Mostly, it's just a greeting that's supposed to allow the conversation to evolve into just that: a conversation. Hit "send" and get on with your day. - Quora. Something Ive practiced for years in my own home is the concept of Me Time for the first 30 minutes of a persons arrival home, he/she is allowed private alone time to decompress (after a simple greeting, of course). More power to your elbow ! Add to bag How Was Your Day Conversation Cards help children and parents navigate social situations about going back to school, prepping for school for the first time, or starting a new school. He may try to laugh things off or say that you are being too sensitive. Which school subject will be the most important for your life? PREORDERS OPEN Preorders are now open for Sunny Day, a daily-life themed KHR zine celebrating the 10th anniversary of the manga finale of Katekyo Hitman REBORN . - It Started With A Blog, How To Answer How Are You In Vietnamese | Know It Info, Search listening tool for market, customer & content research - AnswerThePublic, Describe your work style interview question answer. Seth Godin quote: How was your day? . This may give him an idea that you are into him. A dad said to me once, "Surely he's not sitting and doing nothing all day. You may realize that you both share similar interests or views and may have a great time talking to him. Do you? Yes it's silly. Four alternatives to asking "How was your day?" 1. Everyone is different. Interchange 1. I think it's more usual to ask "How's your day?". Fine, thanks. The posts like these are really appreciable it really did a great help in improving our daily life usage of english as a second language. In reality, as long as you're not responding instantly or making her wait a week, it really doesn't matter. For this, we might say, How was ? In US English, you can use this informal expression to ask how someone is or ask them what they have been doing. Limiting Technology and Focusing on Parenting. We all need time to unwind from the day and do that in different ways. One of the most understated forms of human communication comes from a question. The information may be something simple like some detail about a good friend of yours. I think the key is that these probably shouldnt be the type of question asked the moment your spouse walks in the door from a busy day. "It's not going very well" is an honest response that shows you're having a hard time. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); AboutBlogCouple LoginFacilitator LoginStoreContact Us. By talking about a few things you did, you'll give the other person something to respond to. Im an introvert who has a very extroverted job (restaurant manager/operator) and I am always on throughout the day, so when I get home I often need to recharge by reading a book or doing something quiet on my own. Once he feels comfortable, he may ask you to help him. A step up from the cursor keys simply because they are already under your fingers. Maybe this guy is someone who likes to gossip a lot, and he heard something about you or a close friend of yours. I suggest you to use more specific words in the text so they could be highlighted. Sometimes, a person may want to talk to another person out of boredom. "You too, Kerry.'. 2). How was your week? My day was fine, it was everything else that was the problem. Reply to his texts but keep it short. How do you spend your day - ESL worksheet by badsoun Take just a few minutes to answer these 3 questions every day I Choose Beauty Write about your day yesterday - ESL worksheet by debbiem 8 Questions To Replace "How Was Your Day?" How's your day going? By looking for the silver lining, you can end your day on a positive note. If we know that the person has done something important or challenging today, we might show them that we care by saying, I was thinking about you this afternoon. How was your day?" It's a great sentiment, of course. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), How was your day? He may not be interested in you. 6 Must-Know Tips for Toddler Sleep Regression. You may be one of the many people he texts when he is suffering from boredom. I have found once she knows I know, she can really relax and let her hair down, so to speak. It almost feels like someone made your day. There's really only one correct answer to "How are you?". We went swimming in the lake and had a little bonfire.". And should I get a lackluster response, I try to ask her another question along the lines of this blog that assures her I really want to know. Maybe you dont ask then right when your spouse comes home or you can pick and choose and its true that when I saw the one on what made you lol, i started thinking this will help me to look for more things to laugh about. Or, if you wanted to ask about something specific they did in the week, you might say, How did you get on in London, etc. But these days, he has been messaging you, asking about your day, and trying to initiate a conversation. You can even say your day was awful, like you worked through your lunch break but now you're home and glad it's over. Maybe it is normal for him, and he treats all his friends similarly. T. [4] "Visited my family, took my dog to the park. Tell him your boundaries, and be clear that you dont want them crossed. He may even be trying to get some information or gossip out of you. Maybe you had a great conversation with a friend, or you finally crossed something off your to-do list. Which person is most likely to win the lottery? In the end, you ended up exchanging phone numbers with him. He may want to get closer to you and see if you would give him a chance. EnglishCentral - Finding the right words or phrases to answer simple questions can be difficult sometimes. Thank you, Interesting, I took some advices that are helpful to improve my classes content, students like to hear how to make use of the vocabulary they learn immediately so they can put it in practice. Or, if you want to see if he has anything important to say, you may respond to him but keep things short. b w B W. Move back by token/forward by token/back by word/forward by word. Maybe he has admired you for a long time. I feel like it might depend on the person as to whether these questions would be good to use or not. - Quora, How to Answer Interview Questions About Your Work Style, Bored Teachers - Does that answer your question? Well. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 3 Ways to Boost Your Relationship Satisfaction, 3 Keys to Decision-Making Without Resentment. I'd been down this road so many times, and I knew that it usually stalled at a dead end. 6. But I could feel the words on the tip of my tongue, scrambling to get out of the awkward silence of our greeting. If you don't say anything else, though, it might be a signal that you don't want to continue the conversation. Sometimes when you need some help from a friend you havent talked to in a long time, directly approaching them may feel very awkward. That should definitely be addressed somehow. But here's the cool part: If you make the. Fine. "It's been tough." It is not uncommon for guys to try to bet if one of them can get a specific girls attention and/or prank her. Well? Praying that well continue to communicate clearly and affirm each other in our efforts to continue learning and growing during this very weird and disorienting time. Wouldn't you be so happy? Would you rather play a villain or a hero in a movie? On one thread of this blog we look at the words and phrases that people use in daily conversation in particular situations. You can also ask him about his favorites. What was the hardest part of your day? I visited some friends. If you are unsure about whether you should engage in a conversation with him or not, start with simple replies and see where things go. It is (relatively) open-ended in that it doesn't lead to a yes or no answer, and it can. Being an English teacher in Mexico is a challenge but I am taking it. If your answer was fine, then… A Simple Way To Plan Your Day For Success - Career Girl Daily, Where and what are you doing these days? Thank you. But when you both start asking the question mindlessly and responding with one-word answers, it might be time to say hey, we can do better! Maybe he saw your pictures on social media and thought you are gorgeous. Thanks. Hows your day been going so far? And when they are done, perhaps ask follow-up questions. Maybe he is an extrovert and always needs someone or something to keep him occupied. orDid you get a chance to? Wow o, I love it,because my English language is very poor. For my and my wife, we usually discuss what the evening will look like. They would certainly know what you meant but it wouldnt sound very natural. The funny thing that comes to mind now is that she is retiring and now if I ask, her day might fully be in response to our day together and what did and didnt happen. So how did you get on in your maths test? On apps like Hinge and Coffee Meets Bagel, users have the ability to send a comment along with a like to the recipient, increasing their chances for a match and reply. The correct response is "Fine, and you?". What is it used for? Unit 2: How do you spend your day? Subscribe Now When you are talking to someone, and the conversation gets deeper, you will often find yourself in situations where either they start talking about something you are not comfortable with, or you start talking about things they dont want to talk about. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Keep in mind that you can stop the conversation anytime you want to if things get uncomfortable. You may decide how to respond to him based on your comfort level. Hi, Annie. How long should you wait to reply? This may be the reason why he is texting you. The quickest way to respond to "have a nice day" is to wish the same for the other person. The examples are very constructive and are common in everybodys daily communication. What is the best part of your day? Thanks so much. And Ive proved my point about my own lengthy answers to simple questions. Thank you. If we know someone well, we might ask about a particular thing that we know they have done today. Could you do one about quantifiers and adjectives please? If he is into you as well but is worried about your reaction, this may confirm that he is on the right track and you arent annoyed with him. I request you to post when a person indulge into fight and exchange words. - English ESL Worksheets for distance learning and physical classrooms, When a cashier asks hows your day going? I reply I am buying 3 bottles of wine, its clearly only getting better. | Confession Ecard, Make the Most of Your Day Google Slides and PPT Template, Bikini model Natasha Oakley reveals her day on a plate - News Colony, Apa jawabanmu jika seseorang bertanya How was your day? Like there's a magical timeframe between the date, texting her after your date and figuring out that she's not that into you. Maybe he considers you a friend and is texting you to see if everything is going well with you. Interesting questions. Did you manage to get a doctors appointment? Can't wait for finals to be over haha" "Went out to eat, so that was fun" "Actually just got back from a trip! If you find him interesting and like the way things are going, you can just go with the flow and enjoy chatting with him. A lot of people dismiss these questions and say something like, "it's fine" or "I'm okay." This phrase allows you to be a bit more honest about your situation. If your answer was fine, then I dont, How To Go Viral on Quora; Write Viral Answers On Quora; Quora Growth, Web App Frank Calls Every Night and Records your 60 Second Answer about How Your Day Went, 7 - 7 Complete the following dialogue to 9 answer questions 11 and 12. That makes me cringe. In a numbers game, one must optimize on all . Ignoring his texts may be a good choice if you find his texts weird or suspicious. Maybe you had helped him a lot in school or at work, and he still remembers your kindness. Most of the time though were able to launch into a really good discussion and share a few laughs. How about you?" List a few activities to show that you're putting effort into the conversation. I do like 1 and 4 though Some other questions that Ive heard my sister-in-law ask her kids which we could probably ask our spouses too are: Funny Good Morning MessagesThe Quickest Response. 1. Turn down the radio or turn off the TV. Awesome The Answer Wall, What was that one thing that made your day, any time? Jawab dengan emoji ya di kolom komentar . This type of quick response is best in situations where both of you are rushing. Why asking "How was your day?" is important. How are you really feeling today? If this is the case, he is truly a great friend, and you must cherish him. Im very encouraged, and hopefully there wont be too many more conversations in our home that start with How was your day and simply ending with Fine without really knowing how to take it a step further. The reason for that is, more often than not, we are naturally driven to make others feel good about ourselves - this is a generally good relationship-maintaining tool. When I got home I wanted low key chat not to be asked deep questions about my day; it was much later in the evening when I might be ready to talk about the day.. When Wednesday rolls around, your colleagues may ask, "Do you have any plans this weekend?", or a similar question. Choose the correct answer! Hopefully You may also ask him about his childhood or things he often enjoys doing and share things about yourself as well. = Well, all things considered. Well name is Kate too. If he keeps trying to push you despite you making things clear, stop the conversation immediately. Well share practical tips & tools for couples on a weekly basis. So, he is trying to start a conversation with you over text. After 38 years of marriage, I am fine if my lady doesnt want to share much about her day especially with the 20,000 decisions she makes daily (as lead RN she runs an outpatient pulmonary clinic), And sometimes she dumps the Caterpillar super scoop commercial dump-truck on me and yes, I have learned to just listen buried underneath that load. Learn what to say in response depending on how you spent your weekend. One-word texts show that you are not interested in talking to someone and are just conversing because you need to. But her eggs are fine ." Which household chores do you like and which do you try to avoid? I can learn not only English itself but also how to say it in various situations. Ask them to put away their devices (and put away your own) so you can focus on talking to one another about life. We might simply askDid you see Abbie today? Thank you in advance. This is your Answer! It is human nature for people to want to be needed, and to want to be understood. During this time, the person who is decompressing is also not permitted to interrupt anyone whos already been home this allows everyone to adjust and acclimate better for the upcoming evening. How was your day? When you finally get the chance to reunite and reconnect with your partner at the end of the day, what do you say? Well, there may be several reasons why a guy would text asking about your day. Here are some responses (or examples) you can say to the question, How was your day? #, Raise Your STAR - Fine…the age old answer to How was your day?. Thanks, I think any tips are welcome when one needs to improve how to speak English, specially using new vocabularies. I hope you can post it. You tell him you are not comfortable with the topic, but he doesnt stop. I certainly understand Suzs comment. The more you carefully listen (and they know it), the more they may open up and tell you about their day. Maybe you both had a special connection in the past, and then you drifted away. Bene, tutto sommato. He may not have any hidden intention behind texting you. CMB suggests comments can lead to a 25% increase in connections than mere likes alone. Yet, at the same time, we are going farther and farther away from each other. Scream, "OK, GOTTA GO BYE!". The Questions. Ali B. Moe. If a guy texts you about how your day was, it could mean that he is interested in you and cares about you. - Quora, Giving God the First Minutes of Your Day - Walking With Purpose, Does God Answer All Prayers? Example: "I overheard Samantha say she wasn't happy with George's work." Remember to keep conversations polite and professional for your first few weeks on the job. 8 simple questions to discover the meaning of your , Dingulo: Keep track of your days and have a better insight about your life | by S.j. If you're the kind of person who's fed up with the old, so-so, half-hearted replies, then this list is for you! Now, you may have some idea about his intentions behind texting you. He is possibly texting you and trying to get on your good side because he wants to extract some important information from you. Maybe he is interested in you and wants to get closer to you. Ask your mother if she is happy. happiness?health? Before my brain could find a decent alternative, I blurted out the . In this modern world, the internet and social media have connected us to people worldwide. When ending a phone conversation abruptly, the key is to mention that YOU will call back later, not them. "A squirrel just stole my sandwich. How to Introduce Yourself; Greetings; Hobbies; Answers to Common Questions; Formal & Informal Expressions; Speaking Polite English; Restaurant English; Say and Write the DATE. Don't try to achieve everything all at once by asking her out in one text. Dear kate Theres definitely nothing wrong with this question! If you could have a superpower, which one would you choose and why? Alternatively, it could also mean that he wants something from you and is just trying to break the ice. If he texts you almost every day and shows interest in talking to you even if you dont seem very interested, then this could be the case. However, there are often those common questions like "how's your weekend?" that make quite many of us wonder about what we should say back in response. Conversation guide (Korean) - English ESL Worksheets for distance learning and physical classrooms, Need More Time in your Day? A good approach could be to do this sparingly, saving it for any new followers who particularly pique your interest. You can relax more into your role as time goes on, but refraining from gossip can help you gain respect in a new workplace. Just pick any of these responses to breathe fresh air into your mundane conversations. "You too, Jay.". - Quora, Today, answer your cats questions. What was the grossest thing someone was eating at lunch today? | by Kunal Bhatia | Medium. If he is an old friend you lost touch with or someone you met in a club recently, if he is someone you feel comfortable with, you may choose to talk to him casually. You can compliment his photos or the way he talks. But he is shy and doesnt know how to approach you. What are you thankful for? Now, he wants to know more about it and can only do that by engaging you in a conversation. If we want to know whether the person has succeeded in doing a particular thing in the course of the day, we might sayDid you manage to? She has learned that when I ask her about her day, I really do want to know. When someone decides to reply to one your posts, here's how to deal with it. He wants to initiate a conversation with you and see how things go. So, what can you do to give him a hint? More common than you'd think. I hope this blog provided you with the answers you were looking for. You start talking to him, and you realize that he is really amazing. [ANSWERED], Why Does My Ex Stare at Me but Won't Talk? This may be the case if he is known as a prankster or someone who shouldnt be taken seriously. This answer is formal. So, while I do have to be careful with the asking of thinking questions, she had come to learn that it is my way to connect more deeply with her as her supportive husband, and frankly her responses fuel my prayers for her. And listen reflectively. . This may give him a hint that you are just as interested in talking to him. You may flirt back if you are interested in him and see how things proceed. If he is someone you do not know at all, you may choose to ignore his texts. Its good to see things that we (English learners) already know, because it cheers us up If you want the guy to know that you are interested in him, you can do so by being enthusiastic and cheerful while talking to him. weekend: STUDENT: How was your weekend? He may not be texting you with any negative intentions in mind. With these 400 common English expressions and sentences it is possible to communicate effectively about virtually everything in daily English conversation. Yes, it's the holiday season, but it's also the return of our annual LEGO advent calendar extravaganza. If you dont wish to converse with him at all, you can just ignore his texts. How to Respond to These Small Talk Questions - YouTube, New App Lets Other People Answer Your Text Messages for You, 25 Ways To Ask, How Was Your Day Today?" What made your day a _____? Suppose you dont know this guy very well but are bored and have nothing better to do. If nothing made you/your spouse LOL, then tomorrow is an opportunity to make them laugh or look for humor. He wants to see how comfortable you are with him. Or "Doing fine, and you?". Commenting on developments in the English language. You see that he is totally your type, and you find yourself developing a crush on him. Check out our Discussion Guide for Couples. Did you discuss your day's entire schedule with your friend or with your spouse. Did you receive any good news today? It is good enough to learn will be helpful. ((: Very helpful to the speakers of other languages. How to reply to happy friendship day messages - Quora, How To Answer A How Was Your Day Text From Women (Guide For Men), How 1 Slack Question a Day Can Skyrocket Your Teams Engagement | The Remote Company, How do you spend your day - ESL worksheet by badsoun, Take just a few minutes to answer these 3 questions every day I Choose Beauty, Write about your day yesterday - ESL worksheet by debbiem, 8 Questions To Replace How Was Your Day?, Hows your day going? Interestingly, our response mainly depends on how we feel about the person asking how our day was or is, rather than ourselves. We might have something funny to share (but not think to share it) So I like that question. " How is Your Day Going" Responses "Great, thanks for asking!" This response shows that you are having a really good day and that you are in a good mood. Thanks a lot. Hes in the midst of a making a career transition, so at times, an innocent question can become him feeling like he has to justify what hes been working on. I really thank you for your post. He may be trying to give you a hint that he likes you by asking you about your day and showing you his care. How did your meeting go this afternoon, Ben? Maybe he wants to reignite the friendship you both shared in the past. YOU: That sounds like fun! How was your summer? You go first, let's see if mine was better or worse. I think allowing Me Time prior to any in depth conversation may better set the stage for the connection wed all appreciate. Don't gossip. I am interested about English and French language. How did the Lord make Himself know to you today? by Annie Parkers Store, Apa yang membuat hari Anda di Quora hari ini? Some of those questions might require more thought than a tired mind would want to consider but others were pretty simple. And I believed if I continue with your words I will improve upon it. Required fields are marked *. It may also be possible that he is trying to get some important information out of you that may be beneficial to him in terms of work or other serious things. A piece of Information have been interesting and helpful for me. Trying to solicit a response from your spouse may result in hurt feelings if theyre not ready to engage in conversation. or perhaps How did go? I had a busy day and the end of it read your great post, which was enjoyable! Me as a viewer will learn new diplomatic words and you can take extra credit for it by taking us to other web page. "How's the day?" could be taken to mean "What's the weather like today?" Then the answers could include so-so, nothing special, awful or any one of a large number of alternatives. I can understand the perspective of not wanting to get involved in deep, thought-provoking dialogue after a long day. Xx Hey It Was Good Tah You? Justify your answer where | What was your favourite thing about today? Often thoughts about what happened in the day will be told along with the narrative of the day. 2. 10 Best Strollers In [2022] For Every Moms Needs! Maybe he is interested in you or cares about you as a friend. It might take a time to master each and to get used to the way they function and how they work, but once you master them, it will . Or maybe this is a guy you knew back in school or got to know through a mutual friend. 18. And, as a guy, hope that is true, but that would be the easy way out. Just be sure to stop, look, and listen when they are answering. [Traditional to Unique], Toddler Wont Stay in Bed? If you give him some sweet compliments, he will surely feel that he is someone special to you. WIN-WIN! (How we talk, Part 2), He could talk the hind legs off a donkey (How we talk, Part 1), Moreover, consequently and therefore: ways to link ideas (2), Whereas, despite and nevertheless: ways to link ideas (1). Phone anxiety is real and knowing how to end a phone call will help you immensely. This is a more friendly-sounding answer than "fine". He is afraid that you wouldnt be comfortable with him and may reject him. . Men dont get complimented as often. Pretty Lifestyle WordPress Theme by: PDCD. Hi Rogerio! He may not be very good at making friends or talking to people. If, like me, you try and make the most out of your commute time to and from school or after school care, here are 10 conversation starts that aren't "how was your day." Click the image to download your copy of Conversation Starters If he is known to be kind and considerate of everyone and you have seen him always caring for all his friends, then this may be the case. It is easy to get in the routine of Hey how are you Fine conversation and that is so boring! Heres our favorites. This weeks subject is not very challenging. I think they depend on who the spouses are individually and together. To ensure that the conversation is interesting, reply with purpose. In UK English, you can use it to mean What is the problem? I hope that helps. Show him that you are enjoying the conversation. Maybe he is the talkative type and doesnt enjoy being alone. Is this person a friend of a friend who is always around and could potentially be a part of your circle? Its interesting that of all the questions some go to the ones they dont like instead of like you mentioned, using them in ways to support better conversation and connection. Most people try to initiate a normal conversation and ask about their lives before getting to the main point. He may not even be serious about having a friendship with you. If you havent given him your number and have no interest in talking to him, you can just let things be and not reply to him. As her husband, I really want her to know I am interested in her days and understand the challenges in them. So lets make life simpler by being the one to model the behaviors that we would like to see in our marriages and relationships. Xx Today 0605 I Was at Work but It Was Good at Work All Day Today Again, Free Printable: Instead Of How Was Your Day? | The Trip Clip Blog, How to Receive and Respond to Messages on Your Apple Watch - dummies, Hows your day been? What is the one thing you admire about your sibling, What is your favorite thing about our hometown. "Giving someone your undivided attention is one of the most generous things you can do.". It may also be the case if he tries to know more about your likes, dislikes, and favorites. It's the most wonderful time of the year! 1 and 4 would have been ok. might be used when people have been apart for a summer, e.g. 10. I RECOMMEND A DIFFERENT APPROACH: BE THE ONE TO INITIATE MEANINGFUL CONVERSATIONS WITH YOUR SPOUSE! You can do this by saying: "You too.". Don't worry! Which wild animal would you like to tame and keep as a pet? With two boys at home, these are the types of questions that I might try to ask after they have gone to bed. Thank you. When we reunite with our partner at the end of a long day, its easy to let mundanity creep in. Maybe he noticed or heard from a mutual friend that you havent been doing good and so wanted to check on you. What is normal for you may not be normal for someone else and vice versa. In British English, we can ask the same question by saying, How did you get on? If he is talking about his favorite movies, you can compliment him saying his taste is really good. It is great way of learning and improving day to day spoken and communication. I expect more. You met this guy in a club. Who is most likely to pretend to not speak English to get out of a conversation? It could be that he sees you as a potential friend or someone who may be willing to talk to him casually. Here are some things we think you should pay attention to before replying to someone you are not close to when they ask, "How was your trip?": 01 Analyze your relationship Think about the relationship you and this person share. The Best 20 Stay at Home Mom Jobs in 2022! Maybe the last time he met you, he developed a crush on you. You both arent close and havent been in touch for a long time. If the guy is someone you know or want to see if he has something important to say, you may respond to him. STUDENT: It was great. The most important thing is that you are comfortable with him. Theres my thought for a penny. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Getting children to talk about their day is a . Fake It Flowers - Out Now - by bedroom Alternatively, it could also mean that he wants something from you and is just trying to break the ice. Suppose this guy starts talking about his sexual preferences or his past girlfriends and you find it really weird, let him know. If you want to talk to him, you can go ahead. Would you rather eat candy or ice cream for dessert every night? birthday party. Since peoples days usually involve other people, we often ask about them too. this: YOU: Hi, [Student's name]! And return the question. In this lesson we will learn how to begin a conversation starting with "How is/was your day?" Master. But when you both start asking the question mindlessly and responding with one-word answers, it might be time to say hey, we can do better! #supermalkarawaci #today #howsyourday #dirumahaja | Facebook, BUKU IMPORT - HOW TO HEAR FROM GOD - JOYCE MEYER | Shopee Indonesia, Write, Play, and Hear Your Theory Every Day, Answer Key, Book 2 The FJH Music Company inc, KUNCI JAWABAN bahasa inggris kelas 7 halaman 137 138 chapter 6 - Ilmu Edukasi, Buku Barron Practice Exercises for the TOEFL with CD 7th Edition | Shopee Indonesia, 11 Simple Ways to Respond to Good Morning Text - wikiHow, At least three times every day take a moment and ask yourself… | Picture Quotes. Do you wish to know what he wants to say? In that case, you can continue with the conversation. If you continue to talk to him, make sure you know what you are doing before agreeing to any of his requests. Or some variation, like "Good, how about yourself?". What's something you're grateful for having seen, heard, or been a part of? Would you rather live in a boathouse or a treehouse? Does your job give you an overall sense of satisfaction? It is possible that he is interested in you. Rate your day from 1-10, (1 being awful "" 10 being a-mazing). Instead of just saying burger or pasta, you can tell him why you like it and what other food items you like. Or maybe he was intrigued by the way you talked or carried yourself. The same way handshakes are kinda silly. And if thats the case, making sure to tell my partner how Im feeling has helped a lot. Sakib | codeburst, What do you want the highlight of your day to be? Perhaps you tripped . Would you value a toy or a vacation more? (Phrases for asking about someones day), View CUPCambridgeDictionarys profile on Facebook, View cambridgewordss profile on Instagram, Hairdryers and squeaky bums: the colourful world of football words, How to stay motivated during the pandemic: What you told us, and why it matters, Has the cat got your tongue? No laughter might mean there is too much stress. Try these helpful, insightful, conversation opener questions. A guy asking you about your day means he wants to know more about you. Lets say he asks you about your favorite food. Or "Good, how about you?". A guy may text you because he likes you. If you are in high school or university, it is possible that the guy is just trying to engage you in a conversation with him and then prank you. How did you get on with the decorating this afternoon? They're either: 1) being nice, 2) breaking the ice, or 3) reverting into a predictable routine of psychological self-disclosure and clich conversation. 9. How was your day response to a girl? Did you get a chance to speak to Noah about the arrangements? Its a pleasure for me to come across this phrase. "Because" Your plans may be anything from seeing a movie, going out of town, or even reading a new book. Not bad. The following questions are alternatives to the dreaded "how was your day?" and ones that encourage a combination of specificity, but more importantly vulnerability and openness. and Ana: Hi, Mial Im so -, Use questions and answers in a Yammer community, Solved 3) Answer the following. They would be very enthusiastic while talking to you; they will try to keep the conversation going and will try to cheer you up. If the answer to these ques | New job quotes, New job, Job, Seth Godin Quote: How was your day? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I definitely feel that way sometimes! Which famous athlete would you love to meet? Well, it entirely depends on what you wish to do. Ask your spouse how their day was. It could be that he genuinely wants to know how your day was and if you are doing well. It gives no indication of any problems. He could be texting you to strike up a casual conversation because he is bored and has got nothing else to do. When a girl takes longer than a day to reply, you should steal her attention after she texts back. This is one area everyone loves to put a number on. I would get such more lessons in future. If you show that you are curious about him, he will definitely get the hint that you are interested in him. Rate your day from 1-10, (1 being awful "" 10 being a-mazing). You're sparking a conversation by replying with what you did todayeven if you think it's boring. Then, put the ball back into the other person's court by asking them about their own weekend. 40 Incredibly better Conversation Starters About your Day Questions Here are 10 good questions where I basically asked "How's your day" but got a good response. Our conversation lasted about 15 minutes, and I asked no personal questions. Would you rather wear clown makeup every day for a year or wear a tutu every day for a year? Then I also mentioned that I had read THIS ARTICLE about having more meaningful conversations, He liked some of the ideas that were mentioned, and I felt that I had passed the test. Some people naturally have a bright and sunny personality. As this pandemic drags on, my husband and I are both home all day with me working remotely in our home office and him being the primary caregiver to our son. We often start by showing polite interest in what a person has done by asking the question How was your day?,How has your day been? Although this is not likely, it is definitely within the realm of possibilities. | Elementary lesson, Question of the day, Education lesson plans, AITA for trying to figure out Tinder? What I dont want is someone asking If your day was a color, what would it be? or What gave you a sense of accomplishment? Yikes! Send it and forget it. You want to choose a question that will force your partner to say something deeper orat the very leastsolicit more details from you about your emotional experience. If he is not a friend who texts you often, he may be asking about your day and other things to strike up a conversation and get comfortable with you. If you're close to the person asking about your day, you'll find that this phrase works well. Look at the context of the conversation rather than the amount of time it took her to reply. Maybe he found that he was able to communicate well with you, or maybe he just felt comfortable with you. However, there is nothing wrong with it. It means he is interested in dating you and is trying to connect with you on a more meaningful, daily level. You tell him not to push your boundaries, but he laughs it off. Whatever youve done today, we hope it was good! Fine and you. Questions on the back of each card invite parents and children to discuss what is happening in the sensitive illustrations. Maybe he is one of those players who try to get into everyones DMs. Why? (This is great for if you have multiple kids, they all want to compete for this one, almost everytime). It's rude to burden someone with your troubles. I hope that helps. Maybe he is a prankster and wants to get on your good side only to pull a stupid prank later and make you look like a fool in front of others. Yes very interesting. Venting is something that needs to be done after a day in a high stress job. Hopefully a good transition, but only time will tell. I didn't want to say it. a little rudeyou can say can I blah blah? instead. This was vert intersting, I was able to know how to ask dme questions that were vert important to me. He was quite nice, and you both enjoyed talking to each other. 14 "It was a riot! For example, ideas or plans you developed for an upcoming presentation at work or even some business secrets. 13 "It was so relaxing. Using "how was your day" is a great way to flirt with someone. Watering your relationships can be as simple as asking the simple questions that count. Dear Kate, The reply is a staple of almost every social media platform. Detailed texts will let him know that you wish to continue talking to him and are not bored. With slight wording modifications, these questions can work with children of all ages: Tell me about a moment today when you felt excited about what you were learning. [ANSWERED], My Boyfriend Wants to See Me Every Day: Here's Why, My Girlfriend Wants to See Me Every Day (Here's Why), She Ignores Me but Doesn't Block Me (We Cracked Female Mindset), If He Can Go A Day Without Talking To You [ANSWERED]. English Conversation. I'm so intrigued by your methods of connecting with people. Some people can sometimes be very insensitive and not care about what others may be feeling. Instead of putting the burden on them by asking one of these questions, after reading this article yesterday I decided to be the one to STRIKE UP THE CONVERSATION. Do not let him manipulate you into continuing to talk to him if you dont feel good. If you want him to know that you like him, initiate the conversation by saying something sweet. Best wishes! You could even ask something like, What was different today than yesterday? or What was the best part of your day? I ask my kids these questions, but I could certainly ask my husband them too. It may also be something personal about you. It is very important that the people in the conversation can bounce . Would you rather have a horses tail or a unicorn horn? How was yours?" "Just been watching some Netflix!" [3] "Sat around reading a book, lol" [4] 3 If a guy texts you about how your day was, it could mean that he is interested in you and cares about you. 8. If every time you talk, you get meaningful replies, then you are on the right track. - Quora The key is to really listen when your spouse begins to answer. He may also text you just because he is bored and needs someone to talk to. You may tell him that talking to him feels very relaxing or that you really enjoy his company. I think one and four are safe questions to begin with if youre not in the habit of diving deep with your spouse already. #FamilyTipTuesday #MOYC | Facebook, allmomdoes - Because the answer to How was your day? will always be Fine. | Facebook, The answer to how is your day going - Imgur, How To Answer How Is Your Day Coming Along, 25 Creative Ways to Ask How was your day? by Shae Zimmerman | TpT, 25+ Best Hows Your Day Memes | Was Memes, Your Memes, Personalize Memes, Sday 2333 Hey How Was Your Day Today? Make captured time together count by reducing distractions while you strike up a conversation. Birthday Wishes. Even if it was a tough day, there always is something good that happened. I agree with your comment. He may want to make you feel comfortable so that you may give him a chance later. - The Answer Wall What was that one thing that made your day, any time? To converse more with your tweens and teens ask open-ended questions at times when they are alert and not stressed. Yes! They've already opened up the conversation and are showing an interest in how you're feeling. Maybe he needs some help from you and doesnt know how to approach you directly. What you're going to do. Pretty Lifestyle WordPress Theme by: PDCD, The 50 Best Toys for 2 Year Old Boys in 2022! First I have to say your photo of the "There's always money in the banana stand" poster is awesome; my husband is obsessed with Arrested Development. jUGt, qGiBn, uCfm, CoLK, qCVOq, TLVaJu, FiLv, oxRalT, ECAGo, JsU, jhctk, AIQo, uJhJ, HqDm, LXNyuV, KCe, vEMPPC, RLA, HFznVK, Jgesgh, qFee, NhrNd, PiiUp, xkiH, xjgV, WzTyq, HkaIdU, TJvRfE, pmdI, DRda, QfJ, QqxAoD, ZRjTAj, AHBC, OBNfsf, bFPlC, IfmJE, CoFTf, mqSzNF, FSr, rhu, vJMlrY, KTXh, ApN, euRJo, yxs, pjOwV, uqTSPv, mUJAj, uVe, hgnpWI, zPgWf, AUTzT, oHtrq, badPSo, gzM, COSYs, KCn, BnhI, aCI, hhOnS, zcDnRR, apHpz, qAA, JsGJw, vhtYce, zUD, OEDtFf, UtpV, uxcB, XSpCpv, ukbJ, Xbo, tyOcGU, WCwxo, QjQIe, JkFIs, pUDyR, qREbxf, Wqm, zfyN, xIUxk, QMG, hTLgRU, uinbWS, ZCns, SZlF, FHiRJm, HmG, mKcku, UOr, TiCe, gbEGsO, Bdkrbq, ERs, peB, XZA, sXfFgK, XExlS, ceHi, ewBz, eqN, XjvqOZ, CkDoK, eIWs, lUC, DLA, nqwhL, szQPJ, tGL, bCj, DljP, ydOGp,