The performance of querying for information in particular had some notable improvements in .NET 7. In .NET 7, though, there isnt a way to have such allocation-free enumeration if you also need all the capture data. Bounds checks are an obvious source of overhead when talking about array access, but theyre not the only ones. And dotnet/runtime#58684 from @Bibletoon adds the new ObjectDisposedException.ThrowIf helper (tweaked by dotnet/runtime#71544 to help ensure its inlineable), which is then used at over a hundred additional call sites by dotnet/runtime#71546. And application launch, you need to set Resolver at first. Its thus beneficial for both code maintenance and for performance to simplify these calls, which dotnet/runtime#68937 does for all found occurrences of that pattern. The interpreter is handed a series of instructions that it walks through one by one and interprets, and the compiler, handed that same series of instructions, would just emit the IL for processing each. AsyncLocal is integrated tightly with ExecutionContext; in fact, in .NET Core, ExecutionContext is entirely about flowing AsyncLocal instances. Thus, not only was this PR able to remove those parameters from TZif_GenerateAdjustmentRules, it was able to update TZif_ParseRaw to no longer need to allocate and populate those arrays at all, which obviously yields a much larger gain. on 64-bit the Slice(int, int) constructor has an extra addition over Slice(int), and for 32-bit the Slice(int, int) constructor incurs an additional comparison and branch. However, theres also less overhead for every step of the algorithm in a linear search, and so for smaller values of N, it can be much faster to simply do the simple thing. The JIT now employs the same trick as part of this unrolling, so if you do that same value.StartsWith("https://") but instead as value.StartsWith("https://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), it will recognize that the whole comparison string is ASCII and will OR in the appropriate mask on both the comparison constant and on the read data from the input in order to perform the comparison in a case-insensitive manner. This not only made the interpreters implementation at match time faster, it made it effectively free (in terms of runtime overhead at match time) to add additional strategies. Create a new array with elements of type etype. Please A typical Serialize call would then end up allocating a few extra objects and an extra couple of hundred bytes just for these helper data structures. After all, the MemoryMarshal.CreateSpan(ref T reference, int length) and corresponding CreateReadOnlySpan methods have existed for as long as spans have, and these new constructors are equivalent to calling those methods with a length of 1. If that input is a string, great, no problem. The following table lists the supported commands. Interestingly, improvements like this can bring with them their own challenges. If theyre the same, it then simply performs the inlined operation (imul r15d, edx, 42), and otherwise it jumps to G_M000_IG07 which calls to the function in r8. Upgrade . One of my favorite new analyzers was added in dotnet/roslyn-analyzers#5594 from @NewellClark (and tweaked in dotnet/roslyn-analyzers#5972). Thats the case with dotnet/runtime#63459 from @chrisdcmoore, which addresses a long-standing issue with the asynchronous methods on the popular XmlReader. Thats done because delegates to static methods use something called a shuffle thunk to move arguments into the right place for the target method invocation, making delegates to statics ever so slightly more expensive to invoke than delegates to instance methods. This is demonstrated below: Download Run Code Output: 01001010 01100001 01110110 01100001Following is a simple example demonstrating its usage to Sometimes a library will just define its own static method that handles constructing and throwing an exception, and then call sites do the condition check and delegate to the method if throwing is needed: This keeps the IL associated with the throwing out of the calling function, minimizing the impact of the throw. As it happens, nullable enums would end up hitting this catch-all path, which means that every Equals call would box the arguments. dotnet/runtime#68077 fixes this by ensuring nullable enums get mapped to (an existing) specialized comparer for Nullable and simple tweaks its definition to ensure it can play nicely with enums. The Regex source generator applies a technique based on this in dotnet/runtime#67775. Utf8JsonWriter is a class, and every time JsonSerializer would write out JSON, it would allocate a new Utf8JsonWriter instance. Moved VideoSurveillance demo into Xamarin Forms demo. For many patterns, theres something about the pattern that would enable us to be more thoughtful about where we perform full matches, quickly skipping past locations that couldnt possibly match, and only spending our time and resources on locations that have a real chance of matching. A bunch of PRs then proceeded to iterate on and tweak the source generator, but the biggest improvements came from changes that changed the compiler and the source generator together. * In the NativeAOT section the second mention of #62563 links to #62611. And thats what the fixed keyword does, pinning the referenced object for the duration of the fixed block, during which time its safe to use the supplied pointer. Push num of type int64 onto the stack as int64. I find this one particularly interesting, as it highlights a new and powerful C# 11 and .NET 7 feature: static abstract members in interfaces. When you call an async method like ValueTask Socket.AcceptAsync(CancellationToken), that grabs an internal SocketAsyncEventArgs and issues an AcceptAsync on it, which in turn gets a NativeOverlapped* from the ThreadPoolBoundHandle associated with the socket, and uses it to issue the native AcceptEx call. Now with this PR, which is based on approaches previously used by Regex, if the target string begins with an ASCII character, the implementation can use IndexOf (if the character isnt an ASCII letter) or IndexOfAny (if the character is an ASCII letter) to quickly jump ahead to the first possible location of a match. That code might look like: but the very act of accessing Items just to check its count forces the collection into existence (with a 0 Count). Dynamic PGO takes advantage of tiered compilation. He is known as the creator of UniRx(Reactive Extensions for Unity), Blog: (English) Third, we can see the code the JIT is outputting to instrument this method. Now on .NET 7, the load is performed just once: One of the things that makes .NET attractive is its safety. End finally clause of an exception block. That would have been functionally correct, but would have completely defeated the purpose of accepting spans, and worse, would have been so unexpected as to likely cause consuming apps to be worse performing than they would have without the APIs. The bedrock of this support has been Platform Invoke, or P/Invoke, represented in code by [DllImport()] applied to methods. In some cases, seeing places this analyzer fires can also inspire changes that avoid any use of enumerators. One such change is dotnet/runtime#58167, which improved the performance of the commonly-used File.WriteAllText{Async} and File.AppendAllText{Async} methods. In particular, dotnet/runtime#69910 streamlined the implementations of GetMaxByteCount and GetMaxCharCount, making them small enough to be commonly inlined when used directly off of Encoding.UTF8 such that the JIT is able to devirtualize the calls. That in turn enabled a fair amount of use of stack allocation and slicing to avoid allocation overheads, while also improving reliability and safety by moving some code away from unsafe pointers to safe spans. static GetEncodedPropertyNameWithoutQuotation. One pernicious case has been with pipes. Beyond that, there are a multitude of allocation-focused PRs, such as dotnet/runtime#69335 from @pedrobsaila which adds a fast-path based on stack allocation to the internal ReadLink helper thats used on Unix anywhere we need to follow symlinks, or dotnet/runtime#68752 that updates NamedPipeClientStream.ConnectAsync to remove a delegate allocation (by passing state into a Task.Factory.StartNew call explicitly), or dotnet/runtime#69412 which adds an optimized Read(Span) override to the Stream returned from Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream. A more focused allocation reduction comes in dotnet/runtime#63641. As background, in the early days of networking in .NET Framework, asynchrony was enabled via Begin/End methods (the APM pattern). There are just so many interesting things to highlight, sometimes it gets away from me a bit. ; Object model instructions provide an implementation for the At what point in the prequels is it revealed that Palpatine is Darth Sidious? Here is sample of write own formatter. Lets start with one of the larger new features in Regex, the new RegexOptions.NonBacktracking implementation. In .NET 7, much of the effort is above sockets. Prior to .NET 7, when accessing an array element, we calculated the address of an array element in two steps. Another new analyzer, CA1854, was added in dotnet/roslyn-analyzers#4851 from @CollinAlpert and then enabled in dotnet/runtime#70157. My point was just that, as JetBrains is a major player in the ecosystem, it is in Microsofts interest to have someone at least paying attention to what theyre doing and using ReSharper internally to improve Microsofts own code base. To many people, the word performance in the context of software is about throughput. Login to edit/delete your existing comments, Hi Stephen! Sounds pretty desirable. The reason for this is, historically, the JIT has been unable to inline methods across assembly boundaries if those methods contain string literals (like the "False" and "True" in that Boolean.ToString implementation). If the buffer was sufficiently large, we no longer have to make a second system call to retrieve the actual data: we already got it. static GetEncodedPropertyNameWithBeginObject. as part of finding the set of all characters that can begin the expression), can be one of the more time-consuming aspects of matching; if you imagine having to evaluate this logic for every character in the input, then how many instructions needs to be executed as part of matching a character class directly correlates to how long it takes to perform the overall match. Here is sample. Also related to BigInteger (and not just for really big ones), dotnet/runtime#35565 from @sakno overhauled much of the internals of BigInteger to be based on spans rather than arrays. In contrast, though, there are 54,614 'e' characters in the document, so almost 10% of the source. Convert unsigned to an unsigned int16 (on the stack as int32) and throw an exception on overflow. Push the address stored in a typed reference. dotnet/runtime#61490 then removed Boyer-Moore entirely. The JIT has no such problem, as its generating the code on the same machine on which the code will execute (and in scenarios where its being used to generate code ahead of time, the entirety of that code is already tied to a particular architecture). When XmlReader later gained asynchronous reading functionality, for whatever reason a much, much larger buffer size of 64K chars was selected (presumably in hopes of minimizing the number of asynchronous operations that would need to be employed, but the actual rationale is lost to history). With those, an async method like: which will cause the C# compiler to emit the implementation of this method using PoolingAsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder instead of the default AsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder. For example, theres a lot of object cloning that goes on in the innards of this library. Mostly, you should use it when you need to expose a C array to an extension or a system call (for example, ioctl or fctnl). Thats saying put this thread to sleep for 1 millisecond; however, the operating system has the ultimate say on such timings, and on Windows, by default that sleep is going to be closer to 15 milliseconds (on Linux its a bit lower but still quite high). Normaly serialization requires serialize to Stream or byte[], it requires additional UTF8.GetBytes cost or StreamReader/Writer overhead(it is very slow!). For example, the indexer on many older collection types is implemented as a get/set property, e.g. When ReadOnlySpan and Span came on the scene, MemoryExtensions was added to provide extension methods for spans and friends, including such IndexOf/IndexOfAny/LastIndexOf/LastIndexOfAny methods. StandardResolver.Default is AllowPrivate:False, ExcludeNull:False, NameMutate:Original. c*), there are two directions to be concerned about: how quickly can we consume all the elements that match the loop, and how quickly can we give back elements that might be necessary as part of backtracking for the remainder of the expression to match. dotnet/runtime#65239 flipped SslStream (and NegotiateStream) to follow this approach. And dotnet/runtime#45690 replaces a custom cache with use of ArrayPool in the Windows implementation of getting all process information, enabling effective reuse of the array that ends up being used rather than having it sequestered off in the Process implementation forever. If all you care about reading is the process name, its a huge boost in throughput, and even if you subsequently go on to read additional state from the Process and force it to load everything else, accessing the process name is so fast that it doesnt add meaningful overhead to the all-up operation. across dotnet/runtime, replacing ~25,000 lines of code with ~5000 lines that used !!. This one is Windows specific. The PR recognizes two things: one, that these operations are common enough that its worth avoiding the small-but-measurable overhead of going through a FileStream and instead just going directly to the underlying SafeFileHandle, and, two, that since the methods are passed the entirety of the payload to output, the implementation can use that knowledge (in particular for length) to do better than the StreamWriter that was previously employed. The common and default value of FileMode is FileMode.Open, which requires that the file exist such that constructing the FileStream will throw if it doesnt. In a similar vein, dotnet/runtime#64264 from @tmds further improves File.Copy/FileInfo.CopyTo by utilizing copy_file_range on Linux if its supported (and only if its a new enough kernel that it addresses some issues the function had in previous releases). Secondarily, its interesting to note the pattern the compiler uses for the lambda itself. For the latter case, the interpreter had eight different implementations for matching, based on a combination of whether RegexOptions.RightToLeft was set or not, whether the character class required case-insensitive comparison or not, and whether the character class contained only a single character or more than one character. Indirect load value of type float64 as F on the stack. This is lovingly referred to as tiering up. Once that recompilation has completed, call sites to the method are patched with the address of the newly highly optimized assembly code, and future invocations will then take the fast path. First, we see: That 0x3E8 is the hex value for the decimal 1,000, which is the default number of iterations a loop needs to iterate before the JIT will generate the optimized version of the method (this is configurable via the DOTNET_TC_OnStackReplacement_InitialCounter environment variable). feature enabled putting !! Oh, and please dont print this to paper. In turn, Utf8JsonWriter needs something to write to, and although the serializer was using an IBufferWriter implementation that pooled the underlying byte[] instances employed, the implementation of IBufferWriter itself is a class that JsonSerializer would allocate. A 24x speedup! dotnet/runtime#67011 adds support for OCSP stapling to SslStream client usage on Linux, with dotnet/runtime#69833 adding the Linux server-side counterpart, and dotnet/runtime#71570 adds client-side support for Windows. Arguably the biggest improvement around UTF8 in .NET 7 is the new C# 11 support for UTF8 literals. Also, on Windows, the OS makes a distinction between handles opened for synchronous I/O from handles opened for overlapped I/O (aka asynchronous I/O), and this is reflected in the .NET API: you can open a named pipe for synchronous or overlapped I/O based on the PipeOptions.Asynchronous option specified at construction. Its always fun when a bug fix or code simplification refactoring turns into a performance improvement. The compiler now believes that a ref passed to a method on a ref struct could enable that ref struct instance to store the ref (note that this was already the case with ref structs passed to methods on ref structs), but what if we dont want that? Create a new C# project: Your new benchmarks directory will contain a benchmarks.csproj file and a Program.cs file. In such cases, the implementation can rely on other JIT optimizations kicking in and optimizing various code in the method, effectively enabling a developer to write two different implementations, one when the argument is known to be a constant and one when not. You deploy this in your service, and you see Contains being called on your hot path, but you dont see the improvements you were expecting. Help us identify new roles for community members, Proposing a Community-Specific Closure Reason for non-English content. Other changes contributed to Activator.CreateInstance improvements as well. public static async Task ToArrayAsync(this Stream stream) { var array = new byte[stream.Length]; await stream.ReadAsync(array, 0, (int)stream.Length); return array; } Complete code which switches between both versions based on whether the stream supports seeking or not. Heres what the IsBoundary method based on string looked like (the runtext its using is the name of the string field on RegexRunner that stores the input): and heres what the span version looks like: The most interesting thing to notice here is the: at the end of the first version that doesnt exist at the end of the second. dotnet/runtime#61196 from @lateapexearlyspeed brings ImmutableArray into the span-based era, adding around 10 new methods to ImmutableArray that interoperate with Span and ReadOnlySpan. Utf8Json has other option, allows private/internal member serialization, convert property name to camelCalse/snake_case, if value is null does not create property. In that implementation is a TZif_ParseRaw method, which is used to extract some information from a time zone data file. Whether a Uri should be bypassed is determined by two things (assuming a non-null proxy Uri was provided): did the constructor of the WebProxy specify that local destinations should be bypassed (and if so, is this destination local), or does this destination address match any of any number of regular expressions provided. Extract a value-type from obj, its boxed representation, and push a controlled-mutability managed pointer to it to the top of the stack. Replace array element at index with the int16 value on the stack. See last releases Performance Improvements in .NET MAUI, to learn about the performance benefits of migrating from Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, or Xamarin.Forms to .NET 6+ and .NET MAUI. Now it is; in .NET 7, we get this: dotnet/runtime#67141 is a great example of how evolving ecosystem needs drives specific optimizations into the JIT. Push -1 onto the stack as int32 (alias for ldc.i4.m1). Multiple other PRs similarly removed array allocations. By setting DOTNET_TC_QuickJitForLoops to 1, were saying JIT, please apply tiering to methods with loops as well, but this method with a loop is only ever invoked once, so for the duration of the process it ends up remaining at tier-0, aka unoptimized. It used to be that if you wanted to cryptographically hash some data in .NET, you would create an instance of a hash algorithm and call its ComputeHash method, e.g. Get JSON Encoded byte[] with ',' on prefix. Can't bind to 'ngModel' since it isn't a known property of 'input'. However, the source generator has problems with such an optimization, due to endianness. It also brings limitations: no JIT means no dynamic loading of arbitrary assemblies (e.g. There are multiple ways to get at that assembly code. As such, it doesnt need to emit any bounds checks in the method, and the method then lacks the tell-tale signature of the index out of range throw. in RegexOptions.Singleline mode), in which case existing optimizations around the handling of match anything can kick in. .NET 7 comes to Azure Functions and tooling supported in Visual Studio! That way, if you neglect to Dispose of the SafeHandle in order to close the resource, the resource will still be cleaned up when the SafeHandle is garbage collected and its finalizer eventually run. dotnet/runtime#64470 is the result of analyzing various real-world code bases for use of Enumerable.Min and Enumerable.Max, and seeing that its very common to use these with arrays, often ones that are quite large. So a JIT compiler needs to make tradeoffs: better throughput at the expense of longer startup time, or better startup time at the expense of decreased throughput. If it were true, that would take up a large amount of memory, and in fact, most of that memory would be wasted because the vast majority of characters dont participate in case conversion there are only ~2,000 characters that we need to handle. Simple, right? There have been several improvements of this ilk in .NET 7. The PR goes even further, too, motivated in large part by the non-backtracking engine. As mentioned elsewhere, the best optimizations are those that make work entirely vanish rather than just making work faster. While this improves throughput a bit, its main intent was to improve allocation, which is does over .NET 6 by ~20%. If the code being inlined would result in the same amount or less assembly code in the caller than it takes to call the callee (and if the JIT can quickly determine that), then inlining is a no-brainer. Its immensely powerful, providing the ability to query all of the metadata for code in your process and for arbitrary assemblies you might encounter, to invoke arbitrary functionality dynamically, and even to emit dynamically-generated IL at run-time. The performance of binary(protobuf, msgpack, avro, etc) vs text(json, xml, yaml, etc) depends on the implementation. Code But method B is more interesting. This application is done lazily, so we have an initial starting state (the original pattern), and then when we evaluate the next character in the input, it looks to see whether theres already a derivative available for that transition: if there is, it follows it, and if there isnt, it dynamically/lazily derives the next node in the graph. Im hopeful we can entirely remove StringBuilderCache in the future. dotnet/runtime#61633, for example, adds an overload of ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull that works with pointers. With PRs dotnet/runtime#63428, dotnet/runtime#68400, dotnet/runtime#64254, and dotnet/runtime#73910, in both the compiler and source generator we now make full use of effectively all of the variants of IndexOf, IndexOfAny, LastIndexOf, LastIndexOfAny, IndexOfAnyExcept, and LastIndexOfAnyExcept in order to speed along these searches. Theres a race condition here, in that the moment the thread registers for cancellation, cancellation could be requested, such that CancelSynchronousIo could be called before the operation is actually initiated. Yet the former code will only work on a platform that supports SSE2 whereas the latter code will work on any platform with support for 128-bit vectors, including Arm64 and WASM (and any future platforms on-boarded that also support SIMD); itll just result in different instructions being emitted on those platforms. Immediately after that jump we see a movsxd rax, edx instruction, which is taking the 32-bit value of i from edx and moving it into the 64-bit register rax. If you write: the C# compiler will compile that equivalent to if you wrote: In other words, the compiler is doing the equivalent of Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes at compile-time and hardcoding the resulting bytes, saving the cost of performing that encoding at run-time. Additional work has been done to improve that further in other ways. Several PRs went into reducing syscalls on Unix as part of copying files, e.g. Rather than hardcoding the case-insensitive sets that just the ASCII characters map to, this PR essentially hardcodes the sets for every possible char. Fun. Thus, a simple change to avoid flushing if the view isnt writable can yield a measurable improvement to MemoryMappedViewAccessor/MemoryMappedviewStreams Dispose. The design that splits these methods is largely antiquated, and in particular the forced separation between a stage of processing where you find the next possible location of a match and then a stage where you actually perform the match at that location doesnt align well with all engines, like the one used by NonBacktracking (which initially implemented FindFirstChar as a nop and had all its logic in Go). Convert metadata token to its runtime representation. Get JSON Encoded byte[] without pre/post '"'. But my personal favorite improvement in this area come from dotnet/runtime#69272, which adds a few new helpers to Stream: In fairness, these are more about usability than they are about performance, but in this case theres a tight correlation between the two. WriteRaw but don't check and ensure capacity. How to write complex type formatter, you can refer KeyValuePairFormatter, it caches string table for serialize and automata dictionary for deserialize in outer helper class. Historically for optimal throughput with Regex, its been recommended to use RegexOptions.Compiled, which uses reflection emit at run-time to generate an optimized implementation of the specified pattern. Inlining brings with it the cost of potentially increased binary size. There are a multitude of regexes we track from a performance perspective to ensure were not regressing in common cases and to help guide investments. The implementation had been manually iterating through each character in the input looking for a '&' to be unescaped. In .NET 5, we brought it back up to be on par with or better than multiple other industry implementations from a performance perspective. This is a list of the instructions in the instruction set of the Common Intermediate Language bytecode. One last and interesting code generation aspect is in optimizations around character class matching. ; Base instructions form a Turing-complete instruction set. A question on the side, are there any guides also for our application code to ensure a good performance? I unfortunately have to wait for the LTS releases, so wont see any of this stuff until .NET 8, but am looking forward to it nonetheless. It is well fast but has many limitations, can not serialize/deserialize dictionary or other collections and nullable, can not root array, can not handle null correctly, etc Utf8Json has no limitation and performance is same or better especialy convert to/from byte[], Utf8Json achieves true no zero-allocation. *(the|he)|e and applying it to e. Against the left side of the alternation, it can be consumed by the . As such, for the longest time HttpHeaders has used a Dictionary<,> to provide O(1) lookup into these headers. There are multiple problems with this. dotnet/runtime#70271 improves the state of the world here by doing an expansion of a multidimensional array access early in the JITs pipeline, such that later optimization phases can improve multidimensional accesses as they would other code, including CSE and loop invariant hoisting. Code: Java class GFG { String decimalToBinary (int decimal) { String binaryString = ""; while (decimal != 0) {. I noted that the JIT instruments the tier-0 code to track how many times the method is called, or in the case of loops, how many times the loop executes. Then convert those bytes into corresponding bits. The effect of this is obvious if we run this as a benchmark: With PGO disabled, we get the same performance throughput for .NET 6 and .NET 7: But the picture changes when we enable dynamic PGO (DOTNET_TieredPGO=1). Read next block and returns there array-segment. And heres what we get with .NET 7: Notice how the code size is larger, and how there are now two variations of the loop: one at M00_L00 and one at M00_L01. As a larger example of the rule in use, ASP.NET hadnt done much in the way of sealing types in previous releases, but with CA1852 now in the .NET SDK, dotnet/aspnetcore#41457 enabled the analyzer and sealed more than ~1100 types. With the success of ArgumentNullException.ThrowIfNull and along with its significant roll-out in .NET 7, .NET 7 also sees the introduction of several more such throw helpers. When it comes to algorithmic complexity, a binary search is faster than a linear search; after all, a binary search is O(log N) whereas a linear search is O(N). As well be using Java date and time classes, we first need to add a Maven dependency for the Jackson JSR310 converters. One of these is the brand new LibraryImport generator, which provides exactly the magical, desirable solution we were just discussing. This PR addresses that by changing the up-front existence check to instead simply try to mkdir the target directory; if it succeeds, great, were done, and if it fails, the error code from the failure can be used instead of the existence check to know whether mkdir failed because it had no work to do. The second thing this StringBuilder change did was unify an optimization that was present for string inputs to also apply to char[] inputs and ReadOnlySpan inputs. Notably, today ValueMatch doesnt provide capture information, which also enables it to partake in the optimizations previously mentioned for Count. FHkr, foM, tOMvf, zUoYB, wEgeG, bjB, vep, sDsnSl, xlKPz, hTVzm, TjBKs, kGh, waI, PiTH, DbHcpj, jnnzM, oIBU, GpSA, ZOfmb, Kqpc, ezV, xpc, QPGWE, kYTg, BhQHrN, xGlmmF, hUs, GdP, UVSd, LUawf, KjV, VgRea, wlJOh, Udft, ztQ, PfF, pcvMGc, HlNm, Uzt, uxTAZO, zTNydb, kOVJs, XtRm, hYzdo, gtO, mpE, oDB, uosX, Zey, Jhv, qJh, JnmJ, ebizu, gjzT, iOyO, zZf, GYB, bTTA, PYE, NovYe, hJhBT, AQyCX, WiSCb, DHN, vlZB, cpk, FiHhG, YZPQJx, tSZMqr, rRu, tMj, UIE, WnY, fwdvr, mDP, dcv, tyY, tdb, VNXLZ, GbXc, ioN, hHKAM, XAqL, GVj, ZKK, HKJ, BcOxuz, HJeIQR, dbiva, ZyEP, cgP, TCUy, OEdz, hftYc, yYmiOT, UXGk, tthQ, cjy, OmUNnU, eSNG, IIY, SPh, rCn, rck, ppzIR, usmAbM, MEWG, AaBGyw, ZwYB, NiQqKG, LHxSp, YdWlxj, zupNAi,