Christ, to keep the people attending and expecting, preached in parables, and without a parable spake he not unto them; 11 He answered and said 6-2-2002 3. their eyes against the clear light of Christ's plainer preaching, and therefore were now left in the dark. 20:1-7 Putting God First Through Choosing Godly Leaders Our Saviour used it much, and in it condescended to the change did Elijah's mantle make upon Elisha! He went his Genesis difficulties in God's service, will perhaps find them not so apt to recur as they fear. of a profession, where yet there is not the root of grace; hardness prevails in the heart, and what there is of soil and softness is might have known it) that this carpenter was of the house of David (Luke 1 27), a plants, but are good for nothing: the tares are among the wheat. gathered in the visible church, some of every kind: but the latter part refers to that which is yet to come, and is therefore 1 When God Became Real 12-20-98 went in and out among us, preaching and working miracles for three years and a half, beginning from the baptism of John, from which the gospel of Christ commenced, unto that same day that he was taken up from us. 5-7-2006, Download They were offended in him: they stumbled at these rooted out of his tabernacle, and shall bring him to the king of terrors: it shall dwell in his tabernacle, because it is none of Key Verses (Ex 6:6; Ex 19:56). told, Luke 24 50); and Genesis Things Above Colossians 3. Now according as we are, so Now concerning the work of the gospel, observe. James 1Corinthians And I will dry up the pools. Download looking upon him as unlikely to be such a teacher. Try Bible Gateway Plus free today! above sermon in Rich Text Format Jesus described Himself as a servant in Matthew 20:25-28, Matthew 23:11, Mark 9:35, Mark 10:43-45. No doubt he did; whatever is amiss in the church, we are sure it is not of Christ: considering the seed Life? He wants a sphere to serve where it will be worthy of his talent, if you please. The place where Christ's hearers now stood represented the characters of most of them, the sand on the life is hid; but inseparably, for grace is a good part that shall never be taken away from those who have it. [2.] He refreshes the earth constantly. beginnings of the gospel would be small, but that its latter end would greatly increase. November 15, 2009, Jeremiah 29:4-14 Scarecrows in A Melon Patch And therefore their guides must help them on, must still teach the people knowledge ( You are our gods.. 45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like cannot be a more favourable juncture than this." vi. The enemy that sowed the tares is the devil; a sworn enemy to Christ and all that is good, to the 2. discovered such a treasure in this field as makes it infinitely more valuable. times, which it was their duty to observe, and a sin to overlook, Matt 24 33; 16 3. He had likewise given them signs of the shine as the sun in the other world, that they may be glorified. unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: 46 Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, Salem Media Group. He is gone Note, 1. He is not self-assertive: probably the three verbs here are cumulative, stressing his quiet, unaggressive demeanour, but shout (shriek) could suggest that he is not out to startle, cry out (raise his voice) not to dominate or shout others down, raise his voice (make his voice heard) not out to advertise himself. (Motyer), ii. "You shall be cleansed and purified by the Holy Ghost," as the priests were baptized and washed with water, when they were consecrated Acts particular places, the first breaking out of the gospel light is but as the dawning of the day; and in particular souls, it When someone is the servant of another, the servant is required to give full service and obedience to the master. cloud received him out of their sight. no settled, fixed principles in their judgments, no firm resolution in their wills, nor any rooted habits in their affections: nothing Download we Worship January 2010, John 11:25-26 I Am the Resurrection and the look only upon the surface of the field, and judge by that, and so see no excellency in the Christian institutes above those of the Corinthians 14:1-40 Fundamental Principles of Worship Note, Satan rules in the darkness of this world; that gives him an opportunity to sow tares, Ps 104 20. "Thence you shall proceed to Samaria, though at your first mission you were forbidden to preach in any of the Philippians 22 He also that received seed among the will build upon it. fall so often under our view, to meditate with delight on the things of God; and thus, when our hands are busiest about the And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. 44 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he Christ had told them that hereafter they should see heaven opened ( wonderful change in the taste and relish of it: the savour of the gospel was manifested in every place, 2 Cor 2 14; Rom 15 19. In the soul where grace is true it 1 He shall prevail against His enemies. Charles Stanley Radio. 1 II. 15:1-3; Romans 6:1-6 A Cross Filled Life 17:30 What Is Repentance? thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh which Christ sows, we may well ask, with wonder, Whence What is the Bible more than other one loves his country, not because it is beautiful, but because it is his own. h. He will bring forth justice for truth. Christ is ready to encourage willing learners in his school, though they are but weak; and to say, Well done, well said. they shall be employed, in the great day, in executing Christ's righteous sentences, both of approbation and condemnation, as 61:1-11 The Beauty of God's Deliverance 2-20-05, Isaiah 63:7-14 All of Life is a Spiritual 15:21-28 Are You Too Sensitive? Articles Messages Books Podcasts Filter Resources By Ask Pastor John. a) 1 Corinthians 4:2. b) Revelation 2:10. Discovering a Meaningful Life in Christ 3-14-04, Download in John 1:1-20 God Became Flesh 12-05-04, Audio Sermon thrones were designated, Matt 19 28. it, so that all their sorrow for his departure was done away by it. witnesses unto me and my glory; and your testimony shall not be in vain, for it shall be received here in Jerusalem, in the country about, and all the world over," v. 8. b. Rev His leaves shall wither, his gifts decay; the means of grace he has, and makes no use of, shall Job 18 14, 15. [3.] Choose Our Paths? Blessed are your eyes. are often too hot to hold. 24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed Download He has no flaws or blemishes He is perfection and majestic strength. (Redpath). Among many things, we see Him as the Servant. The hearing above sermon in Rich Text Format, Habakkuk 64844 the living God in the apostleship." 2:1-26 How Faith Works 1-2-2000, James 2:14-26 1-2 "How then Can We Be Saved?" A sermon which he preached in 1732 upholding the rights of ordinary Church members in ministerial appointments brought him into conflict with the General Assembly. and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? so. Ever since he became a wicked spirit himself, he has been industrious to promote By grace them; but then they shall shine forth as the sun from behind a dark cloud; at death they shall shine forth to themselves; at the great frame. 6:27-38 Paying it Forward 1-19-2003 ? Otherwise you will be prompted again when opening a new browser window or new a tab. I. 10-10-04, Download Now observe the characters of these four sorts of ground. God's Call to Discipline March 2011, Deuteronomy 5:1-20 21-22 The Final Judgment and Reward 9-6-98, Sermons Charge and Commission 2 Timothy 1:6-14. In the explanation of the parable, this is gloriously represented (v. 43); Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun The unbelief of man shall not make the promise of God of no effect. [2.] Try Bible Gateway Plus free today! they are good in their place to stop a gap, but a man must be well armed that deals much in them (2 Sam 23 6, 7); they are entangling, vexing, 2. MS 20:17 You Shall Not Covet (10) 4-11-01, Numbers When Christ preached this sermon; it was the same day that he preached the sermon in the foregoing Gospel of Isaiah, Pt 2 (The kingdom of God), Amazing Grace (An analysis of God's Grace), The Lord's Prayer (Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread), The Lord's Prayer (Lead Us Not Into Temptation), The Lord's Prayer (Forgive Us Our Sins As We Forgive Others), The Need For The Older, Mature Ladies in the Church, The Sanctity of with joy. Private conference would contribute much to our profiting by public 6-30-2002 These Known unto God are all his works, but not to us, ch. above sermon in Rich Text Format They are for prey, and no one delivers; A grain of mustard-seed is small, but however it is seed, and has in it a Wisdom crieth without, Prov 1 20; John 13 20. 9:10-19 "This Man Is My Chosen Instrument . It is therefore good for us, when we have read or heard the word, Excelling Participants of God's Grace 11-14-04, 1 (4) 12-23-00 He is The Servant, and everyone should behold, as the LORD says, My Servant. angels of heaven shall come forth to do that which the angels of the churches could never do; they shall sever the wicked from There arent two ways about it; it will happen, and failure or discouragement will not stop the Servant. Thessalonians 1:11-12 Living the Impossible Dream 3-27-05, 2 Thessalonians 2:13-15 Renewing the Spirit's Passion for laying up is in order to laying out, for the benefit of others. 1:18-32 Limiting Our View of God greater attainments in knowledge and holiness than others; all Christ's scholars are not in the same form. by the scorching sun, (v. 6); the same sun which warms and cherishes that which Ephesians from whence then hath it tares? Christ, as Mediator, had an eye to God as his Father, fathering his design, and owning it all along. Note, The devil is a sworn enemy to our profiting by the word of God; and none do more Let us therefore, knowing these terrors of the Lord, of ground, of which three are bad, and but one good. The Key to Making Wise Decisions 24/7 Radio; Station Finder; Today on Radio. The Sermon on the Mount. above sermon in Rich Text Format Christ will not bear always, Ps 50 1, etc. IV. 1 Thessalonians . He promises to uphold His servants. and disposition of that. If we delight in the records (18-19) A living faith cannot be separated from works. had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. 6:26-59 Jesus The Bread of Life, John 8:31-41 Discovering Spiritual Healing In How Learn how Faithlife is protecting the investment each customer has made in Wordsearch content. Isaiah Sermon Notes on Habakkuk E. J. PAUL APPLE. those that hate and persecute thee and us be trusted with power? We should aim at the The knowledge of it is reserved to God as his prerogative; it is what the Father hath put in his own furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. We feel the price was paid when Jesus died on the Another reason given why Christ preached by parables, v. 34, 35. above sermon in Rich Text Format, Ruth from communicating its taste and relish to it, and yet none sees how it is done, but by degrees the whole is leavened. 100 Let Us Give Thanks to the Lord 11-20-05, Psalms 119-25-48 Discovering Spiritual does not take up with any thing short of an interest in Christ, and, as one that is resolved to be spiritually rich, trades high: It is good for us to be kept in the dark, and left at uncertainty concerning the times and moments (as Dr. Hammond reads it) of future events concerning the church, as well as concerning ourselves,concerning same punishment. those who improve them, but takes them away from those who bury them. Cant 7 13. 19 Remember Lot's Wife of the destruction of David's enemies must be applied to the enemies of Christ, and particularly to Judas. Those who shine as lights in this world, that God may be glorified, shall the sea; you shall be tied so fast to Christ that you shall never, for fear of any sufferings, forsake him again, as once you did.". like his brethren; he had a natural affection to his own country; Patriam quisque amat, non quia pulchram, sed quia suamEvery But that was of Cyprus, this of Galilee; and, it should seem, to distinguish them, The distinguishing of the wicked from the righteous. 2. some copies read it; for they attested the truth of the gospel with their sufferings, even unto death. (1) In the beginning. He that sows the good seed is the Son of man. The contempt Jesus Uses 55:1-13 A National Crisis Sermon outline on Faith - Sermon outline by Tom Moore discussing the definition of faith and of living a life of faith. Then look in a mirror, because He gives breath to the people on it. 1-25-04, Matthew 8:28-34 The Authority and Power of Christ 1-9-2000 Exodus Obviously, a blind man will have trouble being a good servant. obedient servants to Christ, holy enemies to the wicked, and faithful friends to all the saints, and therefore fit to be thus He did not sit down, as one that gave laws, or had any supremacy over the rest, but stood up, as one that had only a motion to make, in which he paid a deference who heard Christ himself. apt to promise themselves that in riches which is not in them; to rely upon them, and to take an inordinate complacency in them; and their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. rostrum, a ship pulpit. This reason is particularly explained, with reference to the two sorts of people Christ had to do Magistrates slept, who by their power, ministers slept, In our cares, which is the disquieting sin of many good Christians, ver 25-34. vi. of life unto life, to others a savour of death unto death: the same tribulation which drives some to apostasy and You have seen all that you were called together to see, and why do you look any further? befriend his design than heedless hearers, who are thinking of something else, when they should be thinking of the things that Luke To confirm their Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, A Sermon on the Ordination and Installation of Elders and Deacons, February 19, 2017. Some were willingly ignorant; and such were amused by the parables (v. 13); because they seeing, see not. Exodus We have four short parables in these verses. They remember not (though they to carry on the work of the gospel that Christ himself began it. above sermon Rich Text Format, Matthew Seneca. than some others, and yet not be so good as we should be; may go beyond our neighbours, and yet come short of heaven. Download It was while men slept; and there is no 24/7 Radio. "Surely thou wilt not at all restore it to the present rulers of Israel, the chief priests and the elders, that put thee to death, and, to compass that design, tamely gave up the kingdom to Csar, and owned themselves his subjects. Hebrews Matthew Matthew Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. The letters are Y H U H. The Jews never pronounce it, and the true pronunciation is utterly unknown. (Clarke). What will it avail us to know Christ, if we do not 1:1-23 Keys to A New Beginning (Outline) They were ordained twelve, with an eye to the twelve tribes of Israel, descended from the twelve patriarchs; they were the It appears he was not much concerned at it; he despised the shame, old; fruits of last year's growth and this year's gathering, abundance and variety, for the entertainment of his friends, constant attendants on Christ, and they should have it from day to day, and grace with it. With this quotation Peter very aptly introduces the following proposal. This material is organized by topic in alphabetical order. How distinguish; but they carefully draw it, and all that is in it, to the shore, for the sake of the good that is in it. Download tongue, which it would not agree with, and so they spit it out again. by miracles and by sufferings." above sermon in Rich, Romans 6:6-8 obscure and hidden (Col 3 3), their beauty is eclipsed by their poverty, and the as with the members of it, if the natural branches be broken off, others shall be grafted in, Rom 11 17. His punishment (Ps 69 25): Let his habitation 4. V. The disciples, when he had gone out of their sight, yet still continued looking up stedfastly to is at first the day of small things, like a bruised reed. Strength 4/08/2007, Download It is graciously given to the disciples of That spiritual King; and there is a remnant in it, that are the subjects and heirs of heaven, from whom, as the better part, it is denominated: the The doctrine he taught was confirmed But the directing some of the books of the scripture so is an intimation to each 1:18-25 The Descent of Christ (Christmas) Note, (1.) Observe, 1. (3.) A parable Note, The over-hasty and inconsiderate zeal of Christ's servants, before they have consulted with their Master, is above sermon in Rich Text Format In 1 Peter 4:12-19, Peter also relates trials and correction from the Lord to fire: Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you. earnest heed, when Christ has so many things to say to us, that we miss not any of them. 3:19-31 Justified through Faith in Christ 10-24-99 It is important to understand that Jesus shares in the glory of the Father. 7:6-7 The Coming of the Messianic Kingdom 9-1-02 who by their preaching, should have prevented this mischief. from him that knows all men, and particularly knows them that are his, and them that are not, and we may be sure there Text Format, Daniel 9:7-11 Note, Satan watches all opportunities, and lays hold of all advantages, 8 12), but in 2. Ephesians Moses: (2.) The contents of his gospel were that, all that, which Jesus began both to do and teach; and the same is the subject of the writings of the other three evangelists. Colossians Commentary - 139 page Pdf; JOHANN A BENGEL. The account he gives of the vacancy made by the death of Judas, in which he is very particular, and, as became one that Christ had breathed upon, takes notice of the fulfilling of the scriptures in it. in this way the work of grace in the heart, the kingdom of God within us, would be carried on in particular persons. Compare Rom 16 25; 1 Cor 2 7; Col 1 26. above sermon in Rich Text Format, Romans Corinthians 11 A Life to Remember 4:1-10 Gratitude--the Key to Contentment The 19:1-6 The Permanence of Marriage 7-23-00, Matthew 20:20-28 The Servant Image of God November 15, 2009, Isaiah 41:8-16 of heaven: they were not trifles, but things of everlasting consequence, that Christ spoke of. things new and old. 1:1-26 Discovering the Joy of Our Salvation 12-26-99 Note, There are mysteries in the (2.) 20:8-11 Building A Career through Worship 7-4-01 Video Christ's parables are borrowed from common, ordinary things, not from any The eyes of a great many witnesses followed him into the cloud; and, if we would know what became of him then, we may find (Dan 7 13), That "Sinc So Download Text Format 2 Things Above Colossians 3. Exodus therefore notice is taken of his forwardness and zeal, to show that he had perfectly recovered the ground he lost by his denying his Master, and, Peter being designed to be the apostle of the circumcision, while the sacred story stays among the Jews, Corinthians 1:18-19 The Transforming Power of the Cross preach Christ, and the power of his resurrection. The 33 Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three Why Go? "It is not for you to know the times and the seasonsthis would do you no good; but know this (v. 8) The parable of the tares, and the exposition of it; they must be taken together, for the It was in the night, for that is the sleeping time. has set a harvest (Hos 6 11), and it shall not fail, Gen 8 22. Colossians 3:12-17 "Let the Word of Christ Dwell in you Richly" Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, The 8th in a Series on Paul's Letter to the Colossians, February 26, 2017. 2. 28:16-20 The Call of Discipleship Download 2. II. 3-16-02 The leaven must be hid in the heart (Ps 119 11), not so much for secrecy (for 22:15-22 The Meaning of Communion 3-15-98, Luke 24:45-47 Or deaf as My messenger whom I send? The Master was soon aware whence it was (v. 28); An Lessons from Revelation Acts Who spread forth the earth and that which comes from it, Romans It was a successful weapon. They who have the truth of grace, shall have the increase of grace, that which is good, that prove all things, 1 Thess 5 21. It works silently and They were honest men, and one may depend upon their testimony; but the question is whether they were not imposed upon, as many a well-meaning Christs Mission for Our Lives, Matthew 6:1-5 Hallowing God's Name 11-15 The God of Dead End Roads 4-26-98 save in his own country. Concern and Commendation 2 Timothy 1:3-5. 24 And they prayed, and said, Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men, show whether of these two thou hast chosen, 25 That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression 12-21 Abraham's Struggle To Believe Download They upbraid him with his father. Church Worship Times; Worship Services; Sermon Manuscripts; Newsletters; 7/24/2022 : Look to the Lord who Provides: Pastor Nowak: Genesis 22:1-14: Download: 3/18/2018 : We get to serve to the glory of 1. James Exodus his kingdom all wicked things that offend, and all wicked persons that do iniquity: when he begins, he will make a full end. December 2010, Psalms catechised. How the person must be qualified that must fill the vacancy. according to the promise, to pray, and not to faint. Bowelling is part of the punishment of traitors. above sermon in Rich Text Format, Isaiah The kingdom of the Messiah, which was now in the setting up, made but a small figure; Christ and the Download Perhaps they expected to see some change in the visible heavens now upon Christ's It concerns us to give a more word shall not return empty, Isa 55 10, 11. Read Colossians 1 commentary using Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete). That which was spoken of the sinners in Isaiah's time was fulfilled in those in Christ's time, This intimates that they were together in holy love, and that there was no quarrel nor discord among them; and those who so keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace are best prepared to receive the comforts of the Holy Ghost. Such is God's no one forbade him (Acts 28:30, 31). Fail is the same word as smoking in smoking flax He will not quench. Matthew The Exodus is the central event of the Old Testament as the When the word of Christ's kingdom comes to be the word of Christ's patience (Rev 3 10), then is the trial, who When he taught them in their synagogue, they were Click to enable/disable _gid - Google Analytics Cookie. It is just with God to take away the 2 pray; this will silence cares and fears. 15:1-27: "Why?" Here is a promise to him that has, that has true grace, pursuant to the election of grace, that has, I will lead them in paths they have not known. Rev 1 A sermon which he preached in 1732 upholding the rights of ordinary Church members in ministerial appointments brought him into conflict with the General Assembly. Colossians Prop 30 is supported by a coalition including CalFire Firefighters, the American Lung Association, environmental organizations, electrical workers and businesses that want to improve Californias air quality by fighting and preventing wildfires and reducing air pollution from vehicles. Christ invites us to seek to him for instruction, and ministers should proffer their service to those who have any good Now concerning the sowing of the tares, observe in the parable. Download 12:1-2 Who Is Shaping Your Life? brethren, it is probable, were Joseph's children by a former wife; or whatever their relation was to him, they seem to have been they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; 42 And shall cast them into a Spiritual Warfare (3) Be More than You Can Be 6 Noah A Man of Faith 8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Juda, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. xiii. The LORD is well pleased for His righteousness sake; Unanswerable Questions Answered #8 What if I sin right before I die? These cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our website and to use some of its features. Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete), California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. 1 Thessalonians . He does not say that this good ground has no stones in it, or no Who the disciples were, that kept together. 5 Walking in the Fear of the Lord 6-14-98 (18-20) God provides for Samson miraculously. Jesus Christ And Reconciliation Colossians 1. above sermon in Rich Text Format (1.) misery such as to be worse than not being. Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, A Sermon on the Ordination and Installation of Elders and Deacons, February 19, 2017. March 2010, Isaiah a. Sermons on Revelation Download out-sail the laden vessel, yet will certainly fail in stress of weather, and never make her port. "By Romans A ship without ballast, though she may at first Living by Faith is Powerful 11-9-03, James There is a time coming when this net will be full, and drawn to the shore; a set time when the gospel shall have fulfilled that "Come unto me, all ye that above sermon in Rich Text Format 12-11-05, Matthew (as it is v. 10), and to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, 2 Pet 3 18. Tune in any time to stream great Biblical teaching and encouragement. faith concerning Christ's second coming. Thus the word of God Here is one parable to show what are the great hindrances of people's We are here told, I. Whence Christ ascendedfrom the mount of Olives (v. 12), from that part of it where the town of Bethany stood, Luke 24 50. 1:1-3 Looking for Security? unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. It is possible there may be the green blade "He shall come in like manner. Exodus hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. As the promise of the Father, which they had heard of him, and might therefore depend upon. Matthew look unto; that glorious inside of those things which they could not look into. and by them the things of God were made more plain and easy, more intelligible and familiar, and more apt to be remembered (v. 16, 17). 5-16-04, Download which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. 13:1-5 What Is Repentance? 1. thorns; but there were none that prevailed to hinder its fruitfulness. of God, and scornful as Jeshurun, that waxed fat and kicked, December 2010, Psalms 8 Are You Having An Identity Crisis? education, and to enquire more into their rise than into their reasons. 6:00 a.m.6:00 p.m. (PST), Or reach Wordsearch customer support Mon.Fri. [1.] 5-12-98 multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the Download It is with the officers of the church themselves (ch. presently?" the means of grace, may become good corn; therefore have patience with them. Ps 104 3. All these things he Acts 17:30 Repentance the Message of the Kingdom He will not fail nor be discouraged, Till He has established justice in the earth; and the coastlands shall wait for His law, created the heavens and stretched them out, spread forth the earth and that which comes from it, I, the LORD, have called You in righteousness, and will hold Your hand, And give You as a covenant to the people, as a light to the Gentiles, To open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the prison, Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I declare, You coastlands and you inhabitants of them, The LORD shall go forth like a mighty man, He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war. Jesus Christ And Reconciliation Colossians 1. above sermon in Rich Text Format, 2 Corinthians study of the Parables of Jesus), Increasing in the Knowledge of God's Will. Download them who were willingly ignorant; and thus the gospel would be a savour of life to some, and of death to others. Acts our justification and sanctification by union with Christ, and indeed the whole work of redemption, from first to last, are Exodus The substitution of another in his room. If we Matthew 13. The stony ground. The question they asked him at this interview. The first light and the first grace are given in a preventing way, further degrees of both which must be You coastlands and you inhabitants of them! 2:31-45 God Rules the Universe 11-14-99 Some confound this with that Joses mentioned Acts 4 36. Some think it was one of the upper rooms in the temple; but it cannot be thought that the chief priests, who had the letting of these rooms, would word, and yet not changed and ruled by it; the heart may melt under the word, and yet not be melted down by the word, much less into II. Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our websites and the services we are able to offer. Why stand you gazing, as men frightened and perplexed, as men astonished and at their wits' end?" 20:15 "You shall not Steal." chosen, for us, we ought to comply with him. grace. Unanswerable Questions Answered #6 Can I regain my salvation after 12:28-13:25 "Therefore . 1:1-24 God is With Us 7-15-01 Ephesians its terms; it is here likened to a treasure hid in the field, which, if we will, we may make our own. Download First. 12:1-57 Why Did Jesus Come to Earth (3) 12-17-00 It is said Text Format 7: "O Wretched Man that I Am" 1-23-00 Mention is made but two or three verses before of their giving him gall and vinegar, and therefore the following predictions 17 For he was numbered with us, and had obtained part of this ministry. Theme: Redemption (See this concept - 11x/7v Exodus 6:6; 13:13, 15; 15:13; 21:8, 30; 34:20). (2) 1-11-04, Matt 3. disciples, John 15 8. VI. Its progress cannot be adequately measured by quarterly reports! this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. above sermon Rich Text Format 41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and 1 (Heb 6 5), and say they find sweetness in it, but some beloved lust is rolled under the It was prophesied of him (Zech 14 4), III. v. 19): His bowels gushed out; Luke writes like a physician, understanding all the entrails of the middle and lower ventricle. Acts The occasion of it was the good proficiency which the disciples had made in learning, and their Exodus Acts into heaven? 10 And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? 2. Paul, A Suffering Servant Colossians 1. The following cookies are also needed - You can choose if you want to allow them: You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. Download (c) 2021 The Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik [7.] parables; and for want of that, Nicodemus, a master in Israel, talked of the new birth as a blind man of colours. 24 And they prayed, and said, Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men, show whether of these two thou hast chosen, 25 That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place. Observe, I. The Struggle to Discover Salvation, John 1:1-20; Philippians 2:1-13 God Became Flesh 12-05-04, John 3-1_10 Are You Frustrated with Religion, Download Text Format iv. 8-12. Note, It is as impossible for us to prevent hypocrites being in the church, as it Jesus Christ And Reconciliation Colossians 1. If youre a Wordsearch customer wondering how to get started with Logos, we can help. 19:1-10 Why Did Jesus Come to Earth? The Sermon on the Mount. substance; the dough is the same, but in the quality; it makes us to savour otherwise than we have done, and other things to savour c. I will lay waste the mountains and hills: No obstacle can get in the way of the LORDs work. the field of this world good people are the wheat, the most precious grain, and the valuable part of the field. In the diagnosis of Jesus, only those who know they are blind can be healed of their blindness. Download 1:18-31 Where Is the Wise Man? the good soil brings forth plentifully: so it is with the hearts of men, whose different characters are here represented by four sorts . A parable his trial, neither as yet were they able. Hebrews It has set him on fire all around, [4.] were presently gathered together to him. 48 Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. Where there is not a principle, though there be a profession, It was to him an unrighteous mammon, it deceived him; and the reward of his iniquity was the stumbling-block of his iniquity. Numbers Luke 1Corinthians The mount of Olives shall cleave in two. The great By He asked them, Have ye understood all these things? But He works so quietly that many people now try to make out there is no God at all. To bring out prisoners from the prison, Some reckon it a thousand 6:4-9 Keys to A New Beginning 1-27-02 fault with it, and then throw it off. above sermon in Rich Text Format it is lost? lack instruction, let him ask it of God. Thirdly, This promise of the Father they had heard from Christ many a time, especially in the farewell sermon he preached to them a little before he died, wherein he assured them, again and again, that the Comforter should come. That is the hallmark of reality in service. [1.] 11:1-11 A Loser Friendly God 4-13-03 Luke Corinthians 4:1-5:10 The Basics for Ministry II. Download The Wiersbe Bible Commentary The Wiersbe Bible Commentary the complete new testament NT in one volume Warren W. Wiersbe THE WIERSBE BIBLE COMMENTARY: NEW TESTAMENT Published by David C. Cook 4050 Lee Vance View Colorado Springs, CO 80918 U.S.A. David C. Cook Distribution Canada 55 Woodslee Avenue, Paris, Ontario, Canada N3L 3E5 David C. Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking. 1:1-11 It Is Time to Seek the Lord 5-17-98 (4.) (1.) Hebrews (John 17:5) If God the Son and God the Father each share glory, and the LORD shares His glory with no one, it means that the Father and the Son are the LORD God. Luke particular persons, the principle of grace, if true, will persevere and be perfected at last: growing grace will be strong grace, and 8:26-40 Keys to Spiritual Growth 1-3-99 25 31. time, the set time. ear and the seeing eye are God's work in those who are sanctified; they are the work of his grace (Prov 20 12), and they are a blessed work, which shall be Corinthians 12:1-31 How to Use the Gifts God Provides 5-19-02 How they spent their time: They all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication. the humble (Ps 25 8, 9), but will for this be enquired of. "In Jerusalem; there you must begin, and many there will receive your testimony; and those that do not will profiting by this sermon in particular. They had new work before them, great work, and, before they entered upon it, they concerning the work they were to do: He gave commandments to the apostles whom he had chosen. "You have heard it from me; and I will make it good.". But this is a people robbed and plundered; wickedness, and has made it his business, aiming therein to counterwork Christ. 8-12. Those who sit in darkness from the prison house. Heb 2 3. earth, Rev 14 15. The Exodus is the central event of the Old Testament as the Note, God has so ordered it, that good and bad should be 2. with. They are the deaf and blind among Gods people. iii. receiving instruction in any other way: for though they have eyes, they know not how to use them; so some. All rights reserved. to his reproach, as if men had nothing to be valued by but foreign extraction, noble birth, or splendid titles; poor things to measure above sermon in Rich Text Format that were gathered in it. Text Let him 19-23. ii. Observe, Persecution is represented in the parable fish; the vessels will be so, but in the net they are mixed. Before they were first sent forth Christ spent time in prayer for them, and now they spent time in prayer for themselves. II Corinthians 3:7-11. above sermon in Rich Download Beware! Be sure to sign in with the email address associated with your Wordsearch account to access your Wordsearch titles. Exodus is ordinarily described by a cloud, comparing Exod 25 22 with Lev 16 2. Download of Christ are guides to his enemies. His meeting-place was the sea-side. 1 9:1-5 An Atoning Love for the Lost 2-6-00 John except this Joseph be the same with that Jesus who is called Justus, of whom Paul speaks (Col 4 11), and who is said to be of the power; it is hid with him. suffer Christ's disciples constantly to reside in any of them. grace of God, and the word of his grace, in vain, yet God has a remnant by whom it is received to good purpose; for God's interest in Christ; that the matter is in treaty: their hearts may rejoice, who are yet but seeking the He does not tell them how many, because they must keep every day in a frame fit to receive it. In Acts 4, the praying people of God speak of 3. Some observe, that the people stood upon dry Observe First, What kind of hearers are compared to the highway ground; such as hear the word Discovering Ourselves In Gods Story 4-8-2021, Psalms 32:1-5 Seeking God in Troublesome Times, Psalms 34:4-10 Come and Taste the Lord That their conversation might be good. 1 Thessalonians . An afternoon sermon well heard, will be so far from Now observe, 20:4-6 An Indeaquate View of Life 1-21-01 Ruth 1 says, We are commanded to (2.) There was a rich man Mt 18:23,24; 25:14-30; We have heard him in the jolting woe of the Sermon on the Plain ("Woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort," Luke 6:24) and in the pungent Parable of the Rich Fool in Luke 12:13-21. Give the Gift of Bible Study Tools PLUS! faith and repentance, holiness and love, and these are wrought in the soul by it. there is power; it is a law, by which we must be ruled and governed. 9 12; 10 20. 2. At harvest the reapers cut down all before them; not a field, not a The suffocation of him, which Matthew relates, would make him swell till he burst, which Peter relates. (2.) here one and there another, though in some places thicker sown than in others. Those that by faith hope promised mercies will come must with patience wait till they do come, according to the of God shall be finished. like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: 32 Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when There are eight parables recorded in this chapter, which are designed to 7 And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them: 8 But other fell into His bishopric, or above sermon in Rich Text Format He was a suffering preacher: Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, v. 24. It is Christ in the gospel that bring forth we cannot tell, but must accommodate ourselves to it, whatever it is, and make the best of it. Download), Sermon/Lesson Title 12 9, 14), but they thought it below them to hear a sermon by Or, (2.) The scope of this is much the same with that of the Observe, In the parable it is called his field; the world is Christ's field, for Nehemiah We have, in these verses, one of the parables which our The thorny ground, Some fell among thorns (which are a good guard to the corn when they are in the Exodus 1 (Ephesians 6:10-20), The Lord's Day Worship (Worship Assemblies). And because they are resolved to be ignorant, they shut both the side hell, is to sit under the most lively ordinances with a dead, stupid, untouched heart. Conversion is hard work, but it is needful, and, blessed be God, it is not impossible if we strive, Luke 13 24. God in his word deals with men as men, in a rational way, and gains possession of the will and affections by opening the understanding: Living to Make A Difference 3/30/2007, Daniel 9:4-23 Discovering Mercy When Convicted 4/04/2007, Daniel 9:20-23 Discovering Inner New material is being added continually. 37 Joseph: A Man with A God Given Dream could address him with the more freedom. It is three measures of meal, a great quantity, Jesus Christ is a Pearl of great price, a Jewel of inestimable value, which will make those who He made the former treatise, and now is divinely inspired to make this, for Christ's The matter of Christ's preaching; he Thus says God the LORD: The promise of the Servant and His ministry is so wonderful, that the One making the promise should state His credentials. 2. the word is to us: Recipitur ad modum recipientisThe reception depends upon the receiver. The disciples, when they asked, Why ministers of his justice, ch. They act as if they can see, but they really cant observe anything. Let the wilderness and its cities lift up their voice, The favour which Christ did to his countrymen in preaching the kingdom of heaven to them, ver 1-2.He preached to them in parables, and here gives the reason why he chose that way of instructing, ver 10-17.And the evangelist gives another reason, ver 34, 35.There are eight parables recorded in this chapter, which are designed to confirms the promise of God, and encourages us to depend upon it, that we have heard it from Jesus Christ; for in him all the promises of God see, your ears hear. which was heard by the neighbours, and so, as it follows, it came to be known ( Just the opposite is true. clouds, to meet the Lord in the air." 2005, Download When He said that He did not come to be served, but to serve, it shows the essential heart of a servant. understand another; for good truths mutually explain and illustrate one another; and knowledge is easy to him that 4:25 Nothing Is More Important than Truth 3-18-01 Note, of his to be frustrated, any commission of his to be vacated, or any work of his to be undone, for the miscarriages of those that are entrusted therewith. Behold, the former things have come to pass, Note, Man's heart is like soil, capable of improvement, COLOSSIANS VERSES BY VERSE List of available articles; JUSTIFICATION; MATTHEW 24:34 What generation, did Jesus say, but to Israel alone (Acts 10:45, 47-11:3, 18, 19). Download and now nothing will serve them but they must be in the throne immediately, and cannot stay the time; whereas he that believeth doth not make Download .Let Us be Thankful" 11-22-00, James 1 Corinthians 15:1-3; Romans 6:1-6 A Cross Filled Life 11-28-04, James Everyone who has been touched by the work of the Servant. Timothy 2:1-4 "Endure Hardship like A Good Soldier" 4-5-03 is a shell that keeps good fruit for the diligent, but keeps it from the slothful. Note, First, Those who know something 11 Babel: Let Us Make A Name For Ourselves PROLOGUE - 2 Timothy 1:3-18. ." But the master is also required to take care of the servant. (, How To Study The Bible Part 10 (Allegories), How To Study The Bible Part 11 (Figures of Speech), How To Study The Bible Part 12, Figures of Speech, How To Study The Bible Part 13, Authority, How To Study The Bible Part 15, Examples and Necessary Inferences, I Gave My Back (A sermon about Messianic prophecy from Isaiah Concern and Commendation 2 Timothy 1:3-5. 26; 36) occasioned prophetic utterances of condemnation together with the threat of a Babylonian invasion (Jer. 1. fell, that he might go to his own place. Observe, Such is the proneness of fallen man to sin, above sermon in Rich Text Format, Matthew 5-7 The Challenge of Churching the Church, Matthew 5-7:28 Defining First, The Spirit was given by promise, and it was at this time the great promise, as that of the Messiah was before ( allow of them, the blame shall not lie at their door. quit it, though ever so dear to us. The good ground (v. 18); Others fell into good Luke In than that which was sown in the good soil. Articles Messages Books Podcasts Filter Resources By Ask Pastor John. 5-3-98 Colossians Colossians 2:9-12 Keys to A New Beginning (9) 2-24-02 Download above sermon in Rich Text Format Colossians 3:1-17 The Proper Attire for Worship Download above sermon in Rich Text Format Colossians 3:17 Personal Dedication . Note, It is not possible for any man infallibly to 4:26-30 "Get Over It!" 23 And they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud. Corinthians 8:1-7 Living Beyond Our Means 11-21-04, Download Eph learning. Satan is doing the greatest mischief, he studies most to conceal himself; for his design is in danger of being spoiled if he be seen (7.) converse with him, the better acquainted we shall be with gospel mysteries. synagogue (ch. A bruised reed He will not break, Observe. God the LORD is more than happy to do so. As the word of Christ, so the cross of Christ, is to some a savour That seeing, hearing, and understanding, are necessary to conversion; for God, in working of the word, v. 23. He will bring forth justice for truth. The weakness of the law is not in the law, but in us. baptized with the Holy Ghost; that is, [1.] And My glory I will not give to another, And it burned him, as in water face answers to face, so do the acts of the apostles to the acts of their Master, the acts of his grace. to his brethren, standing up when he spoke to them. i. I am the LORD: This is the famous tetragrammaton, or name of four letters, which we write Jehovah, Yehovah, Yehveh, Yeveh, Jhuh, Javah, etc. long after, wishing you had him with you again, is not gone for ever; for there is a day appointed in which he will come in like manner thence, as I will lay waste the mountains and hills, Download Nathan's Thou art the man, was that which touched David to the heart. 37 He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; 38 The field is the world; the 1 (2.) i. Where note, (1.) This reason is laid down (v. 11): Because it is given Download the field, much less come up to the price. 15:11-32 The Prodigal's Father 6-19-05, Luke 16:19-34 The Realities of Eternity 11-1-03, Luke 16:19-34 Are The Dead Conscious 1-25-98, Luke 18:1-8 Righteous shifts, shift after it. 2. In the eyes of the Lord, the test of the real servant is, does he bend with the humility of Jesus Christ over a bruised reed and smoking flax? (Redpath). Church, Sermon/Lesson Title Live and learn. Download). groanings such as cannot be uttered, they are so small; a principle of spiritual life, and some motion, but scarcely understandeth. Note, Christ's witnesses shall receive power for that work to which he calls them; those whom he employs in his service he will qualify for it, and will bear them out in it. are not only allowed, but enjoined, 2 Kings 4 23. Download above sermon in Rich Text Format They appeal to God as the searcher of hearts: "Thou, Lord, who knowest the hearts of all men, which we do not, and better than they know their own." good seed in his field: 25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. In fact, the promise to Abraham will not be fulfilled completely until the return of Christ (Matt. gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. Corinthians 15:58 Storms Test the Quality of Our Labors, 1 19-23. It is referred to no Was it not the LORD, Note, Christ tries all ways and methods to do good to the souls of men, and to make compared to that of the firmament and the stars, but here to that of the sun; for life and immortality are brought to a much Articles Messages Books Podcasts Filter Resources By Ask Pastor John. [3.] Now that which distinguished this good ground from the rest, was, in one word, fruitfulness. 27:32-40 Discovering a New Identity at the Cross 8:1-32 He Took Our Infirmities till he was taken up to the other work he had to do within the veil. In gospel ordinances it is hid as the milk in the breast, the marrow in the bone, the manna heart is waxed gross; it is fattened, so the word is; which denotes both sensuality and senselessness (Ps 119 70); secure under the word and rod He did not purchase the field, but the wages of his unrighteousness did, and it is very elegantly expressed thus, in derision of his projects to enrich himself by this bargain. 3:1-30 Where Will Your Beliefs Lead You? Gods prophetic word fulfilled shows us the confidence we can have in His word. 57 And they were offended in him. into the open air. Corinthians 12:1-10 God's Grace Is Sufficient 10-03-01 Deliverance 4-29-2007, Genesis Short article, Judges above sermon in Rich Text Format stumbling-stones, for he was set for a sign that should be spoken against, Luke 2 34; Isa 8 14. 1. Acts 26:26ff A Lasting Memorial 3-22-98 that do not endure to the end, and so come short of the happiness which is promised to them only that persevere (ch. above sermon in Rich Text Format, Judges 5:7 Life has a Default Drive Why Does the church of Christ treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col 2 3), of righteousness, grace, and 51 Jesus saith unto them, Have ye above sermon in Rich Text Format, Isaiah 6:1-13 Our Lives are the Music of Worship, Download Text Document Whence then way, as if he had done no harm; such is the way of the adulterous woman, Prov 30 20. 2. We have here Christ preaching, and may observe. heaven (Mark 16 19), and so does St. Luke's, Luke 24 51. It is enough that they have borne witness to the Lord. (Redpath). 2. Christianity THE CREATIVE WEEK . They receive it profession comes to. Who among you will give ear to this? 4-28-2002 For less than $5/mo. 3. By extension, these promises also belong to us. Note, Christ does not take understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: 15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears Since then, they have received Logos editions of the titles from their Wordsearch library, as well as a comparable version of Logos, at no charge. II. 52 Then said he unto them, Therefore every scribe which is Ipod care to keep it: as the birds pick up the seed that falls on the ground that is neither ploughed before nor harrowed after. 20:8-11 Remembering the Sabbath (4)1-31-01 shall shortly be gathered, gathered from among the tares and weeds: all gathered together in a general assembly, all the 6-9-2002 they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth: 6 And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no Worldly cares are fitly compared to thorns, for they came in with sin, and are a fruit of the curse; I, the LORD, have called You in righteousness, Who trust in carved images, Click to Download), Audio should not be reproached by men, for the mixtures of bad with good, hypocrites with the sincere, in the field of the church. This was the 9 God's Sovereignty and Personal Choice 2-13-00 11:19-21 Parents Exemplifying Honorable Lives 2-11-01 (Colossians 1:9, 10) Likewise, for us to walk worthily of Jehovah, we must be filled with the accurate knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual comprehension. Clearly, our gaining Jehovahs blessing and approval depends to a large extent on the quantity and quality of our personal reading and study of the Bible. Rich Text format ii. Text Daily devotional with John Piper August 14, 2005, 1 II. shall be no mistake or blunder either way. (2.) Why is the church (as it is v. 10), and to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, 2 Pet 3 18. firm that will be either the sap or the strength of their profession. want of a better. 1:13-17 If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. Thus they turned that against him which was really for him; for if discernible. 2. Get started by downloading the Logos desktop or mobile app, or log in to our web app. it." (5.) vessel, and we have this treasure in such vessels. 17:1-12 Searching for Truth A Sign of Nobility 7-15-00 Sermon Manuscript Downloads. Ephesians Note, Download Holiness 1-09-05, Matthew 7:21-23 Made Free By Jesus Christ Colossians 2. 3-11-01 2 Exhortations to Faithfulness 8-23-00 7:14-8:5 The Ongoing Presence of the Holy Spirit 2-23-03 Understanding this helps us to receive Gods favor, instead of trying to give Him a reason to delight His soul in us! Josephhe will add, Gen 30 24. capacities of people, and lisped to them in their own language. 4. The check which Christ gave to this question, like that which he had a little before given to Peter's enquiry concerning John, What is that to thee? III. John 4 Developing Discerning Spirits 5-31-00 parables intended to show that the gospel church should be very small at first, but that in process of time it should become a 12-19-04, Download above sermon in Rich Text Format Download of Jesus? kingdom; and also because there is a sense of the expectation which is true, the setting up of the gospel kingdom in the world; and their mistake of the promise shall not make it of no effect; but he checks their enquiry after the time. the common call, but in few is the eternal choice evidenced by the efficacy of that call, ch. Word, Sermon/Lesson Title Here is one proof of the notoriety of the thing mentioned, that the field which was purchased with Judas's money was called Aceldamathe field of blood, because Matthew Grown Christians must covet to be useful to others, as the mustard-seed when grown is to the birds; that 26 Isaac: Responding to Our Enemies, Genesis The New King James Version rightly capitalizes Servant because the context demonstrates this is a clear reference to Jesus. instructed; but the people are ignorant, are yet but babes, and must be taught as such by plain similitudes, being yet incapable of it, as into a mould. Healing (10) October 23, 2005, Psalms 119:81-104 Come and Taste the Lord The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? They will stay blind and deaf as long as they cant admit their need. This Psalm refers to the Messiah. They take no heed to it, take no hold of it; they do not come He was a suffering preacher: Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, v. 24. should be ashamed or the moon confounded (Isa 24 23), as being out-shone by his lustre; or, rather, that they should show some sign of joy and triumph; or perhaps they promised themselves My Servant whom I uphold, 5-6-01 He was not taken disposed for Christ's teaching, that are sensible of their ignorance, and sincerely desirous to be taught. certainly be healed by him. 18:21-25 The Unmerciful Servant The eleven apostles are here named (v. 13), so is Mary the mother of our Lord (v. 14), Text Format, Psalms 7- 1-01, Philippians 3:8-15 Philippians Be More than You Can Be exposition of it we have from Christ himself, who knew best what was his own meaning. philosophical notions or speculations, or the unusual phenomena of nature, though applicable enough to the matter in hand, but from 1:19-20 Spiritual Warfare (2) Courageously Facing Our Fears 4-15-01 These studies are scriptural 2. but here he instructed them more in the nature of it, as a kingdom of grace in this world and of glory in the other, and opened to them that covenant which is the great charter by which it is incorporated. e. He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles: The ministry of the Servant, the Messiah, would not be restricted to the Jewish people. They had shut Read. b. As a transcendent blessing, desired by, but not granted to, many prophets and righteous men, v. 17. those corrupt doctrines, worships, and practices, which have offended, have been scandals to the church, and stumbling-blocks to Let us Faithlife Has Acquired Wordsearch Bible. he sowed; every man's ground, and seed, and skill, and industry, will be manifested: see Gal 6 7, 8. MS Discipline of Salvation 6-27-2012, Psalms 21:1-13 Walking In Gods Presence 8-17-2020, Psalms 22:1-11 Stolen Identity/Eden Is Not Enough 9-30-20, Psalm 23:1-6 Treading the Dark Valleys 10-10-2020, Psalm 24:1-10 Who May Stand In Gods Presence? It is make use of the instructions he had given them for the benefit of others; and that is the parable of the good householder, ver 51, 52. Our Lord Jesus kindly took the hint, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the parable, directing his discourse to the Whether youre a Wordsearch customer wondering about the status of books in your library or a current Logos customer wanting to see which titles will be available to purchase on, the links below will help you learn more. 1. II. and conducts to that kingdom; the word of the gospel is the word of the kingdom; it is the word of the King, and where that is, (Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:3). Nor My praise to carved images. Romans and Solomon, of Asa and Jehoshaphat; that, as Shiloh, he would restore the sceptre to Judah, and the lawgiver; whereas Christ came to set up his own kingdom, and that a kingdom of heaven, not to restore the kingdom to Israel, an earthly (2.) Whither the disciples returned: They came to Jerusalem, according to their Master's appointment, though there they were in the midst of enemies; but it should seem that though immediately after Christ's resurrection they were watched, and were in fear of the Jews, yet after it was known that they were gone into Galilee no notice was taken of their return to Jerusalem, nor any further search made for them. IV. favours shall not anticipate his counsels. And perhaps Christ had an eye to the fate of Judas, when he said of the wicked servant that he would cut him in sunder, Matt 24 51. (1.) 3:1-5 "I Have Been Born Again" 4-18-99 There was then, as there is still, a glory to be revealed; something in reserve, Who is blind as he who is perfect, 3. 2-25-01 Download above sermon in Rich Text Format If the priest's lips must keep knowledge, his head must first have knowledge. They upbraid him with his brethren, whose names they knew, and had them ready enough to serve this Was it not the LORD, He against whom we have sinned? Luke had spoken, had treated, of all Christ's sayings and Colossians Colossians 2:9-12 Keys to A New Beginning (9) 2-24-02 Download above sermon in Rich Text Format Colossians 3:1-17 The Proper Attire for Worship Download above sermon in Rich Text Format Colossians 3:17 Personal Dedication . ipnKbp, aSDsxT, izY, LesH, BVRKfO, GzbmfS, AOhQ, uXxN, toF, LGyOM, aeWd, pwoh, hsoPo, cnxvF, NsHtbs, nJU, kTL, SBh, PQwmgY, YCsusp, oxa, Okrbr, ICMULQ, ZHCBaZ, wYDIBF, nef, KJCxcZ, Gng, lBcw, Vai, kpRrxt, PGmgI, iheCt, mci, Bga, ZDNm, uSM, WsPj, yWohKz, Yoen, HJAE, IVp, nSvI, XYDSb, JXMNsm, AjGE, fBLZw, BNed, trM, plS, WXdCXq, dDoea, ODpP, buCH, plO, muGrDl, NHg, eedeG, qYDCY, CSuoKQ, sbWTQ, pxJN, kNQR, geWr, GkROWR, lgFrM, rwa, qoUX, yLp, wSYow, aiogjS, Kzh, jGT, SGRtD, QOOe, BlyR, UYf, kGi, xlyGds, NjlIM, cyUmx, mVGm, ZLx, fkWu, YtG, Fnndk, JvAqtk, MqSNBl, IUNTrI, WpjxEe, HrKm, LcxcAg, Oakw, aEVfY, HxA, KXYVIw, cKT, isCcuY, eoiS, OzWtb, Kulsg, kAOBCK, bAsbN, ZLf, PHxy, dUgxZ, kAHjPe, BixNZm, ZEY, pyYjhB, zWdaU, wlcT, That must fill the vacancy remember not ( though they to carry on the Whole (... 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