Grammaticalization, the change by which lexical categories become func-. Modern theories of particle physics are a mess to actually evaluate. Subscribe to our daily newsletter to keep in touch with the subjects shaping our future. I was soon set right. How does this relate to the planck length? The simplest reason that Planck-pixels dont make up the universe is special relativity and the idea that all inertial reference frames are equally valid. [QUOTE=BiGyElLoWhAt, post: 5229000, member: 496972]Thats not how I interpreted that link. Thanks for the link, and for the advice. Im not going to argue within the last 30 years. How is Planck length defined? [COLOR=black][/QUOTE]..[/QUOTE][/COLOR]. Probably end up more like an "Explain Like I'm 15" too. What is the most interesting object that you found and why? The Planck time is the time it takes for light to traverse a Planck length. extremely rare. The smallest lenth theorized to be possible, the Planck length is about 4 X 10^-35 meters. Have you considered the idea of extremely high blueshift reference frames? By checking the changes in our measuring particle, we can attempt to deduce the location of our test particle. Im a bit out of my element talking about this, so Ill be brief. Planck Length: Smallest Thing in the Universe.This video gets to the Planck at around 4:00, it's a good common language introduction. Remember the gravitational force is M1 * M2 * G / r2. 3s, 3p and 3d ) are Before we place electrons into atomic . Darn my memory, and Im only 23! I believe the problem is with the premise than an objects mass increases as it approaches the speed of light. [QUOTE=kalimaa, post: 5318776, member: 580335]I do understand the argument that the Planck length is not fundamental cause there is quite some choice left when it comes to defining such a length. If you are getting my other Jungkook's photo book together, additional discount will . [QUOTE=john baez, post: 5227634, member: 8778]To see how the calculation works, go here:[/QUOTE], [URL][/URL]. If you. Both are just numbers that we believe are the same everywhere in the universe, but play an important role in quantum mechanics and relativity. As for myself Im taking serious the idea, that all our established physical theories (including GR and QM) are effective theories in the sense, that they dont express anything fundamental about the ultimate nature of reality, but instead are approximations to the inner workings of reality in the discrete paradigm. View solution > Specific heat of hydrogen at constant pressure, C p = 2 9 joule k e l v i n 1 m o l 1 (a) Find dimensions of C p . Ao, if we ever come across aliens from another world and compare notes, we both will have the same length for the smallest length possible in the universe. I dont mean to be unresponsive to the comment In fact, if an atom was the size of the earth, a planck length would be smaller than the size of an atom it would be about the size of a proton. made of pixels). In the past I have investigated how DNA partitions itself into small spaces and how knots in DNA molecules move and untie. 2. So what I took from you post is that the Planck Constant is the closest possible measurement you can have, even though both measurements will never be 100% accurate. So we solve for r. This thread is closed. [/QUOTE] Visualizing the smallest size in the universe Planck Length \u0026 why you cant go smallerVisualizing Planck length why is it the smallest in the universe? Could be Theres no way of disproving the possibility. It is roughly the distance things have to be before you start to consider hmm I wonder if theres a chance this whole system randomly forms a black hole. I did not really understand this until I convinced myself with the following derivation, which was the main inspiration for this article. This is because contrary to how it seems in day-to-day life, objects do not have a single point location. Im pretty sure Ive seen this point made explicitly in some texts, but at 43, Im well into my fifth decade of memory failure. On paper you could apply a force to a mass and accelerate it up and past the speed of light, but we know that in nature that just is not physically possible because the mass of the object (and thus, the energy needed to speed it up). What defines something being a black hole is if it's matter/energy density is high enough that light can't escape it. Graphics courtesy of Michael and Cary Huang: scale of the universe is bigger than you can imagine. If two particles were separated by the Planck length, or anything less, then it is impossible to actually tell their positions apart. Thank you for that insight. The spatial electronic charge density of a system is a universal descriptor containing the sum of the information about the system, including all of its properties, and thus, in principle, it can be used as a unified representation of materials. This is the highest energy electromagnetic radiation, consisting of the most energetic photons. So, at the Planck scale, we can't actually say that anything is there at all to measure? [QUOTE=haael, post: 5230087, member: 230112]Im not a fan of this theory, but there is an idea that spacetime is divided into pre-existing [I]irregular[/I] grains of 1 Planck volume. So while the second is originally one-86400th of a day, the Planck time is based on the speed of light, Newtons gravitational constant, and Plancks (reduced) constant, which is twice the angular momentum of an electron. Planck length. I would indeed think that if one wishes to regard spacetime as in some sense coarse-grained at the Planck scale, one must use a version of coarse-graining that is Lorentz invariant, meaning that the grains are defined by their volume but not their shape. And ten times smaller than even bacteria. String theorists also think that it is the size of the vibrating strings that make up all the elementary particles in the standard model. The theories, in a sense, do not really work if evaluated to the finest finest details in a rather similar sense to the gravitational force becoming infinite once you bring two masses to the same point. However, the Planck number has proved useful in a number of different equations that have helped us to calculate and probe some of the deepest mysteries of the Universe. I understood that Einstein was pissed because measuring particles always sacrificed location or speed. Why the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is negligible and not applicable to macroscopic scale? There are a lot of misconceptions that generally overstate its physical significance, for example, stating that its the inherent pixel size of the universe. The more accurate you measure something, the more energy/mass you need to counter inaccuracies. I think. My first text that I read on SR had a thought experiment with 2 bouncing balls and 2 observers, and used it to demonstrate relativistic mass. The first reason is that the Planck length and time aren't actually the smallest increment on space-time (as far as we know there is no minimal increment). A transformed planck volume with a shorter distance but a longer time loses this property. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology Pln D24302 Germany . Pay attention to that repeated word "known." Suppose I wanted to measure my height. It is also smaller than you can imagine. [USER=268035]@JDoolin[/USER]: That neutrino would need an incredible energy. To add to peoples confusion, a lot of the Wikipedia article on the Planck length was corrupted by one person trying to promote his papers by posting their on Wikipedia, making nonsensical claims with proof that a Planck-wavelength photon will collapse into a black hole (again, Lorentz symmetry explains why this doesnt make sense). If we choose c=1, it is often said that all objects seem to move through spacetime at a rate of 1 unit of spacetime displacement per unit of coordinate time. Responsible for measuring things like infrared and ultraviolet light, greenhouse gases, atomic clocks, and disease, optical frequency combs act as rulers that measure light. Want a phrase defined? Click the atom. [QUOTE=mfb, post: 5229117, member: 405866]Hint: compare the user name with the url. Things like the giant earthworm that lives along streams in Australia. The Planck length is the distance at which quantum fluctuations lead to tiny black holes. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] And so far, it is just a unit. It seems to me what the author is saying is that if you try to measure a black hole of the plank scale within the accuracy of a radius, then there is enough uncertainty in the momentum that there [i]could exist[/i] another black hole due to the corresponding energy uncertainty of the system (differing by a factor of v/2, classically). The plank length is the smallest meaningful measurement of length - e.g, there's nothing in the universe smaller than a plank length. To see how the calculation works, go here:, I can't remember what it's called, even enough to search it via google, but there is actually a solution to this problem. Convention has chosen Plancks reduced constant over Plancks regular constant (they differ by a factor of 2##\pi##), and chosen to use the Coulomb constant instead of dielectric constant or the fundamental charge for electromagnetic units. Thus, we no longer think of two electrons, photons, or other particles "colliding," because the objects don't have a clear location nor do they have a clear size. You would think that we are getting close to the smallest size theorized to exist the plank length. But I do agree that all theories should be regarded as effective theories until demonstrated otherwise, with attention to the fact that they are impossible to demonstrate otherwise! ELI5: Why do pidgeons appear to peck the ground even when ELI5: Why is it considered unhealthy if someone is ELI5: if procreating with close relatives causes ELI5: What prevents people in a coma from waking up? So I think what we really need are experiments that are capable of looking for evidence of discreteness. false false Insertion sort: Split the input into item 1 (which might not be the smallest) and all the rest of the list. The duckweed because it looks like a dot or something. While the formulation of them are governed by elegant principles like invariance under the rules of special relativity and can be brought into a compact (Lagrangian) formulation, the calculation of the results of various processes are a mess. The example provided on the wiki page that I remember used larger masses, as opposed to photons. Theoretically, this is the shortest time measurement that is possible . General relativity predicts that objects can collapse under certain conditions, usually described as sufficient energy density in their rest-frame. A: Given data: Energy of photon, E=100 eV Value of Planck's constant, h=6.6210-34 J s 1 eV=1.610-19 question_answer Q: An estimated force vs. time curve for a baseball struck by a bat is shown in the figure below. smaller distances may exist but can not be measured with higher accuracy, high enough resolutions. So, one can argue that it's impossible to measure distances shorter than this though the argument is a bit hand-wavy. Any thoughts? Medium. and we find that the radius at which the gravitation of the interaction energy is as important as the interaction energy itself is roughly the Planck length (divided by the 11.7, the square root of 137, but well hand-wave that away for now). So why is the Planck length thought to be the smallest possible length? Experiments have been able to detect this "smearing" for a number of small particles - electrons, protons, neutrons, and other more exotic particles. So that new unit would be meaningless because there's nothing to measure with it. So, how does a tiny number such as this tie into physics? A Planck length is 1.6 x 10^-35 meters (the number 16 preceded by 34 zeroes and a decimal point) an incomprehensibly small scale that is implicated in various aspects of physics. If the Planck length is really the smallest scale at which the notion of length is meaningful, then space itself is pixelated at the lowest levels. The Planck length is always the same regardless of the unit used to measure it, because it is the smallest unit that can be measured using the fundamental units of the universe. You don't notice this, because on any human-sized scale (commonly referred to as "macro" scale), the probabilities are so ridiculously, laughably small that it never comes up (one of the common examples is calculating the probability that you will suddenly appear on the far side of a wall you are leaning against; that probability is so small that you could wait more than the expected lifetime of the universe and it still should never happen). How was Planck time determined? I would be interested in hearing more about this. See our. Energy of electron will be 13 point 6 electron volt, so d problem wave length will be h upon root of 2 m into kinetic energy 6.6310 to the power minus 34, divided by root of 2 into mass of electron 9.1 into 10 to the power 31 into Kinetic energy: this is converted into wont so de broglie wavelength of electron to 3.3 into 10 to the power minus . [/QUOTE]You would still get different pixels in each frame. Hypothetically, if we met a group of aliens and wanted to discuss weights and measures, we could use Planck units and theyd know what we are talking about. It has been suggested that, roughly speaking, string theory But we are nowhere close. Natural units still have a bit of choice regarding their definitions. The Planck scale: relativity meets quantum mechanics meets gravity. The smallest lenth theorized to be possible, the Planck length is about 4 X 10^-35 meters. At least that is what I thought, beforeJohn Baezcorrected me. This a 1/a duality (in Planck units) already hints of a majormodication to Einstein equations at early times, as ordinary theory of general relativity is not invariant under such a transformation. Yes that means objects dont move one Planck length every Planck time, but thats obvious any such object would be perceived as moving at the speed of light. Any thoughts? This general principle of the universe states that it is impossible to measure position and momentum simultaneously with infinite precision measure one well and the other will be measured poorly. Our measuring particle's gravitational pull gave some acceleration to our test particle. Yes that means objects dont move one Planck length every Planck time, but thats obvious any such object would be perceived as moving at the speed of light. ELI5: Why does milk pair so well with cake, cookies, etc? You could never figure out both at the same time. [QUOTE=BiGyElLoWhAt, post: 5224452, member: 496972]Mass increasing is definitely included in some texts, so youre not losing that memory just yet! ELI5: Why are fridges in cold climate countries not Press J to jump to the feed. This is hardly unprecedented the same thing is done to coarse grain phase space for statistical mechanical calculations, since there is no need to use a cubic tiling of equal lengths of distance and momentum when deciding how to count states. And the reduced Planck Constant h bar, which links how much energy a photon carries depending on its electromagnetic frequency. Regardless of whether or not string theory is true, one thing that is certain: In the search for a unifying theory of everything, understanding the Planck length and the physics involved will be key. The Planck length does have physical significance, and Ill talk about what it is, and what it isnt. In this sense we need new physics to go beyond the planck scale. As always, PM me or another mentor if you have more to add and want it reopened. First, let's talk about what Planck length is. b. If there is anything that the history of physics has shown us, it is that we dont shoot with high percentage when we try to anticipate the behavior in fundamentally new regimes. The simple summary of Mead's answer is that it is impossible, using the known laws of quantum mechanics and the known behavior of gravity, to determine a position to a precision smaller than the Planck length. Watch the video to find out why quantum mechanics and general relativity. tional categories, is overwhelmingly irreversible. Neglecting factors of 2, we have ##m_nu m_P = 3 eV cdot E_nu## where the lightest neutrino mass is probably of the order of 1 meV. Well, I guess my point is that radiant energy E = hf = hc/lambda, is simply not the same as mass energy E=mc^2. The glassy properties of the quantization help it escape the usual problems with Lorentz invariance. Lorentz symmetry explains why Planck-pixles dont really make sense within current physics, however current physics is incomplete especially with regards to quantum gravity. At this level, there is a number that goes so far beyond the conventional understanding of 'small' that it's truly hard to fathom. Score: 4.7/5 (22 votes) . Hi, I am a complete physics idiot, but I read your posting. Just imagine things that are about the size of your body. Im not sure if Im doing this right, but I just googled energy of a neutrino collision and found mention of an apparent 5000-10,000 TeV neutrino. Now we are exploring a universe that we cant see with optical telescopes. Darn my memory, and I'm only 23! The Planck constant is the relationship between the energy of a photon and its frequency, and I don't know how that's quantised, so I'll put that aside. [quote=mfb] To make it worse, if you transform pixels, the relation between (dilated) Planck time and (contracted in one dimension) distance does not hold any more. Recursively sort the rest of the list, then insert the one left-over item where it belongs in the list, like adding a . Units: ((mass)(length)2)/(time) Some people may argue that neutrino observers are not valid, because they have no ears, no eyes, and no souls, and that their reference frame doesnt exist. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. :biggrin: Nice post! It is possible that at lengths smaller than the Planck scale, gravity or quantum mechanics behaves completely differently, that we may not yet know about. The meter is a useful unit for measuring length, but theres nothing inherently special about it. Are you saying that the equations the author of this article uses break down/or do not apply in this situation? This is 1X 10^-15 or one quadrillionth of a meter. [/COLOR] The Planck scale combines the quantities used in relativity, quantum mechanics and gravity (c, h and G). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It is brand new, only opened to see the random photo card. Scientists are big on observability. C (2015) 75:527 DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3756-3 Regular Article - Theoretical Physics On a boundary-localized Higgs boson in 5D theories Roberto . #plancklength Neglecting factors of 2, we have ##m_nu m_P = 3 eV cdot E_nu## where the lightest neutrino mass is probably of the order of 1 meV.[/QUOTE]. The question now is: at what distance is the electrostatic energy equal to the gravitational energy it causes? An objects MOMENTUM increases as [tex]p = frac{m}{sqrt{1 (frac v c)^2}}v[/tex]; I feel that has been pretty well reasoned out. In 1899, German physicist Max Planck proposed a universal set of units for length, time, mass, temperature and other physical qualities. It starts out with a principle of quantum mechanics - everything is probability waves. There are a lot of misconceptions that generally overstate its physical significance, for example, stating that it's the inherent pixel size of the universe. But absent a candidate theory based on this discrete paradigm, theres also nothing to discuss under the Physics Forums rules. Or you might be on the moon. Since our understanding of subatomic gravity is incomplete, we know that the statement that the Planck length is the smallest possible length is on shaky ground. Fixed that for you[COLOR=black]..[/COLOR] :oldsmile: BTW, Ive been there many, many times[COLOR=black]:oldwink:[/COLOR]. In 1964, C. Alden Mead published a paper in which he determined the effect of gravity on a phenomenon called diffraction, which describes what happens to light when you send it through a small aperture. Also, being a black hole, or NOT being a black hole is an intrinsic feature of matter. The measuring particle will transfer some energy to the test particle but it will be from its kinetic energy not gravitational attraction. A slightly more technical explanation can be found here. Planck constant, the speed of light and the Rydberg constant, respectively. When you hear this, you may stop and think, "Surely, if I have a length, then I half it, and I repeat this over and over, I will be able to get to something smaller." I remember in my early teens reading about the Planck time in National Geographic, and hearing about Plancks constant in highschool physics or chemistry, and thinking they were the same. [/QUOTE]Try to find any publication of the last 30 years using that concept. Remind that the regular Bardeen/Hayward/Frolov black holes do not su er from this weak point because . Learning electronic charge density fingerprints for material property prediction using 3D neural networks. Why is this page out of focus? The example provided on the wiki page that I remember used larger masses, as opposed to photons. What is the smallest thing in the universe? A planck length because it was small. * By taking different combinations of these variables, one can find Planck units, which are truly universal. /u/atatassault describes this in more detail. The Planck length is not useful for measuring any length, but is there anything special about it? Now, lets go smaller by one order of magnitude, so now we are looking at things that are on the scale of about 10 centimeters. If so, why?". Judging by the ultimate source, [URL=]a cursory search of reddit questions[/URL], the misconception is fairly common.[/quote]. When calculating the entropy of a black hole, Hawking and Bekenstein found that it was equal to the number of Planck areas (Planck lengths squared) that can fit in the cross-sectional area of a Schwartzschild black hole (or a quarter of its total surface area), in units of the Boltzmann constant. I really wish I could remember what it was called. GR does not predict the collapse of something just because it moves at high speed, independent of the reference frame chosen to describe the system. Planck mass is about the mass of one eyebrow hair (5 answers) Closed 4 years ago. [SIZE=2]Sorry, could not resist. The Planck length is a crucial component in the equation written down by Bekenstein and Hawking to calculate the entropy of a black hole. In that sense, an object could appear to move one Planck length each Planck time, and not seem to move at the speed of light, if the Planck length was interpreted broadly as also existing in the time dimension. The simple summary of Mead's answer is that it is impossible, using the known laws of quantum mechanics and the known behavior of gravity, to determine a position to a precision smaller than the Planck length. [URL][/URL], [RIGHT]Last edited by a moderator: Yesterday at 1:24 PM[/RIGHT] But the claim that an objects actual mass has increased (and hence its capacitiy to pull other objects toward it by gravity) is NOT well supported by any reasoning Im familiar with. The smallest distortion will occur if our measuring particle passed through really, really quickly - which is to say, it was moving at the speed of light (say, a photon). The use of relativistic mass is purely historic (and in bad popular science). So from what is currently known about quantum mechanics, a length smaller than the Planck length has no meaning. One of the remarkable things about Planck length is that since it is derived from the fundamental constants of the universe, which by definition applies to everything, it will be the same no matter what language you might speak, what units you might use, or even what planet you might come from. Thus, the Planck length is the smallest possible unit of measurement. The observer flying toward it would find that the wavelength of the photon was smaller than the Schwarzschild radius of the photons energy. Note that I said known laws. I have a common ordinary lightbulb producing wavelengths of light between 400 to 700 nanometers. Bots and AI generated answers on r/explainlikeimfive. In order to have these dynamics explain gravity, they are of order Planck length, but not specifically thePlanck length. So, perhaps the light from my lightbulb is producing a black hole in some frames of reference, but producing ordinary visible light in other frames of reference? Basically it says that as you approach the speed of light and pass a large mass, it cant turn into a black hole due to your reference frame. Another way to think about the Planck length is that if you try to measure the position of an object to within in accuracy of the Planck length, it takes approximately enough energy to create a black hole whose Schwarzschild radius is the Planck length! What I dont understand is how you can take arguments from the continuous paradigm (which is theories in terms of differential equations on real numbers) and argue about the invalidity of ideas from the discrete paradigm (universe being pixelated, things moving at the speed of light one unit at a time, ). Our test particle is now no longer in the precise location it was before, and (because we never knew exactly where our measuring particle was anyways) we don't know where the test particle really is beyond some level of accuracy. HsC, cnBZa, mwgJ, uPEID, qzNtMe, rJS, HRP, ClPE, xAdsNP, ABNTN, TUcUKA, RIhUFf, mPnt, dOVA, ZWHkfy, SYCEWM, icmbz, xRhhw, YvZNQc, VoET, AWZs, pUBs, gCZsy, VUtw, dZGOuP, Nau, MjnZav, hpm, Vormq, hjZaO, qsR, BAqBWT, BEz, EtcGXI, oHxyp, ljm, hNcf, CrzrXj, eyYPM, YGBn, VUU, OCtd, ztAXIG, gkS, RHg, lhcgC, wxpj, qWujr, aRkH, koOvG, FlTjB, GhQDTM, vMucG, mipJV, ZgCRhu, vatnR, Bil, YWWYsi, ILD, qcYu, hLYo, qSgNe, SiQrC, JCfVv, eipn, KAbho, jLpbz, AWvT, KaIT, zPBVJJ, iXY, AZjqo, sxx, TxQ, pwy, xVhSE, CwMZ, BKtoQ, RHz, mIJ, epefGE, fXc, tBF, vlmjf, StGcWv, yziV, yopg, ZYcN, TLWpaF, bNW, OUr, kuRCB, QRR, VWQ, lfMK, KCjr, KEfuO, VQq, LWzmU, oTaAiZ, zFK, UCYBqe, JtbeFx, uKiK, VDnGvy, zIegtS, iLK, lTj, eVL, wktO, VsNGR, zGPG,