An entire industry has evolved around software protection and licensing technologies, where renowned companies offer advanced (and expensive) solutions to tackle this problem. AndroidHWCServerVendorHWC1.xFrameBuffer, HWCBinderized HALHWC2HALHWC2Android 8.0, HWC2 LayerDisplayHWC2hwcomposer2.h, LayerLayerLaye, HALhwc2_layer_thwcomposer2.h, HIDLLayerLayerhwc2_layer_t, Android BufferLayerBufferLayerColorLayerAndroid, BufferLayer BufferLayerProducer, ColorLayer AlphaDim Layer, YUV Layer If you don't explicitly capture the return value, then the resource will be cleaned up. If both copy and move constructors are provided and no other constructors are class_template.cpp-function_template.cpp-Tutorials C++ Programming Basic Course Slides (presented by Korean) 1st Study: From C to C++ (1/4) printf, scanf cin, Since the license checking code is usually shipped with the software product in compiled form, I'll put in here both the generated code (in Intel x86 assembly) since that is what the crackers will see after a successful disassembly of the executable but also the C++ code for the licensing algorithm. There is a time when every application needs to iterate over a set of values, so I tried to re-implement the basic loop structures used in c++: The for loop, the while and the do-while have been reincarnated in the framework. , 3.c++const const, 5 ). If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. 1. In case the debugging mode is active, the IF-ELSE-ENDIF macros are defined to expand to the following statements: Now it is very clear why we needed the lambda created by the IF macro (([&]()->bool { return (n == 42); })). Certainly, if they are well determined, the code will also be cracked at some point, but at least we'll make it harder for them. 00, , . If the expression is true it will continue the execution from the beginning of the loop, if it is false it will stop the execution and exit the loop. is a smart pointer which owns an object exclusively. Otherwise, if T is Why does my stock Samsung Galaxy phone/tablet lack some features compared to other Samsung Galaxy models? Its type is template class unique_ptr;, so it depends on two template parameters. If you want to make harder for the attacker the identification of the license checking method I'd recommend either to use some irrelevant names or just strip all symbols from the executable as part of the release process. The code is written also with "older" compilers in mind, so not all the latest and greatest features of C++14 and 17 are being included. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. if you have a map that uses std::unique_ptr as key, you can use a foo* or a std::uintptr_t as key parameter to find without constructing a std::unique_ptr, see example). staticstatic, 2). 2. Unfortunately the WHILE loop also has the same restrictions as the IF: you cannot declare a variable in its condition. unique_ptr is the light-weight smart pointer of choice if you just have a dynamic object somewhere for which one consumer has sole (hence "unique") responsibility -- maybe a wrapper class that needs to maintain some dynamically allocated object. Both shared_ptr and unique_ptr are designed to be passed by value (with the obvious movability requirement for the unique pointer). Notes. inlineC++C++, 3). If r is empty, so is the new shared_ptr (but its stored pointer is not necessarily null). Please note the add_entry and add_default methods, together with the join() method which allow chaining of expressions and method calls on the same object. There is no swiss army knife when it comes about protecting your software against malicious interference, because from the moment it has left your build server and it was dowloaded, the software is out of your hands, and entered an uncontrollable environment. Pointers to other incomplete types can be dereferenced, but the resulting lvalue can only be used in [] Implicitly-declared copy assignment operatoIf no user-defined copy assignment operators are provided for a class type (struct, class, or union), the compiler will always declare one 3. Those who dislike the usage of CAPITAL letters in code may find the framework to be annoying. Here is an example of returning 42 from a function: With the introduction of RETURN, an important issue arose: The obfuscation framework does not support the usage of void functions. This is the syntax of the REPEAT - AS_LONG_AS construct: This will execute the statements at least once, and then depending on the value of the expression either will continue the execution, or will stop and exit the loop. When this counter reaches 0, then the stored object is destroyed. Does deleting the main class's object pointer delete nested classes pointers as well? C++11 introduced a standardized memory model. 2.EventThreadSurfaceFlinger, VSyncSources VsyncVsyncVsyncVSyncSourcesVSyncSourcesVsync, Android 7.0 HWC (HWC2)AndroidAndroid 8.0HWC22.1HWC2 SurfaceFlinger SurfaceFlinger 3D (GPU) , Hardware Composer , TilingimageMxN, swizzlingTilinghwc, HWC Surface GPU OpenGL HWC HWC, Android 8.0TrebleAndroid Android HAL VendorVendorAndroid, HWCHWCBinderizedHALBinderizedHALAndrodHALBinderBinderHwBinder, HWCSpace, HWC2 Client Its type is template std::cin, std::cout, (TBD) Casting 2: dynamic_cast, const_cast, reinterpret_cast, (TBD) Smart pointer: unique_ptr, shared_ptr, weak_ptr, (5th) Access modifier: public, protected, private, (8th) Member variable: static / const / reference / const reference, (8th) Method: static / const / method overloading / default parameter / inline, (TBD) Special functions 3: Move constructor, Move assignment operator, (TBD) Special functions 4: std::initializer_list constructor, Inheriting constructor, (13th) try ~ catch ~ throw / throw list (noexcept), (TBD) Template inheritance vs template specialization, (TBD) pair, tuple, map, multimap, set, multiset, (TBD) unordered_map, unordered_multimap, unordered_set, unordered_multiset. MyClass(const MyClass & x); MyClass&MyClass::operator= (const MyClass & x); ~MyClass(); const, , =, , , (2)(3)strcpyother, 6new, 2, , , error: A::A() is private, , , 3., class bAbb(NULL):A(NULL)a, , , 3public, protectprivateprotectprivate, , 4, thisthisthis*constthisthisthis, MovePoint(int a,int b)void MovePoint( Point *this, int a, int b), thisreturn *this*this, () C++, 1DATE dates[7]; dates7DATE, =. . Several shared_ptr objects may own the same object. The first aligned address is returned. For example, std::vector relies on std::move_if_noexcept to choose between move and copy when the elements need to be relocated. But there's another big difference: The shared pointers type is always template class shared_ptr;, and this is despite the fact that you can initialize it with custom deleters and with custom allocators. visibleRegion This is picked randomly when compilation happens by the extra_chooser class, which is like: And is helped by the following constructs: Which is the actual definition of the classes for the extra operations, which in their turn look like: Where the extra addition and substraction are also very similar. ClientLayerGPUFBTargetDisplayFBTargetClientGLESGPUClientRenderEngine, Device History has shown us, that if a piece of software is crackable, it will be cracked. Not the answer you're looking for? How does the Chameleon's Arcane/Divine focus interact with magic item crafting? c++constconst, 6. When using unique_ptr, there can be at most one unique_ptr pointing at any one resource. The framework has adopted a familiar, BASIC like syntax to make the switch from real C++ source code the the macro language of the framework as easy and painless as possible. Internally, shared_ptr has a lot more going on: There is a reference count, which is updated atomically to allow the use in concurrent code. ;; , tracker, . , Alice_Flower_Long: The functionality is very similar to the well known switch-case construct, the main differences are: The fall through behaviour of the switch construct which is familiar to c++ programmers was kept, so there is a need to put in a BREAK statement if you wish for the operation to stop after entering a branch. Is this an at-all realistic configuration for a DHC-2 Beaver? There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. displayFrame LayerdisplayFramedisplayFramevisibleRegion, damageRegion Could someone explain differences between shared_ptr and unique_ptr? There are several voices whispering loudly that macros have nothing to do in a C++ code, and there are several voices echoing back that macros if wisely used can help C++ code as well as good old style C. I personally have nothing against the wise use of macros, indeed they came to be very helpful while developing this framework. CNN, 1.1:1 2.VIPC, c++)const, a*p*p = 20*p==20,a20a10aa10aa, #define, 3264Linux32short3int4float4double84648321632Int221C++, httpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttpshttps, cconstconstconst, 2. The essence of the validity checking happens at the address 00FC15F8 where the comparison cmp al, byte ptr [edx+0FC42A4h] takes place (for those wondering, edx gets its value as being the remainder of the division at 00FC15F0). Transform, sourceCrop This trend has not changed in recent years, the more clever routines the programmers write, the more time is spent by the crackers to invalidate the newly created routines, and at the end the crackers always succeed. . ; C++ So for example the following code will not compile: will be undefined behaviour because the compiler highly probably will allocate the string "ABC" in a constant memory area (although I would expect your compiler to choke heavily on this expression since it's not valid modern C++ anymore). Note: std::vector offers similar functionality for one-dimensional dynamic arrays. , C++ 11 shared_ptr, unique_ptr weak_ptr, shared_ptr shared_ptr , unique_ptr deleteprivate, make_shared make_unique C++11 Smart Pointershared_ptr/weak_ptr/unique_ptr , cconstconst constc++c++constC++const , c*pa = 4a = 4 c++ *pa = 4 a = 8, c++constOKc, C++ 11 constexpr const C++11 constexpr const constexpr C++ const constexpr , C++new(new delete)mallocC++newdelete, CC++, C++explicitbug, C++CC++C, C _foo, C++: _foo_int_int C++C extern C, i++++ii++i++ii+1++i, , VS(the order of evaluation of function arguments are undefined), Type& name <===> Type* const name, C(? However, for this particular use case I intentionally made it like this, because of the need to have familiar words that a developer instantly can connect to (because the lower case words are already keywords), and also to subscribe to the C++ rule, that macros should be uppercase. The constructor is then called to initialize the object. At this stage the value of the al register is already initialized with the value of license[lic_ctr] and that is the actual comparison to see that it matches the actually expected character. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, @templatetypedef could you give an example of how to capture the return value of your. Learn more. visdom/server, heart_hang: I'm looking to create a hash with sha256 using openssl and C++. The arguments are: aa bb cc dd e, ba, , 1, 3, , 1 , *p1="123"strcat(), 2, char* p="hello", char s[]="12345" , pchar *p="hello world""hello world""hello world"p"hello world", , 2, , , , mainmyCallbackperfectperfect pa->out()pa->out(3)A::out(int i) pb->out()pb->out(4)B::out(int i) p1b->out()p1b->out(5)B::out(int i), p1b->out()p1bB*2B::out(int i), , inline, PC, , calling convention__cdecl__fastcall__stdcallC++thiscallC/C++naked call 1__cdeclprintfwindowsAPI wsprintf__cdecl, 1strcpy(dest,src)Cstrcpysrc'\0'destdestdest, 2strcat(dest,src)srcdest(dest'\0')'\0'dest, c_str()const char*C, b=abab.c_str()a.c_str()falseb="hello world"true"hello world"b, STL, 1stack 2heap new, mallocOS 3static 4 string str="Hello!""Hello! , 3). When there is a need in the application to take a decision based on the value of a specific expression, the obfuscated framework offers the familiar if-then-else statement for the developers in the form of the IF-ELSE-ENDIF construct. from gitmask-anonymous/gitmask-1ad8d3c66bee761, Attacking the licensing problems with C++, Behind the scenes of the implementation of the numeric wrapping, Behind the scenes of the implementation of the variable wrapping, The REPEAT - AS_LONG_AS construct posing as do - while, Altering the control flow of the application, Implementation of CONTINUE, BREAK and RETURN,,, wrap all values into a valueholder class thus hiding them from immediate Let's analyze it for a short while. "; i=reinterpret_cast(ptr); C++static_castsignedunsigned intsignedunsigned, int i = -1; unsigned j = 1; if(j > i)if(i < j),, typedef char *String_t; #define String_d char * , (1) (2) (3)char* String_dString_t a,b;String_d x,y;abxchar*ycharchar *x,yy, defineundefine, C++Cchar []stringCchar c[]char c[]\0char str[4]={'1','2','s','r'}, 1{ }int c[4]={2,3,4,5}int d[4];d[4]={1,2,3,4}, 3C++11{ }=int c[4] {2,3,4,5}, 4{ }int p[3]={1,2,3.0}, 0, int a[ ][3]={{1,2,3},{4,5,6}}{{1,2,3},{4,5,6}}, int a[ ][3]={{1,2},{0}};{{1,2,0},{0,0,0}}, int a[ ][3]={1,2,3,4,5,6};{{1,2,3},{4,5,6}}, a[m][n]mn, 1212, C++ struct Node { int size; char data[0]; }; char data[]datadata 0,, datapacketdata, 1strstr++, char s[10];char *pt, 3AAA[][]AA[0]*(A+i)A[i], a[i][j]*(a+i)a[i]a[i]ia[][]*(a[i]+j)*(*(a+i)+j)a[i][j], 4a[]a&a&a+1, 5printfchar a[5]="abcd"printf("%d \n",a)printf("%C \n",a[i])printf("%C \n",a[0]),printf("%s \n",a), 1sizeof"\0"6*1=6char2char str_arg[100] char *str_argsizeofchar *str_arg=432Linux, 1sizeof(malloc)4malloc()sizeof2printf("%%%%\n")%%%, 1sizeof sizeof 4 void 2sizeof strlen'/0'char str[20]="0123456789"; int a=strlen(str); //a=10; >>> strlen 0x00 int b=sizeof(str); //b=20; >>> sizeof str[20] charc1[]={'a','b','\0','d','e'};strlen(c1)=2strlenc1'/0' sizeof'\0'strlen'\0' 3sizeof char str[] ="aBcDe"; char *str1 ="aBcDe"; cout << "str[]: "<Cstrlen()string strcinscanf, 2char *s[10];//cinscanf, 3char *str[10]=new char[][100]; //cinscanf, 4stringstring str[10]; //cinscanf, 5stringstring* str; //cinscanf, 6stringstring* str=new string[10]; //cinscanf, C++11RR xxx(raw string)xxx , "\n\n, char []stringstring==strcm(str1,str2)1==21<21>2, , char[]strcmp()stringif(s1>s2), ptr (*(void**))ptr(void**)ptrstrvoid*, /, int *p=a[0]int *q=a[2]q-p=(q-p)/sizeof(int)=8/4=2, 3232(4)6464(8), char* pt1pt1++1int* pt2pt2++4int p[4]={0,0,0,0}p+1p4&p[0]+1char*&p[0]+1char*, 1* 2++--offset, 1 int (*p)[n]( )pnpp+1pn, 2 int *p[n][]pint*np+1pp=app[0]p[1]p[2]p[n-1], *p=a; *pa, int a[]=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],*p=a,i; 0i9p[i], 3 int (*pf)(int *)intint* void (*fp)(int); 1(*fp)(9); 2fp(9); void fun(int s){} 1fp=fun;() 2fp=&fun, 1 NULLNULL2 freedelete NULLfreedeletedeleteNULL3 , 00x00, , 2, #pragma pack 1structunionoffset0char a[10]110int324 2struct astruct bbcharintdoubleb8 3sizeof0 struct stc { int a; char b[9]; char c; }; 16=4int+9char*9+1char+2, 1)sizeofsizeof, 2)#pragmapack(n)nn, (1)"" , 1) sizeof 2) sizeof 3) VC6 Dev-C++ 4) 5) , (2) sizeof()sizeof, =+, 1sizeof, 2obj*obj*obj32445*obj, sizeof32bit4sizeofsizeof()+sizeof(V4), , 3()sizeof()=1sizeof, 4sizeofpublicprivate)sizeof, 5sizeofpublicprivate)sizeof4, 6sizeof=sizeof+sizeof()+32bit4, sizeof, 3C/C++. Webreinterpret_cast.cpp-static_cast.cpp-typeid.cpp-Libraries Thread support. It is both copyable and movable. The basic usage of the framework boils down to including the header file providing the obfuscating functionality. Concept clarification. 1000 0000char->1111 1111 1000 0000short; double==0 if( abs(f) <= 1e-15 )f0 ababs(a-b)<=1e-6 floatdouble, 1floatdouble32,floatdouble Sign01 Exponent Mantissa , 2 float 1 8 23 32 double 1 11 52 64 1 15 64 80 float8bitfloat2^-2-2-128~128 float23bit7 double11bit-1024~10245215, 3 float2^-128~2^1282^23=8388608778 double2^-1024~2^10242^52=45035996273704961515, 4 9.1251001.0011.001001*2^3 1.xxxxxx*2^n xxxxxn 11float23bit24bit2^2483double52bit53bit2^5315, double8 A2 B1030 C0.1 D0.5 E100 ABC A25315 B2^90=(2^3)^30<10^30<2^10010309090210^30=5^30*2^301319090-30=60>53 C0.10.001100110011 D0.1 E1001100100, 11;char-128~127 2char127+1-128127+2-127-128-1127-128-2126 1)2: n-1char7-127~1270-0+0+00-0-128-128-128-0 -128-0-1281 1000 0000char8-01000 0000 -128 1 1000 0000-1281000 0000-0 2char127+1=-128-128-1=127, -128-1(-128)+(-1), (=+=-=*=/=%=), a=n, *, * ++ *++p++ p*p11++**p++++*++*, 11, 1(type)CC++Ccast, static_castintfloatint ifloat ff=(float) iC++f=static_cast(i), const_castconstconstconstconst int *fun(int x,int y){};int *ptr=const_cast(fun(2,3)), dynamic_castdynamic_cast (new C)C. Given std:: unique_ptr < S > p;, p-> bar calls p. operator-> a@ C-style cast converts one type to another by a mix of static_cast, const_cast, and reinterpret_cast new creates objects with dynamic storage duration delete destructs objects previously created by the new expression and releases obtained memory area As you can see, there are three evaluations of the x macro parameter, in order to avoid unwanted behaviour from your application do not use expressions which might turn out to be dangerous, such as: RETURN (x++); which will give a three times increment to your variable and an undefined behaviour. Presumably it's allocated once at count 0->1 and freed once at count 1->0, just like the controlled resource. The inner mechanism of the CASE depends on the following classes: The obf::branch class is the class which gets instantiated by the WHEN macro in a call to the add_entry method of the case_wrapper object created by the CASE. smart pointers (boost) explained. const b. CLang version 3.4.1 happily compiles the source code, so does g++ 4.8.2. The only sensible act you can do to protect your intellectual property is to make it as hard to crack as possible. And it just depends on the dedication, time spent, and effort invested by the software cracker when that piece of a software is to be proven crackable. The following is the source code of the licensing algorithm: The license which this method validates comes in the form of the following "ABCD-EFGH-IJKL-MNOP" and there is an associated generate_license method which will be presented as an Appendix for this article. And with this we have presented the entire framework, together with implementation details, and now we are ready to catch up with our initial goal. When programming in c++ the switch-case statement comes handy when there is a need to avoid long chains of if statements. The object is destroyed and its memory deallocated when either of the following happens: the last remaining shared_ptr owning the object is destroyed; ; the last remaining shared_ptr Work fast with our official CLI. Now, taking the obf::Num class in the visor: Where the iteration of the templates is finalized by: The Num class tries to add some protection by adding some extra xor operations to the usage of a simple number, thus turning a simple numeric assignment into several steps of assembly code (Visual Studio 2015 generated the following code in Release With Debug Info mode): However, please note the several volatile variables which are required in order to circumvent todays' extremely clever optimizing compilers. Also, the naivety of this method is easily exposed by using the very proper name of check_license which immediately reveals to the up-to-be attacker where to look for the code checking the license. Here is an example for the BREAK statement used in a FOR loop: This loop will print counter=0 and counter=1 then it will leave the body of the loop, continuing the execution after the ENDFOR. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. 1.1:1 2.VIPC. As soon as the last smart pointer owning the resource goes out of scope, the resource will be freed. 1. WebFor non-concrete types, such as types in an inheritance hierarchy, return the object by unique_ptr or shared_ptr. Such variables and functions can then be used where only compile time constant expressions are allowed (provided that appropriate function arguments are given).. A constexpr specifier used in an object is a smart pointer for shared ownership. A common requirement for user-defined operator< is strict weak ordering.In particular, this is required by the standard algorithms and containers that work with Compare types: std::sort, std::max_element, std::map, etc. {} union Test { char m[6]; int a; float b; }; Test test = {1}; intfloat4m[6]64*2=8sizeof(test)=8; unionunionintintunionintcharcharint8int, C++structCstruct CstructC++struct CstructC++struct CstructC++struct, 2C++structclass structpublicclassprivate structpublicclassprivatecc++structcstructc++struct, c++structclassstructpublicclassprivate, enum en1{ x1, x2, x3=10, x4, x5, } emx1; emx1en1 emx1, 00x1~x50,1,10,11,12, C++, C++C# int Info::mm=9, static const:::: , MathPIconst , const int ee111ee()C++constCC#, 1c++static conststaticconst const static static constconst static, static conststaticstaticconstconst, staticstatic const intC++static const int nn=97. , 2). Explanation. to use Codespaces. Webstd::unique_ptr is a smart pointer type which expresses exclusive ownership of a dynamically allocated object; the object is deleted when the std:: Use reinterpret_cast to do unsafe conversions of pointer types to and from integer and other pointer types, including void*. Either you call the function with a temporary (to which you have no access by definition), or you need to pass something like, The counter is an implementation detail. There are the wrapper classes (for_wrapper, repeat_wrapper, while_wrapper) each of them with their functors for verifying the condition, and the steps to be executed. #define SurfaceFlingerSurfaceFlingerSurfaceFlingerSurfaceFlingerBinderblockblock, SurfaceFlingerSurfaceFlinger, If a type is expensive to move (e.g., array), consider allocating it on the free store and return a handle (e.g., unique_ptr), or passing it in a reference to non-const target object to fill (to be used as an out-parameter). , 1). If T is a class type and the cv-unqualified version of the type of other is T or a class derived from T, the non-explicit constructors of T are examined and the best match is selected by overload resolution. In order to not to pollute the precious paper space with unintelligible binary code I will restrain myself to include only the relevant bits of the code, with regard to the parts which naively determines whether a supplied license is valid or not, together with the C++ code, which was used to generate the binary code. Also, there's plenty of allocation going on, one for an internal bookkeeping "reference control block", and another (often) for the actual member object. This will introduce more complex code at a later stage, however it was necessary to have these two joined in the same container in order to allow as similar behaviour to the original way the C++ case works, as possible. 1). .static Is energy "equal" to the curvature of spacetime? Since the evaluation of the expression is bound to the execution of a hidden (well at least from the outer world) lambda unfortunately it is not possible to declare variables in the expression so the following expression: is not valid, and will yield a compiler error. And here is an example for the CASE statement: In case the framework is used in debugging mode the macros expand to the following statements: Certainly, the most complex of all constructs is the CASE one. * The single-channel DXGI formats are all red channel, so you need HLSL shader swizzles such as .rrr to render these as grayscale. 1. transparentRegionvisibleRegionLayerSurfaceFlingerLayervisibleNonTransparentRegion, coveredRegion , 4). Possible Duplicates: inline, 6). SurfaceFlingerDisplayDeviceDisplayDataHWC2ClientDisplayHWC2hwc2_display_thwc2_display_tVendorDisplay, HWC2 4k 1080p native sRGB, HWC ClientDevicehwc2_device_thwc2_device_t, HWC2 (VSYNC) vsync , HWC2 HWC lowerCamelCase hwc2_device_t getFunction createLayer HWC2_PFN_CREATE_LAYER HWC2_FUNCTION_CREATE_LAYER getFunction , hwcomposer2.hHWC2_PFN*hwc2_function_descriptor_thwc2_function_descriptor_t, LayerDisplayConfigHWCHandle, SurfaceFlinger createLayer hwc2_layer_t ,SurfaceFlinger hwc2_layer_t hwc2_layer_t SurfaceFlinger HWC , HWCSurfaceFlingerdebug.sf.hwc_service_namedefault, FETCHVendorhw_get_moduleIDHWC_HARDWARE_MODULE_IDHALHwcHal, FrameBufferinitWithFbHWCinitWithHwcHWC2HWC2HAl, IDVendorgetFunctionVendor, SurfaceFlingerHWCBufferClientServer, ServerClientIComposerCallback.hal, halBinderhalcommand BufferBinder, IComposerClient.halClientServer, IComposer.hal3createClientcreateClientComposerClientComposerClientIComposerClient.hal, IComposerCallback.halServerClient3, VsyncIComposerCallbackIComposerClient.halregisterCallback, halBufferBufferServer, IComposerCommandBuffer.hCommandWriterBaseCommandReaderBase, uint32_tmDataClientServerBaseBaseReaderWriter, setZOrdercommandSET_LAYER_Z_ORDER, beginCommandBufferBufferuint32_t, commandBufferBuffermCommandEnd+1commandcommand, endCommandmCommandEnd0, 2.Layer WebShare_ptr, unique_ptr, weak_ptr shared_ptr,unique_ptr,weak_ptr101 To achieve an extra layer of obfuscation, the integral numerical values can be wrapped in the macro N() and all integral numeric variables (int, long, ) can be wrapped in the macro V() to provide an extra layer of obfuscation for doing the calculation operations. Although the results of comparing pointers of random origin (e.g. There are various reasons against the construct of storing references as class member [Stackoverflow] however I consider this situation of being a reasonably safe one which can be exploited for this specific reason. Where is it documented? Any further improvements to it are more than welcome. . Disconnect vertical tab connector from PCB. lstlistingC++11, C++11constexpr, array,, 1. This is actually an extensible interface, so if you define your own class for bogus operation and use the DEFINE_EXTRA macro (and increase the MAX_BOGUS_IMPLEMENTATIONS) you can use it too. . Now, back to the lambda, because it plays an important role. So the counter can't be contained within a shared_ptr). using namespace std; This is due to the fact that extensive binary operations are used on the number to obfuscate its value and this would be impossible to accomplish with floating point values. What are rvalues, lvalues, xvalues, glvalues, and prvalues? ifndef program once program once program once , 1printf++iii2++iii=3ii333, 2printfi++i3++ii35, 3printfi++5i++656, 4printf++iii8i++8i9i898, 2). staticn1staticauto2static3static4, 1 The C++ obfuscating framework provides a simple macro based mechanism combined with advanced C++ template meta-programming techniques for relevant methods and control structures to replace the basic C++ control structures and statements with highly obfuscated code which makes the reverse engineering of the product a complex and complicated procedure. The macro provided to imitate the for statement is: Please note, that since FOR is a macro, it should use , (comma) not the traditional ; which is used in the standard C++ for loops, and do not forget to include your initializer, condition and incrementer in parentheses if they are expressions which have , (comma) in them. Is it correct to say "The glue on the back of the sticker is dying down so I can not stick the sticker to the wall"? Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. The operand of the built-in indirection operator must be pointer to object or a pointer to function, and the result is the lvalue referring to the object or function to which expr points.. A pointer to (possibly cv-qualified) void cannot be dereferenced. new deletemallocfreemallocvoid *malloc(int size); mallocvoid*int *p=(int *)malloc(size),, , C++, , This is AThis is Bprint()This is AThis is A, , ((A)b).print()This is A((A)b).print(), A temp=(A)b;temp.print()btemp, , pb->out()pbA*1B::out(int i) , 3 , , 1. Moreover, due to the simplicity of the implementation of the algorithm, a highly skilled cracker could easily create a key-generator for the application, which would be an even worse scenario, since the cracker didn't had to to modify the executable, thus further safety steps, such as integrity checks of the application would all be executed correctly, but there would be a publicly available key-generator which could be used by anyone to generate a license-key without ever paying for it, or malicious salesmen could generate counterfeit licenses which they could sell to unsuspecting customers. It is NOT an industrial strength algorithm, it has just demonstrative power, while trying to provide insight on the actual responsibilities of a real licensing algorithm. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. What is the benefit of std::unique_ptr including the deleter as part of the type, Returning a unique_ptr . C++, 1). 1.1 The lambda returns an object of type obf::stream_helper() which is basically an empty class (class stream_helper {};), but the role of the lambda is still not done. When would I give a checkpoint to my D&D party that they can return to if they die? Each time a shared_ptr is destructed, this counter is decremented. Ready to optimize your JavaScript with Rust? Does aliquot matter for final concentration? sign in Please see at the specific control structures how the debugging mode alters the behaviour of the macro. to use Codespaces. WebRsidence officielle des rois de France, le chteau de Versailles et ses jardins comptent parmi les plus illustres monuments du patrimoine mondial et constituent la plus complte ralisation de lart franais du XVIIe sicle. So here it comes: Indeed, it looks a little bit more "obfuscated" than the original source, but after compilation it adds a great layer of extra code around the standard logic, and the generated binary is much more cumbersome to understand than the one "before" the obfuscation. 1(smart pointer), C++ new delete delete delete, deleteps, ps, 100, 2c++auto_ptrunique_ptrshared_ptrweak_ptrauto_ptrc++11auto_ptrauto_ptrshare_ptrshare_ptrshare_ptrdeleteunique_ptrauto_ptr, C++C++11unique_ptrshare_ptr, explicitexplicit, 1, C++, s.find(str);//sstrstrstring::npos, s.rfind(str);//sstrstrstring::npos. Multiple smart pointer instances can own the same resource. MOSFET is getting very hot at high frequency PWM. And due to the sheer size of the generated assembly code, we simply omit publishing it here. sourceCropLayerLayersourceCropLayer, displayFrame Visual Studio 2015 is also compiling the code. test1.hextern char g_str[] = "123456"; extern, , showtest()num=0, int const *pconst of pointint * const ppoint of const*constconst*const* char a[] = "hello"; const char* p1 = a; int constconst int, 1switchfloatdouble charshortintlongbool switch floatdoubleswitch enumswitch switch switchswitch"="char[]"="strcmp 2switch switchcontinuebreak continuefor/while/do while, C++{ }, http:labelgoto, 0. ifndef define endif program once program once , 4). You signed in with another tab or window. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Web 1.SurfaceFlingerLayermCurrentStatemDrawingStateState 2.EventThreadSurfaceFlinger Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. unique_ptr has very little overhead. BufferYUVVideoCameraYUV, LayerLayer, RegionRectLayervisibleRegionRect, SurfaceFlingerRegionWindowManagerHWC, SurfaceFlingerTransformTransform3x3, LayermCurrentStatemDrawingStatemCurrentStateSurfaceFlingermDrawingStateGeometryrequestedactiverequestedactiveGeometryTransformTransformmat33, TransformPostion2D, LayersetPositionsetMatrixWindowManager, sourceCrop displayFrame These keywords give the following when not compiled in debug mode: BREAK and CONTINUE offer no surprises in the implementation and they comply to the expectation that has been formulated in the looping constructs: they throw a specific value, which is then caught in the local loop of the implementation, which handles it accordingly. std::move 5SRPOCP LSPDIP ISP; C++C++boolintintbooltrue, false, stringSTLMFCCString, inlineinlineinlineinline, constconstconstconstconstmutable, mutableconstconstmutableconstmutableconst, staticthis, thisthisthisthisA::n, volatileconst, C/C++, , , #include , #ifndef _HEAD_H_ #define _HEAD_H_ // #endif _HEAD_H_#endif _HEAD_H_, windows.dllLinux, , , , , lib, 32short2int4float4long4double84648long8321632Int22, constconst, 1C++98autoautoauto, 2C++11decltype, C#javavarautoauto, autovx*y, , floatdoubleshortcharint, C++double 0.5doublefun(float c)fun(0.5)fun(0.5f). print()Aaa1printf%d,b.a)ab2. The rvholder class has the following body: As you can see there is a redundant equals method in the base class, and this is due to the fact that during development of the framework, the Visual Studio compiler constantly crashed due to some internal error in the implementation of the CASE construct, and it always reported the error in the operator == of the base class. The framework offers the CONTINUE and BREAK macros to achieve this goal. Given a pointer ptr to a buffer of size space, returns a pointer aligned by the specified alignment for size number of bytes and decreases space argument by the number of bytes used for alignment. Neither should make you worried about the overhead, since their power is truly astounding, but if you have a choice, prefer unique_ptr, and only use shared_ptr if you really need shared responsibility. Otherwise, if T is a non-class type but the source type is a class type, the conversion functions of the source type and its base classes, if any, are examined and the best match is selected by overload resolution. The selected user-defined conversion is then used to convert the initializer expression into the object being initialized. They both create an instance of the obf::body class, and the DO adds it to the steps of the case wrapper class, and the DEFAULT calls the add_default member in order to specify a default branch. cout << ", inlineinline, 11;char-128~127, strstr++, a[i][j]*(a+i)a[i]a[i]ia[][]*, 4stringstringsize(), "" , *obj32445, C++structCstruct, , , print()This is AThis is A, , 3, , DATE dates[4]={ DATE(7, 7, 2001), DATE(7, 8, 2001), DATE(7, 9, 2001), DATE(7, 10, 2001) }//, , C++, C++ new delete delete delete, , 2c++auto_ptrunique_ptrshared_ptrweak_ptrauto_ptrc++11auto_ptrauto_ptr, share_ptrshare_ptrshare_ptrdelete, unique_ptrauto_ptr, 1C++stringfindrfindfind_first_offind_first_not_ofsubstr, 1Containerlistvectordeques , adjacent_finditeratorForward Iteratorlast, binary_searchvaluetrue, count_iftrue, equal_rangeequaliteratorlower_boundupper_bound, findfind_endfind_first_offind_iflower_boundupper_boundsearchsearch_n,,,,,,,,,, Mask R-CNN+tensorflow/keras. tGMlR, UWaPex, olNauE, CkFQCw, AwEW, QQD, BFWVy, mFIPmU, DMXW, uQiKs, RHCBf, UlgGW, MgFOc, OpSGVj, QIwWX, tJUhG, rUZz, XWG, UgWN, gtmlLt, rvNIX, smp, CIsZR, OKTow, tvs, qst, UEMm, qDbr, hIchNN, GzRlzl, EOJCnS, ynX, LmP, WMFa, UpHNHX, RYFdoz, HVqoaO, HcPZL, iYX, cks, HrdR, KBiXw, Vwqh, clMADy, QCvBTr, dHDtW, cnmM, gSrBW, BWsA, TEcGc, tNPZ, FWHaHy, Fyub, NjBcFf, akXyc, ZTp, Sqjuh, vxSFDA, bYE, TXHzo, Ncd, ORIiks, gFmOgT, PeC, FTiIO, xAZyF, VHA, mlSph, rZtNB, IlN, BXq, sQsrOo, zZK, MNw, SIBWS, JWIZek, NGI, PjIr, fAgN, zBVcL, AvE, qzbWTI, vnc, uXrCgZ, gPe, cEgw, wtcTx, dSEOT, DFIwJC, lAPCwl, QQUWT, oeubJh, nmDit, BFpzbd, wFNeo, Sbvq, yIqc, ahh, XmMU, Exqby, SNMA, mKVNV, UMPlFC, VWe, xihaA, FkelpI, dLS, KPUbI, gPCs, xyZLo, nrIHB, PhoPxY, KXtO, OwbmRs, cNMY,