the electric current moves from positive terminal to negative of the battery . (c) vertically downwards. Name and state the rule used for determination of direction of induced current produced in a conductor due to a changing magnetic field and give one practical application of this phenomenon in everyday life. (i) Magnetic field lines do not intersect each other. Question. This deflection indicates that a momentary current is produced in the coil. Question. And it's only true for solidmetals. (iii) In pulling the magnet out of the coil, a deflection in opposite direction is observed. Question. Whenever you connect a lightbulb to a battery, you form a complete circuit, and the path of the flowing charge isthroughthe inside of the battery, as well as through the light bulb filament and the connecting wires. The fuse is rated for a certain maximum current and blows off when a current more than the rated value flows through it. How many times does AC used in India change direction in one second? The magnetic force on the electron will act (a) vertically upwards. current is always in the direction of flow of positive charges which is also in the direction opposite to the flow of negative charges. There is no change in current so there is no change in magnetic field associated with coil S andhence no induced current in coil S. Deflection in galvanometer becomes zero. Question 1. We makethe negative particles positive,then add their current to any positive particles which were flowing forward. Electronics teachers and authorsof textbooksare often chided for passing on an "error" to their students. Answer: Charge actually comes in two varieties: positive particles and negative. According to Fleming's left-hand rule, the thumb points in the direction of the force exerted on the conductor, the forefinger points in the direction of the magnetic field, and the middle finger points in the direction of the current when the thumb, forefinger, and middle finger are held perpendicular to each other. (Note: this is because reversing the polarity of the particles reverses the current, and reversing the particle direction reverses the current again! . Question. Suggest one way of discriminating a wire carrying current from a wire carrying no current.Answer:When a magnetic compass is brought near a current carrying conductor it will be deflected. We makethe negative particles positive,then add their current to any positive particles which were flowing forward. Therefore, force is vertically upwards. The magnetic field produced by a current carrying wire at a given point depends directly on current passing through it. idea that electric current is a flow of positive particles in one direction, when supposedly it's really a flow of negative electrons going the other way.In fact, the chiders are wrong. If a hundred positive particles flow to the left per second, this givesexactlyas much magnetism, heating, and voltage as a hundrednegativeparticles flowing to the right per second. Explain with diagram.Answer: (i). Solenoid is a coil of many turns of wire, wrapped in the shape of a cylinder. While trying to understand electric circuits and electrical measurements, we need a simpleway to take measurements of this important entity named"Electric Current." Question. In nearly every situation they willtell us all we could ever want to know about flows of charged particles in any circuit. Imagine the flows as being like crowdsof of tiny moving dots, with half the dots going in one direction andhalf in the other. Giving reason explain where is the field more at A or at B.Answer:The direction of magnetic field due to current at A is from north to south and at B from south to north.Therefore, at A earths magnetic field and field due to current are in opposite direction and at B earths magnetic field and magnetic field due to current are in same direction. Let the axle attached to the rings is rotated such that arm AB of thecoil moves up and arm CD moves down in the magnetic field. 50 c/s or 50 Hz.d. Notes for Class 10. The higher the pressure the better interms of the rate of a gas reaction.Economic considerationsVery high pressures are very expensive to produce on two counts.You have to build extremely strong pipes and containment vessels to withstand the very high pressure. The real charges are too complicated to deal with, and theadded complexity gets us very little information as long as we're only interested involtage drop, magnetic fields, and heating.Particle-flow is real, "Amperes" are notOnce we start ignoring the speed and direction of the charges, then we can easily build electrical instruments or"amp meters" which measure the Conventional Electric Current in terms of the magnetism which the charge-flow creates or by the voltage drop which appears across a resistor,or by the temperature rise being created in a calibrated pieceof resistance wire. Write down advantage of AC over DC? (a) It states that you are holding a current carrying straight conductor in your right hand such that the thumb points towards the direction of current. Answer: Teachers promote the(wrong?) This modifies the already existing earths magnetic field and a deflection results. Magnetic field lines are closed curves.c. c. Using a fuse in a household . We mightlose track of the fact that there are real, visible particles flowing along inside that circuit, or that these particles have an actual average speed, mass, and direction.Because"amperes" are so incredibly useful, the simplified interpretation of Current takes over and becomes more real than reality. But to measure currents, won't we first need to measure how much of the current is composed of negative particles going one way, and of positive particles the other? Due to this increased current, the wires get heated. Question. Answer: A servo stabilizer restricts voltage output to \[220V\pm 1%\]. Actually, in some conductors the electric currents area flow of genuinely positive charges, while in others the flows are indeed negative particles. Question 20. A brief summary of the Haber ProcessThe Haber Process combines nitrogen from the air with hydrogen derived mainly from natural gas (methane) into ammonia. So magnetic strength is more near poles than middle part of bar magnet. This current will flow in the external circuit in the direction as shown in Fig. (And if we should builda circuit entirely out of hoses full of salt water, withno metal conductors used,thenallthe current would be bi-directional. )PSThis over-simplified fake electric current measured by ammeters is commonly called"Conventional Current." (ii) is affected by changing the direction of flow of current in the conductor?Answer:(i) The strength of magnetic field around a straight current conductor increases on increasing the strength of current in the conductor or vice versa. Since electric current is a uniform flow of electrons, its direction is opposite to the flow of electrons. Question. We don't care about the real polarity of the particles. During your electrocution, it was these charged atoms which flowed along as an electric current. We don't care about their speed, and we don't care about their number. They are very common, they allaround us; as close to us as they can possiblybe.Non-electron Charge-flowFor example, if you were to poke your fingers into the back of an old-style television set, you would suffer a dangerous or lethal electric shock. It won't paint the correct picture when designing electron beams inside vacuum tubes, or ion flows in nerve fibers. Question 4. it's +ve and -ve charge attract each other.And electrons move to those directions where current flows. Whenever the magnetic field lines linked with a coil change due to relative motion of a magnet and the coil, an induced current is produced in the coil. (c) (i) Armature: The soft iron core on which the coil is wound along with coils is called armature which enhances the power of motor. Answer: The negative atoms behave like electrons which are dragging an entire atom alongwith them.So, inside humanflesh which direction did the electric current REALLY go? A manufacturer is trying to produce as muchammonia as possible per day. Question 3. DNA testing)*.air cleaners, smoke precipitators, air ion flows*.particle beams*.the vertical"sky current" in the atmosphere*.gas discharge, which includes:*.electric sparks*.fluorescent tubes*.sodium and mercury arc streetlights*.neon signs*.the Earth's Aurora*.lightning and corona discharges*.arc welders*.Geiger counter tubes*.thyratron tubes*.mercury vapor rectifiersThis list is not so short. There is apowerful flow of electric charge going through the battery, yet no individual electrons flow through the battery at all. We ignore their speed, and instead measure only the flow rate: the number of charges flowing per second. Teachers promote the(wrong?) What is a solenoid? Again observe the motion of rod.Observations : Each time, the conductor moves faster than that of previous one. Question 5. Therefore, AC changes direction 2 50 = 100 times in one second. What precaution should be taken to avoid the overloading of domestic electric circuit?Answer:We should take following precaution to avoid the overloading of domestic electriccircuit:(a) Two separate circuits should be used, one of 5A current rating of bulbs, fans, tubes etc.and the other 15 A current rating for appliances with higher current rating such as geysers, air coolers, electric iron, electric stoves etc. Question 11. 200 atmospheres is a high pressure, but not amazingly high.Rate considerationsIncreasing the pressure brings the molecules closer together. Question. An amp-meter mightnot be appropriate whenused in an exotic physics experiment. Draw the pattern of field lines due to a solenoid carrying electric current. Magnetic Effects Of Electric Current Extra Questions Question 2. The causes galvanometer to show deflection in one direction. A magnetic compass is used to demonstrate the direction of the magnetic field generated around a current carrying conductor.c. Due to change in magnetic field lines associated with coil B, an induced current is also induced in it. A few text and reference books even outright state this, saying that electricity is composed of electrons. This ensures the safety of the user. The conventional current must be a flow of conventional charge, so first we should teach our students about the existence of oversimplified charges,"conventional charges," charges which we pretend are inside all the wires. How will this force get affected on? Describe some salient features of magnetic lines of field concept. The linkgives 16,000 google hits. Explain different ways to induce current in a coil.Answer: Different ways to induce current in a coil are as follows:(a) If a magnetic field is changed around a coil then an induced current is set up in the coil. Question. Let us now hold the forefinger, middle finger and thumb of our left-hand at right angles to one another. Explain what is short circuiting and overloading in an electric supply. (b) Which source produces alternating current?Answer: Question. Into the plane of paper at P and out of it at Q. Electronics teachers and authorsof textbooksare often chided for passing on an "error" to their students. Insteadweintentionally define"electric current" as being a flow of exclusively positive particles flowing in one particular direction. We makethe negative particles positive,then add their current to any positive particles which were flowing forward. There is no commutator in an AC generator. #Magnetic Effects of Electric Current Class 10 Notes. State two ways by which the strength of an electromagnet is increased. In what respect does the construction of an AC generator differ from that of a DC generator? But the"electricity" in common electrical devices is limited to positive protons andnegative electrons. Find the minimum rating of fuse that can be safely used on a line on which two 1.1 kW, electric geysers are to run simultaneously. For example, what happens if we all spend many years thinking in terms of such simplified"electric current?" Electronics teachers and authorsof textbooksare often chided for passing on an "error" to their students. Answer: The relative strength of the magnetic field is shown by degree of closeness of the field lines. (grin! (iii) A.C. voltage can be stepped up and transmitted over long distances without much loss of energy. in an electric generator, mechanaical work is done to turn the armature. Magnetic field has both direction and magnitude. Either coil or magnet or both must have a relative motion between them.b. What is the frequency of current in case (b) in our country?d. This tends to rotate the coil in anticlockwise direction. (3) Nature of the material inside solenoid. Answer: What does the direction of thumb indicate in the right-hand thumb rule? During your painful experience there obviously was a considerable current directed through your body. Discover the top 100 medical technologies, breakthroughs, trends in healthcare, and biohacks you might not have known about in 2022 with Better Health . Thisfundamental errorleads most peopleto imagine that electric currents arealwaysa flow of negative particles. Why does a current carrying conductor kept in a magnetic field experience force?What is the direction of force acting on the conductor?Answer: A current carrying coil contains charged particles which experiences a force (Bqv). A long horizontal power line is carrying a current of 100 A in the east-west direction. He reports that Thus, they are closed curves. If we did this, then"conventional current" would bemuch easier to accept, no? There are two theories behind this phenomenon. However,no electronsflowed through your body at all. If the forefinger points in the direction of magnetic field and the central in the direction of current, then the thumb will point in the direction of motion or force acting on the conductor. Decide which of its face behaves as north pole and which face behaves as south pole. AC voltage can be increased or decrease with the help of a transformers. Question 18. Under what condition does a current carrying conductor kept in a magnetic field experience maximum force? Orvice versa, following the positives? (b) Properties of magnetic field lines. (b) List two properties of magnetic field lines. Answer: If a hundred positive particles flow to the left per second, this givesexactlyas much magnetism, heating, and voltage as a hundrednegativeparticles flowing to the right per second. Given: A = 0.9 m2, B = 2 10-2 Wb/m2 What is the pattern of magnetic field around a current carrying conductor? We might lose track of the facts that electric current is an actual flow of matter. (iii) If the bar magnet is held stationary inside the coil, then no induced current is set and galvanometer does not show any deflection. When a compass needle is brought near a bar magnet then due to repulsive force between unlike poles and attraction between unlike poles, the compass needle is deflected and settle in the direction of net magnetic field. What does the direction of thumb indicate in the right hand thumb rule? Answer: What is electric motor? (ii) minimum force? The direction of the force acting on the electron will be:(a) to the right (b) to the left (c) out of the page (d) into the page Answer: When a conductor carrying current is placed perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field, the acting on it is given by Flemings left hand rule. This gives rise to induced current in the direction DCBA and the current in the external circuit will flow in the opposite direction. Extra Question Of Magnetic Effect Of Electric Current Question 12. Question. During the electric current, the positive atoms flowed in one direction, while the negative atoms simultaneously flowed in the other. What is meant by overloading of an electrical circuit?Explain two possible causes due to which overloading may occur in household circuit. There will be no deflection in galvanometer.d. (ii) If stronger horse-shoe magnet is used then the displacement of rod AB will increase. DIRECTION OF ELECTRIC CURRENT: When electricity was invented a long time back, it was known that there are two types of charges : positive charges and . There's a genuine difference between the simplified pictureversus the actualparticle flows. During the electric current, the positive atoms flowed in one direction, while the negative atoms simultaneously flowed in the other. This is known as electromagnetic induction. (a) Draw magnetic field lines of a current carrying circular loop. State one main difference between A.C. and D.C. Why is A.C. preferred over D.C. for longrange transmission of electric power? How does a current carrying solenoid behave? In the everyday world of electronics, these particles arethe electrons and protonssupplied by atoms in conductors.Physicists may additionally deal with other charged particles: muons, positrons, antiprotons,etc. Calculate resistance of an electric bulb which allows a 10 A current when connected to 220 V power source. When a magnetic compass needle is placed close to the current carrying wire, it will get deflected. Magnetic effect of current was discovered by (a) Oersted (b) Faraday (c) Bohr (d) Ampere Answer/Explanation 2. When current is passed through the coil using a battery and a key the iron piece behaves like a bar magnet as long as current is being passed. (b) An electric oven of rating 2 kW, 220 V is operated in a domestic circuit with a current rating of 5 A. List three sources of magnetic field.Answer:(i) Magnetic field is associated with bar magnet(ii) A current carrying conductor produces magnetic field. It allows us to understand partsof physical science which otherwise might be too complicated to imagine. Question. Draw a labelled circuit diagram of a simple electric motor and explain its working. Nobody talks about the "Conventional Charge!" For this put the north pole of the magnet vertically below and south pole vertically above the aluminium rod. Increasing the number of turns in the coil. Outside a magnet, the field lines are directed from N-pole of magnet towards S-pole and inside the magnet lines are directed form S-pole to N-pole.b. Moving a magnet towards a coil sets up a current in the coil circuit, as indicated by deflection in the galvanometer needle, 2. On what factors does the direction of this force depend? Question. Question 17. see friends in some cases electric current is flow of cations but in some cases it is d flow of positive holes that's y it's confusing. don't go more will create a lot of confusion..just remember that electric current flows from +ve to -ve whereas it should be flow from -ve to teacher told me this andwe will taught more about this concept in future and clear our doubts.. @ambition institute prove bill conjecture,by the way do you know what is bill conjecture, , child's question ,keep answering ,you are the man who always chooses an easiest question of any forum , go and answer my questions ,if you have gut prove bill conjecture, Don't answer what is force and mass , from positive terminal to negative terminal, or higher potential to lower potential, it is taken as convention.actually current flow from higher potential to lower potentialmeans positive to negative. The negative atoms behave like electrons which are dragging an entire atom alongwith them.So, inside humanflesh which direction did the electric current REALLY go? The magnitude of induced current is directly proportional to the rate of change of number of magnetic field lines linked to the coil. Question. How does this force gets affected on:(i) doubling the magnitude of current, (ii) reversing the direction of flow of current, (iii) reversing the direction of magnetic field.Answer:The force experienced by a current carrying conductor when placed in a magnetic field or the force experienced by a charged particles moving in a magnetic field is called magnetic force.Fleming left hand rule: According to this rule, on stretching the thumb, forefinger and the middle finger of your left hand such that these are perpendicular to each other, if the force finger points in the direction of magnetic field and middle finger in the direction of current, then the thumb will point in the direction of motion of force acting on the conductor. (grin! B1 & B2 - Brushes. By convention, we define the flowing charges to be positive. Answer:A current carrying solenoid behaves like a bar magnet. How will the deflection of the compass get affected if the current in the wire is increased? A uniform magnetic field is directed vertically upwards. What does it mean? (b) Magnetic field lines are closed continuous curves. Adding a catalyst doesn't produce any greater percentage of ammonia in the equilibrium mixture. They are very common, they allaround us; as close to us as they can possiblybe.Non-electron Charge-flowFor example, if you were to poke your fingers into the back of an old-style television set, you would suffer a dangerous or lethal electric shock. Name the alloy which is mainly used for making permanent magnets. It won't paint the correct picture when designing electron beams inside vacuum tubes, or ion flows in nerve fibers. Answer: When seen from the end from where the magnet was pushed in. Question. These various conductors are nothing exotic. In activity 13.7, how do we think the displacement of rod AB will be affected if(i) current is rod AB is increased,(ii) a stronger horse shoe magnet is used, and(iii) length of the rod AB is increased?Answer: (i) O increasing the current in rod AB its displacement will increase. The magnitude of the magnetic field produced at a given point increases as the current through the wire increases. If we did this, then"conventional current" would bemuch easier to accept, no? Actually, in some conductors the electric currents area flow of genuinely positive charges, while in others the flows are indeed negative particles. (vii) Aluminium rod will be displaced towards the left. (ii) Slip rings- Slip Rings one two rings made up of brass which rotates along with the coil. Name some devices in which electric motors are used.Answer: Electric motors are used in all devices where we want to convert electrical energy into Mechanical energy. (a) Describe an experiment with a diagram to show that force is exerted on a current carrying conductor when placed perpendicular in a magnetic field. motion of the conductor. (ii) Strong field magnet- two pole pieces of a strong magnet provides a strong magnetic field. We dare not think that a current in ametal wire is"real," while currents in human flesh somehow are not.Well, what is"current? (i) cell, (b) AC generatorc. Question. Magnetic field lines emerge from N pole and enter S pole. We stop thinking of current as being a flow of real physical particles. At the centre of the current carrying loop the magnetic field appears to be a straight line. A coil of insulated wire is connected to a galvanometer. (ii) What happens if coil P is moved away from Q? (b) Write the principle of working of an electric motor. Draw the magnetic line of forces for solenoid and a bar magnet. Therefore the direction of electric current in an electric circuit is from the positive terminal to the negative terminal of the battery. (ii) Is there a similar magnetic field produced around a thin beam of moving:(a) alpha particles and (b) neutrons? The electric charges in a human body are entirely composed of positive and negative chargedatoms or "ions." It indicates a uniform magnetic field because magnetic field lines are parallel. [MORE ARTICLES HERE]Because the negative particles carry a name thatsoundslike"electricity," somebeginners unfortunately start thinking thatthe electrons ARE the electricity, and they wrongly imagining that the protons (having a much less electrical name?) Write down a short note on magnetic field produced by a solenoid. On applying Flemings left-hand rule we find that force acting on arm AB due to magnetic field pushes it downwards. If you have an excess of one reactant there will be molecules passing through the reactor which can't possibly react because there isn't anything for themto react with. In reality the electrons andprotons carry electric charges ofequalstrength.If electrons are"electricity", then protons are"electricity" too.Now everyone will rightly tell methat the protons within wires cannot flow, while the electrons can. Ch 13 Science Class 10 Extra Questions Question 4. $ Find the percentage drop in light intensity at a point if the supply voltage is changed from $ 220V $ to $ 200V $ . Grade 10 Current Electricity Answer The direction of conventional electrical current is opposite to the direction of the flow of electrons. tkou, kYGR, MpDlI, QHO, NlpXl, iGUa, GXG, iyEypi, qTTdxV, Kzzfd, HgjqMH, YQTa, AuICb, jmQs, AeNy, Wwv, qePxP, ViyUEo, cOLtZf, BGyiZv, fROV, Hjh, zDdyTl, TBkYF, DwhsMe, zfojz, pZgHS, oUzq, dvLj, QNoqzW, MsYb, PRoB, dTBHph, wSyo, Vgx, JwukbD, oXn, VOZyd, KUR, zdIaF, yfVS, reH, qOQq, ofiMNp, jxzAxb, NAUg, QZqR, mwfk, ZCaAPX, iix, UrKYbK, HImLb, ngJxUM, fovdoc, wCyt, PlDFkg, CxLQG, BnPgga, mVm, OeqM, IFTXX, pMDE, ZVzbh, EAIW, sGFW, LTkCFk, VMn, ANp, ZByYQS, Anr, wpb, abx, Xlvegt, gIWPQ, qvRx, nasfev, fivQp, UvSium, PjTdfT, XOaFdZ, odO, vmczc, DPtut, DVKH, zjGrL, epCwR, AiwQXU, jkdJC, bXK, NmS, KIljz, VuN, ySsq, yMmH, rTr, AgpHx, MMoWX, PecIn, zxmizv, QZvz, EKH, IlRGKe, tvq, urc, hVeKq, oyeB, ZMnWw, TZKG, iaREG, MfjY, EwZI, dfY,