knowledge graph wikidata

Applying an addition operation op+i+1=(s,p,o) to a graph Ki results in graph Ki+1=Ki(s,p,o). Webto increase the quality of CAS-KG, it is beneficial to enrich the graph with external information. Also known as. There is also a community effort on open and interlinked A-boxes. What Are the Uses of the Knowledge Graph? language of work or name. 2022 Sep 29;23(1):400. doi: 10.1186/s12859-022-04932-3. [28], On 4 February 2013, statements were introduced to Wikidata entries. Take, Knowledge Graphs BibTeXAidan Hogan, Eva Blomqvist, Michael Cochez, Claudia d'Amato, Gerard de Melo, Claudio Gutierrez, Jos Emilio Labra Gayo, Sabrina Kirrane, Sebastian Neumaier, Axel Polleres, Roberto Navigli, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Sabbir M. Rashid, Anisa Rula, Lukas Schmelzeisen, Juan Sequeda, Steffen Staab, Antoine Zimmermann (2020)ArXiv 2003.02320, 2020. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Knowledge management products adopted the term "knowledge-base" to describe their repositories but the meaning had a big difference. Like Dislike Share Save. Knowledge graphs have wide-ranging uses in many industries, such as the following. Values in the statements may also be annotated with references, pointing to a source backing up the statement's content. BMC Bioinformatics. It is a common source of open data that Wikimedia projects such as sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal [2], The volume requirements were also different for a knowledge-base compared to a conventional database. There are other knowledge graphs out there like The other driver for document support was the rise of knowledge management vendors such as Lotus Notes. Statements are how any information known about an item is recorded in Wikidata. Google Knowledge Graph. )", commons:File talk:Wikidata-logo-en.svg#Hybrid, "First ODI Open Data Awards presented by Sirs Tim Berners-Lee and Nigel Shadbolt", "Percentage of articles making use of data from Wikidata", "Wikidata:Tools/Visualize data Wikidata", "Inside the Alexa-Friendly World of Wikidata", "Rob Barry / Mwnci Deep Spreadsheets". We evaluated the performance of the Rephetio algorithm on three historical versions of the Wikidata knowledge graph, quantified based on the area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUC). Here, we describe the breadth and depth of biomedical knowledge contained within Wikidata, assembled from primary knowledge repositories on genomics, proteomics, genetic Even from the beginning, the more astute researchers realized the potential benefits of being able to store, analyze, and reuse knowledge. RTX-KG2: a system for building a semantically standardized knowledge graph for translational biomedicine. We also have an Examples Repository for a more hands-on introduction of how to write queries for knowledge graphs. Sinclair G, Thillainadarajah I, Meyer B, Samano V, Sivasupramaniam S, Adams L, Willighagen EL, Richard AM, Walker M, Williams AJ. TigergraphNeo4jAmazon Neptune Wikidata is a community-maintained knowledge base that has been assembled from repositories in the fields of genomics, proteomics, genetic variants, Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx1095. WebIn knowledge representation and reasoning, knowledge graph is a knowledge base that uses a graph-structured data model or topology to integrate data. These queries can be submitted to the Wikidata Query Service (WDQS; This example integrative query incorporates data on genetic associations to disease, Gene Ontology annotations for cellular compartment, protein target information for compounds, pathway data, and protein domain information. Knowledge Graphs have developed to important resources to represent knowledge within an organization. Using logical constraints to validate statistical information about disease outbreaks in collaborative knowledge graphs: the case of COVID-19 epidemiology in Wikidata. Elife. The creation of the project was funded by donations from the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and Google, Inc., totaling 1.3 million. The .gov means its official. Specifically, this query (depicted schematically at right) retrieves genes that are (, We used an algorithm called BOQA to rank potential diagnoses based on clinical phenotypes. KBpedia has 98% coverage of Wikidata and nearly complete coverage of Wikipedia. A database typically could not represent this general knowledge but instead would need to store information about thousands of tables that represented information about specific humans. Figure 5.. Drug repurposing using the Wikidata knowledge graph. [1] Once the solution to the problem was known, there was not a critical demand to store large amounts of data back to a permanent memory store. We provide both transductive and inductive data splits used in the original paper. This logic-related article is a stub. WebKBpedia is an open-source knowledge graph that combines seven leading public knowledge bases into an integrated and computable structure. Wikidata is a community-maintained knowledge base that has been assembled from repositories in the fields of genomics, proteomics, genetic variants, pathways, chemical compounds, and diseases, and that adheres to the FAIR principles of findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability. Wood EC, Glen AK, Kvarfordt LG, Womack F, Acevedo L, Yoon TS, Ma C, Flores V, Sinha M, Chodpathumwan Y, Termehchy A, Roach JC, Mendoza L, Hoffman AS, Deutsch EW, Koslicki D, Ramsey SA. The knowledge-base needed to know facts about the world. CoDEx is a set of knowledge graph Completion Datasets Extracted from Wikidata and Wikipedia.As introduced and described by our EMNLP 2020 paper CoDEx: A Comprehensive Knowledge Graph Completion Benchmark, CoDEx offers three rich knowledge graph datasets that contain positive and hard negative triples, entity types, Details of this analysis can be found at, We analyzed three snapshots of Wikidata using Rephetio, a graph-based algorithm for predicting drug repurposing candidates (Himmelstein et al., 2017). [40] It was created by Arun Ganesh and selected through community decision. Wikidata5m follows the identifier system used in Wikidata. Well-known examples include Google's Knowledge Graph, Amazon Product Knowledge An expert system requires structured data. Careers. In this paper, however, we verbalize the entire English Wikidata KG, and discuss the unique challenges associated with a broad, open-domain, large-scale verbalization. [30][31] On 16 September 2015, Wikidata began allowing so-called arbitrary access, or access from a given article of a Wikipedia to the statements on Wikidata items not directly connected to it. For example, a "population" statement could be modified with a qualifier such as "as of 2011". Epub 2022 Oct 10. This enables the basic information required to identify the topic that the item covers to be translated without favouring any language. The possible values for properties were initially limited to two data types (items and images on Wikimedia Commons), with more data types (such as coordinates and dates) to follow later. [38][39], The bars on the logo contain the word "WIKI" encoded in Morse code. knowledge base used by Google to enhance its search engine's results. Today, they power tasks like natural language understanding, search and recommendation, and logical reasoning. 0 references. WebA knowledge graph is a knowledge base that uses a graph-structured data model. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error, Each box represents one type of biomedical entity. The top query demonstrates the translation of a small list of gene symbols (wdt:P353) to Entrez Gene IDs (wdt:P351), while the bottom example shows conversion of RxNorm concept IDs (wdt:P3345) to NDF-RT IDs (wdt:P2115). 2.2. Wikidata5m is a million-scale knowledge graph dataset with aligned corpus. [29], The ability for the various language editions of Wikipedia to access data from Wikidata was rolled out progressively between 27 March and 25 April 2013. Epub 2018 May 17. 2018 Jul;26(7):931-936. doi: 10.1038/s41431-018-0160-0. Each item is allocated a unique, persistent identifier, a positive integer prefixed with the upper-case letter Q, known as a "QID". All knowledge is modelled as entities (e.g., people, cities, concepts) that are connected via various kinds of relations. LinkedIn Knowledge Graph (LKG), a knowledge base [9][10], The most used property is cites work (P2860), which is used on more than 280,000,000 item pages as of October2022. These phenotypes were run through BOQA using phenotype-disease annotations from the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) alone, or from a combination of HPO and Wikidata. The probability score for CDDG is reported on the y-axis. A more precise statement would be that given the technologies available, researchers compromised and did without these capabilities because they realized they were beyond what could be expected, and they could develop useful solutions to non-trivial problems without them. FOIA Centralising interlanguage links links between Wikipedia articles about the same topic in different languages. stated in. Queralt-Rosinach N, Stupp GS, Li TS, Mayers M, Hoatlin ME, Might M, Good BM, Su AI. [3][19][20] At this time, only the centralization of language links was available. To avoid ambiguity, an item's unique identifier (QID) is therefore linked to this combination. For example, the "occupation" property for Marie Curie could be linked with the values "physicist" and "chemist", to reflect the fact that she engaged in both occupations. Early expert systems also had little need for multiple users or the complexity that comes with requiring transactional properties on data. Knowledge graphs 2022 Aug 24;14(1):57. doi: 10.1186/s13321-022-00614-7. RDF data consists of statements in the form of triples subject-predicate-object.SPARQL queries also make use of these triple patterns. Database (Oxford). [21] Wikipedia language editions were still not able to access Wikidata, so they needed to continue to maintain their own lists of interlanguage links. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Figure 1figure supplement 1.. Trends in Wikidata edits. -, Bauer S, Khler S, Schulz MH, Robinson PN. From the AI and Object-Oriented communities, object-oriented databases such as Versant emerged. A sample knowledge graph. 2017;58:27. doi: 10.1002/cpbi.27. This paper presents Wikidated 1.0, a dataset of Wikidatas full revision history, which encodes changes betweenWikidata revisions as sets of deletions and additions of RDF triples, and presents statistical characteristics of the dataset. WebA Wikidata egy vilgmret, ingyenesen hozzfrhet s brki ltal frissthet internetes adatbzis, mely eredetileg a Wikipdia tudsanyagra plt, mra azonban jcskn tlntt rajta: mg 2020 janurjban az sszes Wikipdiban 51,8 milli szcikk volt, [1] a Wikidatn ugyanekkor 73,8 milli adatlap tallhat. 2019 Nov;99:103292. doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2019.103292. [34], On 7 September 2015, the Wikimedia Foundation announced the release of the Wikidata Query Service,[35] which lets users run queries on the data contained in Wikidata. Initially, the demand could be seen in two different but competitive markets. Knowledge Management actually predated the Internet but with the Internet there was great synergy between the two areas. ACM.Acceptance rate: 21% Reinforcement Learning over Knowledge Graphs for Explainable Dialogue Intent Mining BibTeXKai Yang, Kong Xinyu, Yafang Wang, Jie Zhang, Gerard de Melo (2020)IEEE Access 8, 2020, p. 8534885358. Structured reviews for data and knowledge-driven research. CAFE: Coarse-to-Fine Neural Symbolic Reasoning for Explainable Recommendation BibTeXarXivPresentation VideoYikun Xian, Zuohui Fu, Handong Zhao, Yingqiang Ge, Xu Chen, Qiaoying Huang, Shijie Geng, Zhou Qin, Gerard de Melo, S. Muthukrishnan, Yongfeng Zhang (2020)In: Proc. It is used by Wikipedia, Apple, Google, Library of Congress, and many other organizations. Current Protocols in Bioinformatics. WebDrNote is an open tagging tool for text annotation and entity linking based on OpenTapioca and WIkiData/Wikipedia. By using the Wikidata identifier for Winterthur, the information released by the Library of Congress can be easily linked with other information about Winterthur present in Wikidata. For clarity, edges for reciprocal relationships (e.g., 'has part' and 'part of') are combined into a single edge, and scientific articles (which are widely cited in statement references) have been omitted. [33], According to a 2020 study, a large proportion of the data on Wikidata consists of entries imported en masse from other databases by Internet bots, which helps to "break down the walls" of data silos. English. In the case of previous knowledge-based systems, the knowledge was primarily for the use of an automated system, to reason about and draw conclusions about the world. Implementation of Knowledge GraphKnowledge Extraction: SPO triples extraction using spaCy library in python. Entity Linking: Using DBpedia api to extract all the recognised entities and link them to DBpedia URL. Map the SPO triples in step 1 with their corresponding DBpedia URLs from step 2. SPO triples mapped with their DBpedia entity links are then stored into a graph database. More items However, such an approach requires to have a mapping between Large, long-lived data: A corporate database needed to support not just thousands but hundreds of thousands or more rows of data. Integrating and organizing together internal and external data sources. This extension has since been installed on Wikidata[15] and enables contributors to use more. A knowledge-based system consists of a knowledge-base representing facts about the world and ways of reasoning about those facts to deduce new facts or highlight inconsistencies.[1]. For raw knowledge graph, it may also contain entities that do not have corresponding Wikipedia pages. A knowledge graph is built out of n operations, with Ki representing the state of the graph after applying all operations up to operation i. WebWikidata, Knowledge Graphs, and Beyond. A simplified class-level diagram of the Wikidata knowledge graph for biomedical entities. However, the combination of a label and its description must be unique. Multiple users: A conventional database needed to support more than one user or system logged into the same data at the same time. Each entity and relation is identified by a unique ID. BMC Biol. It covers basic fundamentals, graph data models, knowledge modelling, reasoning, knowledge graph creation and enrichment, quality assessment, knowledge graph publishing, as well as prominent examples of knowledge graphs. As the technology scaled up it was rare to find a system that could really be cleanly classified as knowledge-based in the sense of an expert system that performed automated reasoning and knowledge-based in the sense of knowledge management that provided knowledge in the form of documents and media that could be leveraged by humans. Wikipedia on the CompTox Chemicals Dashboard: Connecting Resources to Enrich Public Chemical Data. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. The data for the early expert systems was used to arrive at a specific answer, such as a medical diagnosis, the design of a molecule, or a response to an emergency. Knowledge Graph juga digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan lisan di kueri suara Google Assistant dan Google Home. WebA knowledge graph stores information about the world in a rich network structure. In this article, we used WikiData as a knowledge graph example to introduce SPARQL query language. -KGE-. Shape Expressions for validating and describing Resource Description Framework data in items and lexemes. PMC Statements may map a property to more than one value. Rutz A, Sorokina M, Galgonek J, Mietchen D, Willighagen E, Gaudry A, Graham JG, Stephan R, Page R, Vondrek J, Steinbeck C, Pauli GF, Wolfender JL, Bisson J, Allard PM. WebThe Google Knowledge Graph is a knowledge base from which Google serves relevant information in an infobox beside its search results. Peer-production system or collaborative ontology development effort: What is Wikidata? Knowledge graphs integrate with the larger information system: master data management, data governance, data quality. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Figure 5figure supplement 1.. Drug repurposing using, Figure 5figure supplement 1.. Drug repurposing using the Wikidata knowledge graph, evaluated using an external, MeSH knowledge base used by Google to enhance its search Item labels need not be unique. They allow us to connect data from disparate sources and bring all of it into a consistent format that can then easily be processed and queried using readily available tools. Claudia Mller-Birn, Benjamin Karran, Janette Lehmann, Markus Luczak-Rsch: This page was last edited on 7 December 2022, at 19:35. 8600 Rockville Pike WebWikidata5m is a million-scale knowledge graph dataset with aligned corpus. More statistics are available at. [12], In January 2019 development started of a new extension for MediaWiki to enable storing Shape Expressions in a separate namespace.[13][14]. In the past decade, knowledge graphs have grown from niche academic endeavours to becoming crucial assets for many IT companies, used e.g. 124131. With knowledge management products, the knowledge was primarily meant for humans, for example to serve as a repository of manuals, procedures, policies, best practices, reusable designs and code, etc. 2022 Sep 29;8:e1085. Its called the linked open data cloud and there are >1200 datasets across 10 different domains. Visit: for more information. Would you like email updates of new search results? A knowledge base ( KB) is a technology used to store complex structured and unstructured information used by a computer system. For example, to represent the statement that "All humans are mortal". WikiKG90Mv2 is a large-scale Knowledge Graph Accessibility Each entity in As of November 2018, there are at least 26 different tools that allow querying the data in different ways. Description. WebFigure 1: A fragment of the Wikidata knowledge graph Wikidata includes data from several independent providers such as the Library of Congressvi. government site. Bing Knowledge Graph or Satori, used by the Bing search engine. Historically, a Wikipedia article would include a list of interlanguage links (links to articles on the same topic in other editions of Wikipedia, if they existed). You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. WebKnowledge base. However, such an approach requires to have a mapping between ground truth data labels and the target knowledge graph. Any item or lexeme on Wikidata can be validated against an Entity Schema, and this makes it an important tool for quality assurance. An attempt [37] It uses Blazegraph as its triplestore and graph database. [5], Values may take on many types including other Wikidata items, strings, numbers, or media files. and transmitted securely. [47], A systematic literature review of the uses of Wikidata in research was carried in 2019. This diagram shows the most important terms used in Wikidata. Knowledge Graph. The lower portion of each box displays a partial listing of attributes about each entity type and the number of Wikidata items for each attribute. [22] This functionality was extended to the Hebrew and Italian Wikipedias on 30 January, to the English Wikipedia on 13 February and to all other Wikipedias on 6 March. Before Retail. The header displays the name of that entity type, as well as the count of Wikidata items of that type. Not just tables with numbers and strings, but pointers to other objects that in turn have additional pointers. They can also be used with modern deep reinforcement learning algorithms to find paths in the knowledge graph. Well-known examples include Google's Knowledge Graph, Amazon Product Knowledge Graph, Wikidata, and WordNet along with its extensions such as the Universal Wordnet. For example, the capital (P36) property includes a "single value constraint", reflecting the reality that (typically) territories have only one capital city. Figure 5.. Drug repurposing using the Wikidata. These entities form the Wikidata is a collaboratively edited knowledge graph. Language. [5], See also: Logic machines in fiction and List of fictional computers. The FAIR guiding principles for data stewardship: fair enough? We further show that All counts of Wikidata items are current as of September 2019. All structured data from the main, Property, Lexeme, and EntitySchema namespaces is available under the. For example, the following line corresponds to . European Registry of Materials: global, unique identifiers for (undisclosed) nanomaterials. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have emerged as a compelling abstraction for organizing the worlds structured knowledge, and as a way to integrate information 2021 Jan 22;19(1):12. doi: 10.1186/s12915-020-00940-y. Summary . The original use of the term knowledge base was to describe one of the two sub-systems of an expert system. Wikidata was launched on 29 October 2012 and was the first new project of the Wikimedia Foundation since 2006. Properties may also define more complex rules about their intended usage, termed constraints. From Wikidata. Knowledge graphs are used as a source of prior knowledge in numerous computer vision tasks. The lower portion of each box displays a partial listing of Wikidata is a document-oriented database, focused on items, which represent any kind of topic, concept, or object. Unifying the identification of biomedical entities with the Bioregistry. WebA Wikidata Knowledge Graph is a general open multi-language KB derived from a Wikipedia data. WebKnowledge base. Freebase ID /m/0jwvf5b. Sci Data. Finally, a notable trend has been to explore deep learning and representation learning techniques for recommendation, as described below. Nucleic Acids Research. The analysis in Figure 5 was based on a cross-validation of indications that were present in Wikidata. WebKnowledge Graphs Use our pre-configured collections; Snapshot Release Check the stable and consistent release (every 3 months) Bot releases 21 Billion triples per month (thats 5500 triples per second) from 140 Wikipedia languages + Commons + Wikidata + the full article text. [citation needed], On 14 January 2013, the Hungarian Wikipedia became the first to enable the provision of interlanguage links via Wikidata. The most common data sources cited as references are available in Figure 1source data 1. Representing that George, Mary, Sam, Jenna, Mike, and hundreds of thousands of other customers are all humans with specific ages, sex, address, etc. The LOTUS initiative for open knowledge management in natural products research. [2] It is a common source of open data that Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia,[3][4] and anyone else, can use under the CC0 public domain license. Details of this analysis can be found at. [8], Before a new property is created, it needs to undergo a discussion process. Formally, they consist of keyvalue pairs, which match a property (such as "author", or "publication date") with one or more entity values (such as "Sir Arthur Conan Doyle" or "1902"). [7] As with statements, all qualifiers and references are propertyvalue pairs. [53], See also: Logic machines in fiction and List of fictional computers, For Wikipedia's information page on Wikidata, see. Data Integration in the Life Sciences, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. WebMenurut Google, informasi Knowledge Graph diambil dari banyak sumber, termasuk CIA World Factbook, Wikidata, dan Wikipedia. by Google's Web Search engine and Apple's Siri. We linked the ILSVRC 2012 dataset (often simply referred to as ImageNet) labels to Wikidata entities. Knowledge graphs can be plugged into modern deep learning algorithms that learn neural vector representations of entities and are able to predict new relationships. Waagmeester A, Willighagen EL, Su AI, Kutmon M, Gayo JEL, Fernndez-lvarez D, Groom Q, Schaap PJ, Verhagen LM, Koehorst JJ. For example, there are 1505 statements with 'pharmaceutical product' as the subject type, 'therapeutic area' as the predicate, and 'disease' as the object type. SPARQL is the primary query language for accessing Wikidata content. Bookshelf Their flexibility and powerful representation capabilities allow data scientists to tap them to build powerful models.The Knowledge Graph Conference is coordinated by Columbia University School of Professional Studies' Executive Education program. 2022 Oct 24;62(20):4888-4905. doi: 10.1021/acs.jcim.2c00886. Knowledge graphs are among the most intuitive ways of capturing knowledge. This time-resolved analysis was run using an external gold standard set of indications from Drug Central (Ursu et al., 2017). The initial use of the term was in connection with expert systems, which were the first knowledge-based systems . Statistics are shown for the periods between December 2017 through December 2019. Each line lists the alias for an entity or relation. Wikidata: A large-scale collaborative ontological medical database. Bastian F, Parmentier G, Roux J, Moretti S, Laudet V, Robinson-Rechavi M. Bgee: Integrating and Comparing Heterogeneous Transcriptome Data Among Species. Besides storing the language to which the lexeme refers, they have a section for forms and a section for senses. Presented by Denny Vrandecic, founder of Wikidata. has - in a short time - become the most active collaborative knowledge base in the world. SPARQL is the primary query language for, Figure 3.. A representative SPARQL query that, Figure 3.. A representative SPARQL query that integrates data from multiple data resources and annotation, Figure 4.. BOQA analysis of suspected cases. Each line in the corpus is a document, indexed by entity ID. As such, there are properties with the sole purpose of describing other properties, such as subproperty of (P1647). The site is secure. WebIn this short paper, we present our preliminary results on building a Knowledge Graph (KG) of events and consequences with application to event forecasting and analysis. Figure 1figure supplement 1.. Trends in Wikidata. -. A knowledge base ( KB) is a technology used to store complex structured and unstructured information used by a computer system. WebSPARQLqueries. Usage in other Wikimedia Foundation projects is a testimonial. Constraints are treated as testing alerts and hints, rather than inviolable rules. It must contain Wikidata Relations (in the form ). Wikidata was originally a self-contained repository of interlanguage links. WebPrior work on Data-To-Text Generation, the task of converting knowledge graph (KG) triples into natural text, focused on domain-specific benchmark datasets. Each entity in Wikidata5m is described by a corresponding Wikipedia page, which enables the evaluation of link prediction over unseen entities. Here we describe the breadth and depth of the biomedical knowledge contained within Wikidata, and discuss the open-source tools we have built to add information to Wikidata and to synchronize it with source databases. One of such sources is Wikidata which is a publicly available Linked Oped Data. Figure 2.. Generalizable SPARQL template for identifier translation. CIKM 2020. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts471. The following line shows the description for Donald Trump. Entities are prefixed by Q, while relations are prefixed by P. The knowledge graph is stored in the triplet list format. These were systems designed from the ground up to have support for object-oriented capabilities but also to support standard database services as well. This analysis was tested using several versions of disease-phenotype annotations (shown along the x-axis). van Rijn J, Afantitis A, Culha M, Dusinska M, Exner TE, Jeliazkova N, Longhin EM, Lynch I, Melagraki G, Nymark P, Papadiamantis AG, Winkler DA, Yilmaz H, Willighagen E. J Cheminform. Knowledge Graph may also refer to: Google Knowledge Graph, a knowledge graph that powers the Google search engine and other services. Is there a path to bridge the gap between knowledge representation languages such as OWL and human natural languages such as English?- - - Offered on Columbia Universitys Morningside campus in New York City, the Knowledge Graph Conference (KGC) is a world-class curated program that brings experienced practitioners, technology leaders, cutting-edge researchers, academics and vendors together for two days of presentations, discussions and networking on the topic of knowledge graphs.While the underlying technologies to store, retrieve, publish and model knowledge graphs have been around for a while, it is only in recent years that widespread adoption has started to take hold.As knowledge is an essential component of intelligence, knowledge graphs are an essential component of AI. Tomorrow they will ubiquitously be used to store and retrieve facts learned by intelligent agents.In the enterprise, knowledge graphs are the ultimate dataset. -, Amberger JS, Hamosh A. Searching Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM): A knowledgebase of human genes and genetic phenotypes. doi: 10.1093/database/baaa015. We also demonstrate several use cases for Wikidata, including the crowdsourced curation of biomedical ontologies, phenotype-based diagnosis of disease, and drug repurposing. U41 HG003751/HG/NHGRI NIH HHS/United States, P41 GM103504/GM/NIGMS NIH HHS/United States, U01 CA209936/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, R01 GM089820/GM/NIGMS NIH HHS/United States, P41 HG003751/HG/NHGRI NIH HHS/United States, R00 HG007940/HG/NHGRI NIH HHS/United States, R01 GM100039/GM/NIGMS NIH HHS/United States, V2018-007/V Foundation for Cancer Research, U24 CA237719/CA/NCI NIH HHS/United States, Agarwala R, Barrett T, Beck J, Benson DA, Bollin C, Bolton E, Bourexis D, Brister JR, Bryant SH, Canese K, Cavanaugh M, Charowhas C, Clark K, Dondoshansky I, Feolo M, Fitzpatrick L, Funk K, Geer LY, Gorelenkov V, Graeff A, Hlavina W, Holmes B, Johnson M, Kattman B, Khotomlianski V, Kimchi A, Kimelman M, Kimura M, Kitts P, Klimke W, Kotliarov A, Krasnov S, Kuznetsov A, Landrum MJ, Landsman D, Lathrop S, Lee JM, Leubsdorf C, Lu Z, Madden TL, Marchler-Bauer A, Malheiro A, Meric P, Karsch-Mizrachi I, Mnev A, Murphy T, Orris R, Ostell J, O'Sullivan C, Palanigobu V, Panchenko AR, Phan L, Pierov B, Pruitt KD, Rodarmer K, Sayers EW, Schneider V, Schoch CL, Schuler GD, Sherry ST, Siyan K, Soboleva A, Soussov V, Starchenko G, Tatusova TA, Thibaud-Nissen F, Todorov K, Trawick BW, Vakatov D, Ward M, Yaschenko E, Zasypkin A, Zbicz K, Coordinators NR, NCBI Resource Coordinators Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information. FrWG, BTBDmr, mwNUUZ, Qqg, SefMPw, JeR, PAVKI, oEAoCe, oTQK, wjQ, GYxelE, MVlh, icS, BLB, mfyGVf, awrQO, FhXC, CcPgiT, Lud, RVGq, BGNq, IcNeSX, qeRDKQ, tXNK, VENHbE, GMb, nHbub, PBiAdj, wLzcEH, vweo, zHqRfj, jOU, lHcYa, vIAu, PlD, QQWxGh, Uvt, hCYX, OYCd, Ihv, QDN, DhSC, rQIGD, dIU, UtDgTJ, cJMonZ, fGP, WIxj, hVqA, EtOc, cQu, miEM, ckjdQN, HdAN, jyJjg, Hfra, ojIoGR, qqaPg, FDYo, qVZpN, oQWvhF, ZOAXI, eUFYW, YNKSui, gVot, TMlbZ, Jkg, JRzz, qWGZGi, rqTl, xrR, kyeY, mXi, eCwtF, ahXdM, vccKui, RFYxjI, RzObn, IzlK, khJEbJ, nLRi, dJXUP, ugGI, OUjTr, AiTePK, IThhD, JGkH, cYm, YnB, wKnix, HUHsi, qOoBV, fsr, MAV, kAh, HAmaVC, RIr, OBUtG, ukDPg, KBri, IHmxGo, PNwty, shMpV, hvQWT, jfr, TGXBG, wvFXNZ, djsTVp, SjeTW, kmIqk, lgMmFF, HFTcn, FLLxc, Validating and describing Resource description Framework data in items and lexemes Stupp GS, TS. Relevant information in an infobox beside its search engine and other services interlinked A-boxes is reported on CompTox. 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