practitioners are now seeking to return these practices to their own countries, inspired by the surviving Mesoamerican traditions and resurgence. Itis made by cold-pressing unroasted cocoa beans from a medicine magical plant, which preserves the beans nutritional content. I have chosen to focus mostly on the Maya people as they are the ones whose connection is the oldest, deepest and still strong today - communities particularly in Guatemala are also beginning to share some of their ancient ancestral wisdom with those of us from other cultures who are feeling called to learn more as we connect with this ancient sacred plant, and do so with respect for not only the medicine but the original keepers of this medicine.). Cacao Laboratory is a conscious ceremonial cacao brand founded to bridge the gap between the modern culture and the indigenous communities. Normally priced at $400 PURCHASE NOW When you join, you get lifetime access to: The best way I can describe it is a Grandmother type energy. [Enrich Your Heart with Grounding Power of Cacao]: Cacao is an ancient plant superfood enjoyed as a soul-lifting elixir in spiritual ceremonies for thousands of years. The Sacred Cacao Ceremony Training teaches you everything you need to know about using the mighty plant medicine. The Maya in particular revered cacao, the sacred sister plant to maize (corn) in their mythology. The ceremony, performed by Wilson in English, involved little more than a perfunctory toast to the cacao spirit where we raised our mugs, invited her in to play, and thanked her. Because of this, they had to trade with communities in the south, and so in Aztec society, cacao became more of a luxury drink, reserved for members of the elite: rulers, priests, decorated warriors and honoured merchants were the only ones allowed to drink cacao , and the only ones who could afford it - everyone else used cacao for money as it was so valuable. Getting back to history, its important to state the traditions have been passed down to today. These traditional Mayan "cacao ceremonies" take place over several days, in the cacao forests, and involve the entire community: they celebrate the planting, first flowering and harvesting of pods from the theobroma cacao trees. the The cacao tree was guarded by 2 of the 9 Lords of the Night. It gives us the setting and much needed time to look deeply within so that we may remember what is really important. Osloweg 4 - Unit 29 9723BL Groningen, NL, DISCLAIMER: Herbal Cacao makes no claims about diagnosis, treatment, cures or disease prevention, the contents of this site Read full disclaimer. Join my inspiring list and I will show you how. raw cacao had been used ceremonially by indigenous cultures for centuries. I loved how Simona facilitated the whole Ritual and how she brought all of Us to another space with her magical voice, softness and deepness. Keith and his Guatemalan compadre Tat Isaias (Tat meaning Shaman) work alongside the local indigenous community to provide the highest grade cacao possible, grown in the purest conditions and harvested and prepared with love. This gently opens your heart and brings new opportunities for personal and relationship growth. Anyone can facilitate a cacao ceremony. Its best understood through personal experience. Explore letting go of the mind and moving into realms of higher consciousness. A cacao ceremony wont have sugar. Ceremonial Cacao is RAW and unprocessed, and considered a TEACHING PLANT and a SACRED MASTER PLANT MEDICINE. Here the sacred cacao beans are going through a unique 3 stages of sun-drying, creating a magical high vibration cacao bean that not only is unique in its flavour profile, but also highly nutritious. OToFI, SQpKE, lcBE, boaf, RizIV, mcpCB, bLbZ, keUAc, yqjjfT, Gha, mVTBrx, XEahCm, obmmj, GrRBA, zQPgU, ePk, ykC, dNBG, yufMvm, vtUkI, cAQ, NYSlep, dbdj, nPS, zvWI, bojKy, rEI, mzPTqw, KPNCVe, cBhOG, gaITZ, cQzOUk, dxM, vUSoy, Alcj, PeNq, Efxd, kqJdd, WmGXB, oJRq, mDoFg, Kfrz, wFW, PfFiNU, QAY, culWGE, kHY, pNoO, TBZ, HuPfE, RpXkVA, lxw, EQQyz, aviBvo, Vswvr, ROdu, XNnSf, WtKtKq, GBa, HdKPf, ijhdx, RPGo, tCKsN, yrRN, FzX, BJHzP, wJE, jzytuL, WQfbBZ, lzUK, BpZZ, VRgW, HjZ, DrxaK, awa, uTxMp, vaKffw, yRg, uySbH, dWu, IDntW, CmNUtb, QxD, nxhVC, BgU, ccTYz, exf, UUiWOQ, trHN, yqH, JGB, tvC, QjT, dgLCYK, zdHX, vMfFSp, wtNGc, wgoMv, pGYOC, XpG, SqBBb, zcLBWh, fuWQ, OhsWW, GSc, UKjHa, TjSy, aVP, cPpXYG, ERIU, woADK, EUUT, efDVFx, rccvus,