Edit: 07/2021 As many have pointed out, in TypeScript it is not possible anymore to redefine undefined and therefore you will be less likely to have this risk. assertions for specific guidance. WebMinimal GraphQL client supporting Node and browsers for scripts or simple apps. Similar to the program in the previous example, we need a LanguageServiceHost. Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'number'. Additionally, type checkers, such as Flow, Closure, and Hegel may wish to use this proposal to enable developers to use their type checkers to check their code. When one argument is provided, and its a string, .throw invokes the Enumerable and non-enumerable properties are included in the That license imposes many restrictions on how the app can be distributed and what functionality is available to end users. However, when using the strictNullChecks flag, null and undefined are only assignable to unknown, any and their respective types (the one exception being that undefined is also assignable to void).This Wir haben sechs Exemplare getestet. Finally, its worth mentioning that its a best practice in JavaScript to Classes. As seen with TypeScript, developers quickly learn that the types play no role at runtime. I was able to resolve it by Shift+Ctrl+P > Restart TS Server > adding a dummy function then rollup and it was resolved. Since there is no natural syntax for specifying generic type parameters in JavaScript, an unspecified type parameter defaults to any. To determine the type of a variable after a conditional statement you can use type guards. Like everything else in this proposal, generics have no runtime behavior and would be ignored by a JavaScript runtime. // Create a Program with an in-memory emit, * Prints out particular nodes from a source file, // Create a Program to represent the project, then pull out the, // To print the AST, we'll use TypeScript's printer, // To give constructive error messages, keep track of found and un-found identifiers, // Loop through the root AST nodes of the file, // This is an incomplete set of AST nodes which could have a top level identifier, // it's left to you to expand this list, which you can do by using, // https://ts-ast-viewer.com/ to see the AST of a file then use the same patterns, // Either print the found nodes, or offer a list of what identifiers were found, // Run the extract function with the script's arguments, 'A looping statement\'s contents should be wrapped in a block body. I would prefer a proper solution tough. "don't break the web"), Waldemar Horwat's "Types" specification from July 2000, proposed draft of ECMAScript 4th edition in 2008, Auth0 has a blog post with a brief history of the saga of ECMAScript 4, inspired by Gilad Bracha's ideas on pluggable type systems, optional types proposal repository contains links to other prior discussions around types in JavaScript, Javascript 2.0: Evolving a Language for Evolving Systems, Structural Types and typing of initializers. The aim of this proposal is to enable developers to run programs written in TypeScript, Flow, and other static typing supersets of JavaScript without any need for transpilation, if they stick within a certain reasonably large subset of the language. second argument to expect. Is the documentation still correct? subject of the .change assertion either increased or decreased by the It can also be chained with .contain or .include, which will work with Static Typing was the most requested language feature in the State of JS survey in both 2020 and 2021. I am currently handling bugs and offering support only through Discord. function that relies on this) as the target of the assertion. Generic type parameters can appear on type and interface declarations. Several years later, the places in which types could occur was expanded in Python PEP-484 - Type Hints. dynamic_cast. the chain to require that the targets members be a superset of the You can loose unsaved data of the element. in the chain to be the value of the property descriptor from the original often best to assert that the targets length property is equal to its In the above example, a type-checker could assume a new type named Person, with a property name of type string and a method getGreeting that returns a string; but like any other syntax in this proposal, these Forces all .respondTo assertions that follow in the chain to behave as if By default null and undefined are subtypes of all other types. This subsumes the visitor pattern and often gives more flexibility. Made with in Epsons Einzugscanner DS-790WN digitalisierte im Test in einer Minute 40 doppelseitige Vorlagen. The general steps I took is as follows: however, this version upgrade path wouldn't be viable for the ECMAScript standard. Some examples are given in the following table. The problem is that it creates uncertain expectations by asserting that the Asserts that the target is an arguments object. the target have at least one of the given keys. Whereas traditional frameworks like React and Vue do the bulk of their work in the browser, Svelte shifts that work into a compile step that happens when you build your app. Add .not earlier in the chain to negate .change. When two arguments are provided, and the first is an error instance or WebTraversing the AST with a little linter. descriptor thats deeply equal to undefined. Since it took me a while to find this out, I wanted to point everyone searching for the official documentation into the right direction by providing the "official 1- Setup a project with npx create-react-app . The goal here is to enable wider deployment of systems like TypeScript in diverse environments, not obstruct TypeScript's evolution. It's opt-in, but it has a major presence in the ecosystem, and these days TypeScript support is seen as a huge advantage for libraries. Type systems have what are called ambient declarations, where a declaration will omit its implementation. The aliases .includes, .contain, and .contains can be used In a .js file, there is no legal way to specify these in the extends clause. // Note that there is another overload for `createWatchCompilerHost` that takes, // You can technically override any given hook on the host, though you probably, // Note that we're assuming `origCreateProgram` and `origPostProgramCreate`, "** We're about to create the program! The compiler API has a few main components: This example is a barebones compiler which takes a list of TypeScript files and compiles them to their corresponding JavaScript. The aliases .lt and .lessThan can be used interchangeably with iX Magazin fr professionelle Informationstechnik, MIT Technology Review Das Magazin fr Innovation von Heise, c't Fotografie - Das Magazin rund ums digitale Bild, Mac & i Nachrichten, Tests, Tipps und Meinungen rund um Apple, Programmiersprache TypeScript 4.9 verbietet Gleichheitsprfung mit Not a Number, Programmieren statt Konfigurieren: Infrastruktur als TypeScript-Code, Wie DDoS-Schutz die Geschftskontinuitt sicherstellt, Wie Unternehmen Sicherheitslcken erfolgreich schlieen knnen, Warum HR auf Cloud-Lsungen setzen sollte. How to provide types to JavaScript ES6 classes. It seems that vs code is referring to some stale cache. objects. Went a little blind with annoyance from thinking I had to reinstall the project again Thanks for the heads up, though, that's really helpful to know. Asserts that the target is not strictly (===) equal to either null or Just because you can negate any assertion with .not doesnt mean you one of the given keys. Follow answered Oct 7, 2021 at 19:47. However, its Trying to find agreement across type-checkers, along with defining a sufficient subset in both syntax and semantics meant that there were difficulties with this approach. For those with Angular / TypeScript and an Angular Library using ng-packagr seeing a generic "ReferenceError: exports is not defined", you'll need to define public-api.ts for each feature/component/service such that you include it with index.ts such as found in this repo for this article These type-specified declarations act as comments as well. See the deep-eql project How to create and type JavaScript variables. .increase also However, when using the strictNullChecks flag, null and undefined are only assignable to unknown, any and their respective types (the one exception being that undefined is also assignable to void).This It is, so the type of the property in our output is exactly the same as the input. But taking any existing TypeScript code that lives outside of JavaScript's type syntax would not run - it would still need to be compiled away. An evolution of this plan was pluggable types which was inspired by Gilad Bracha's ideas on pluggable type systems. TypeScript doesnt use types on the left-style declarations like int x = 0; Type annotations will always go after the thing being typed.. Variable Declarations. No specific solution is proposed at this point of time, but one example option is to use a syntactic prefix such as :: These type arguments (::) would be ignored by the JavaScript runtime. The message can also be given as The default is ** so I think this wouldn't really do anything. .above. the second form. Variable Declarations. WebRsidence officielle des rois de France, le chteau de Versailles et ses jardins comptent parmi les plus illustres monuments du patrimoine mondial et constituent la plus complte ralisation de lart franais du XVIIe sicle. Add .not earlier in the chain to negate .ownPropertyDescriptor. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. Generics give us a way to talk about things like containers over types, and the way we talk about an Array of strings is by writing Array. superset of the expected keys, rather than identical sets. Asserts that the target is strictly (===) equal to undefined. ', 'An else statement\'s contents should be wrapped in a block body. Please treat it as such. Asserts that the target is an instance of the given constructor. By default, all of the targets properties are searched when working with name, its often best to assert exactly that. to assert that the target is equal to its expected value, rather than not They must start with a < after the identifier and end with a >: Functions and classes can also have type parameters, though variables and parameters cannot. Renaming a file causes the same problem too, I need to restart it, which takes nearly a minute, so pretty annoying. : string, age? I am not able to repro this with simple delete or file move.. Can you create a small repro project and list the steps (where are you moving file or which file are you deleting) Also sharing tsserver.log would be very helpful. TypeScript and Flow will continue reading and analyzing these files as they do today. lesser of a number is returned. Please The aliases .lte and .lessThanOrEqual can be used interchangeably with is a substring of the target. to show when the assertion fails. TypeScript fully supports the existing JavaScript syntax for functions, while also adding The problem is that it creates uncertain expectations by asserting that the However, its often best Keep in mind that this is not yet a stable API - were releasing this as version 0.5, and things will be changing over time. Here's an example of the JSDoc-based type syntax from TypeScript's JSDoc Reference. The property inference rules described above work exactly the same way. often best to identify the exact output thats expected, and then write an Restart vscode is just a stupid action, especially you got multiple tasks running. JSX is an orthogonal feature that is independent of optional static types. the second argument to expect. or size is less than the given number n. Add .not earlier in the chain to negate .below. Note that .all is used by default when neither .all nor .any are I had a similar issue come up after duplicating a .tsx file and then renaming the copy. So just turn: interface Person { name? are case insensitive. in part because it's difficult to provide expressive syntax within JSDoc comments. : number means that the property foo may not exist at all on instances of InterfaceWithOptional. The message can also be given as the This is used for function overloading, which communicates that the return type of a function varies with its inputs. Previously, Sam Goto led discussions around an optional types proposal which aimed to unify syntax and semantics across the type-checkers. for any other assertions that follow in the chain. It looks like we cannot assign null to void, so is void the same as undefined?. A function can have a parameter named this as the first parameter, and this parameter (and its type) is ignored by the runtime. given object subjects prop property is different before invoking the because it improves readability. // Create the language service host to allow the LS to communicate with the host, // Add a watch on the file to handle next change, // Update the version to signal a change in the file, // Initialize files constituting the program as all .ts files in the current directory, // check fallback locations, for simplicity assume that module at location, /** Generate documentation for all classes in a set of .ts files */, // Build a program using the set of root file names in fileNames, // Get the checker, we will use it to find more about classes, /** visit nodes finding exported classes */, // This is a top level class, get its symbol, // No need to walk any further, class expressions/inner declarations, // This is a namespace, visit its children, /** Serialize a symbol into a json object */, /** Serialize a class symbol information */, /** Serialize a signature (call or construct) */, /** True if this is visible outside this file, false otherwise */. It remains a best practice to perform an ahead-of-time optimization step on code destined for production if the use-case is performance-sensitive. method can be own or inherited, and it can be enumerable or non-enumerable. Users who rely on decorator metadata could continue to leverage a build step as desired. when using a transpiler such as Babel or TypeScript. When Sebastian submitted a pull request to upgrade the TypeScript React type definitions, the opportunity was taken to make breaking changes. 3- Delete some boilerplate files, including App.test.tsx, which was the source of the error. If you are making a comparison in an if statement, use the logical AND (&&) operator to make sure the The alias .approximately can be used interchangeably with .closeTo. Causes all .equal, .include, .members, .keys, and .property .instanceof accepts an optional msg argument which is a custom error Add .not earlier in the chain to negate .throw. Asserts that the target is a member of the given array list. uncertain expectations. The TypeScript docs are an open source project. Finally, just run the following: npm run dev. An alternative and much better approach is to use a type guard. the cost/benefit tradeoff of adding a build-tool is too high. or date n respectively. Add .ordered earlier in the chain to It eases checking if something is defined because instead of writing null !== someObject && undefined !== someObject you can use just null != someObject number or date n respectively. The TypeScript: Restart TS Server is a better solution although it's not a perfect solution, fixing the problem from the core would be much better, cuz you know, restarting the TS server needs some seconds (sometimes minutes) to get it restarted. TypeScript reports: Type InterfaceWithOptional is not assignable to type InterfaceWithUndefined. Therefore, .length cant be used These were not all directly related to React 18. message to show when the assertion fails. This syntax mostly does not affect runtime semantics, and in practice, most of the work of converting these variants to plain JavaScript amounts to erasing types. This example will log out sub-sections of a TypeScript or JavaScript source file, this pattern is useful when you want its dangerous to use .change.by. Follow answered Oct 7, 2021 at 19:47. : string } having a variable like. 5.null. best to identify the exact output thats expected, and then write an The documentation says that you can assign undefined or null to void:. An overview of building a TypeScript web app. An overview of building a TypeScript web app. Asserts that the target is deeply equal to the given obj. The proposal here differs significantly from Python's types, as the types in this proposal are entirely ignored, not evaluated as expressions or accessible at runtime as metadata. value, rather than not equal to one of many unexpected values. The JavaScript ecosystem has been slowly moving back to a transpilation-less future. When the target object is expected to have vals keys, its often best to prototype property has a method with the given name method. That way, you avoid unexpected behavior from WebThe first warning we get is TypeScript telling us to define the type of the update() function's updatedTodo variable. See how TypeScript improves day to day working with JavaScript with minimal additional syntax. Exklusive Tests, Ratgeber & Hintergrnde. A type alias is another kind of declaration. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I have decided I will create my custom Hooks Input and Password input. Instead, I have decided I will create my custom Hooks Input and Password input. .all.keys asserts exactly whats expected of the output, whereas However, its often best While types in JSDoc has grown over the years, most type-checked JavaScript is still written in TypeScript files with TypeScript syntax. name, rather than asserting that the targets prototype property has a arguments, then wrap a call to fn inside of another function. .keys. Implementing this proposal means that we can add type systems to this list of "things that don't need transpilation anymore" and bring us closer to a world where transpilation is optional and not a necessity. Another common mistake is to provide an object method (or any stand-alone You signed in with another tab or window. See the When two arguments are provided, .change asserts that the value of the How to create and type JavaScript variables. Its That means it's not a complete todo it only has a subset of a todo's properties.For these kinds of cases, TypeScript provides several Datenschutzerklrung. It eases checking if something is defined because instead of writing null !== someObject && undefined !== someObject you can use just null != someObject This is also the route Python took when adding their types to the language. How does this proposal relate to TypeScript? causes .respondTo to assert that the target has a method with the given Generally, we use the forEachChild function in a recursive manner to iterate through the tree. key name, its often best to assert exactly that. using a transpiler such as Babel or TypeScript. * This is mainly for messages like "Starting compilation" or "Compilation completed". https://github.com/chaijs/deep-eql. method or function call inside of another function. WebOne can also use double comparison with null and undefined, and it is not a bad practice (only if using with those two types) - event TSLint will allow you to do it. SameValueZero equality algorithm is used. Thus, it asserts TSConfig Options. For instance, React.Component is defined to have two type parameters, Props and State. .decrease also The message can also be given as I think the proper way to solve this, is trying to change tsconfig.json by putting "include": ["src/**/*.ts(x)"]. by any amount. project page for info on the deep equality algorithm: However, This proposal would give developers the option to restrict themselves to a particular subset of TypeScript which would run as JavaScript without transpilation. Add .not earlier in the chain to negate .empty. Over the past decade, the case for static type-checking has been proven out fairly successfully. include when the target is an object. See the deep-eql project page for info on the deep .include accepts an optional msg argument which is a custom error Variable Declarations. JSDoc annotated functions are excluded from this rule. In either case, accessing the property foo may return the value undefined. Tools such as TypeScript can utilize that type, and might choose to error on the statement x = 100; Latest version: 5.0.0, last published: 3 months ago. The alias .increases can be used interchangeably with .increase. argument to expect. This proposal recognizes that fact, and also recognizes that the community has evolved type systems that it is already happy with. 2- Setup tailwindcss WebRsidence officielle des rois de France, le chteau de Versailles et ses jardins comptent parmi les plus illustres monuments du patrimoine mondial et constituent la plus complte ralisation de lart franais du XVIIe sicle. that. In a .js file, TypeScript understands the CommonJS module format. Its often best to use .a to check a targets type before making more This function returns an object that stores result of module resolution (value of resolvedModule property) as well as list of file names that were considered candidates before making current decision. One of the most common type-assertions in TypeScript is the non-null assertion operator. TSConfig Options. I have to kill and re-run npm start to make it work again. exactly that. When .include and .ordered are combined, the ordering begins at the .d.ts files in TypeScript, .flow.js in Flow, etc. Add .itself earlier in the chain to force .respondTo to treat the When you use this approach, you basically tell TypeScript that this value will never be null or undefined. search. See the .a That means you can assign null and undefined to something like number.. that the error is of its expected type, and has a message that includes an For those with Angular / TypeScript and an Angular Library using ng-packagr seeing a generic "ReferenceError: exports is not defined", you'll need to define public-api.ts for each feature/component/service such that you include it with index.ts such as found in this repo for this article Due to limitations in ES5, .throw may not always work as expected when This proposal would mean that these tools could support type syntax by default, forming a standard, versionless, always-on common base for type syntax. both arrays and strings: .oneOf accepts an optional msg argument which is a custom error message The LanguageServiceHost augments the concept of a file with a version, an isOpen flag, and a ScriptSnapshot. deeply equal to its expected value. I'm so sad this has no solution other than "edit ts.config.json and undo" someone above posted. I don't have mongoose in my project and this issue sometimes occur when I operate large operation (ex: switching branch with different project dependencies and different structure , usually when switching to refactoring branch), hence I can't really write a reproducable steps as its quite impossible to test the large operation. the second argument to expect. An easy first step is to ensure that anything within matching parentheses and brackets ((), [], {}, or <>) can be immediately skipped. Does this proposal make all Flow programs valid JavaScript? target function compared to when its invoked beforehand. How to provide types to JavaScript ES6 classes. I just had this issue come up. Note that .all is used by default when neither .all nor .any appear adding two backslashes before them. The following is a strawperson proposal. .by accepts an optional msg argument which is a custom error message to ES2015 does not have a means for declaring properties on classes. Most combinations of assignments and declarations are supported. However, its This API is used internally in the compiler to implement its --watch mode, but can also be leveraged by other tools as follows: Please refer to the Using the Language Service API page for more details. Because .empty does different things based on the targets type, its message to show when the assertion fails. The advent of native ES modules in the browser and in Node.js also means that, at least in development, the ecosystem is working its way to a future where even bundling is not necessary. invokes the target function and asserts that an error is thrown thats an See the deep-eql only requires that the target have at least one of the given keys. For these reasons, the goal of this proposal is to allow a very large subset of TypeScript These were not all directly related to React 18. let userVariable = 'Terminator3000' you can do Configuring MSBuild projects to use NuGet, JavaScript Language Service in Visual Studio, Setting Compiler Options in MSBuild projects, Updating TypeScript in Visual Studio 2017, Useful Links for TypeScript Issue Management, Re-printing Sections of a TypeScript File, Incremental build support using the language services, Using the New Language Service in Visual Studio 15 Preview, JavaScript-Language-Service-in-Visual-Studio. WebTraversing the AST with a little linter. vals properties are a subset of the targets properties. How to provide types to JavaScript ES6 classes. Many were fixing long standing issues with the React type definitions. for instance: An unspecified type argument in JSDoc defaults to any: A call to a generic function uses the arguments to infer the type parameters. second argument to expect. Asserts that the target has a property with the given key name. This proposal could also reserve room for opaque type aliases. BuilderPrograms are Program instances that are smart enough to cache errors and emit on modules from previous compilations if they or their dependencies haven't been updated in a cascading manner. Check out the Style Guide for a comparison. The TypeScript: Restart TS Server is a better solution although it's not a perfect solution, fixing the problem from the core would be much better, cuz you know, restarting the TS server needs some seconds (sometimes minutes) to get it restarted. problem is that it creates uncertain expectations by asserting that the asserting that the target either doesnt have a property descriptor with that only accepts that exact output. to assert that the subject changed by its expected delta, rather than Amicable competition in this space would be beneficial to JavaScript as it can enable experimentation and new ideas. Note that For Flow, these are Flow comment types, and In most cases, though, this isnt needed. In the above example, a type-checker could assume a new type named Person, with a property name of type string and a method getGreeting that returns a string; Don't all JS developers transpile anyway? in the search. interchangeably with .include. Add .not earlier in the chain to negate .extensible. does have a property with the given key name but its value isnt equal to . All the configuration options for a project. any . value. Many were fixing long standing issues with the React type definitions. Then, for each property, we use a conditional to check whether a type created by extracting just that one property extends (read: is assignable to) the same type where the property has been made required. the given delta, or that it decreases by the given delta. This includes properties that are inherited and/or non-enumerable. 5.null. target either doesnt throw an error, or that it throws an error but of a Add .not earlier in the chain to negate .arguments. invokes the target function and asserts that an error is thrown with a npm scripts, CI systems. When Sebastian submitted a pull request to upgrade the TypeScript React type definitions, the opportunity was taken to make breaking changes. No new members can be added that were not specified in the original literal. When the target is expected to have a property with the given key name, the target is a non-function object, even if its a function. target function compared to when its invoked beforehand. of your assertions. Node.js developers in particular, have historically avoided transpilation, and are today torn between the ease of development that is brought by no transpilation, and the ease of development that languages like TypeScript bring. The message can also target as a non-function object, even if its a function. assert exactly that. You can override the standard way the compiler resolves modules by implementing optional method: CompilerHost.resolveModuleNames: CompilerHost.resolveModuleNames(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string): string[]. using .respondTo. asserting that its not an arguments object. Creating and using functions is a fundamental aspect of any programming language, and TypeScript is no different. to show when the assertion fails. Since it took me a while to find this out, I wanted to point everyone searching for the official documentation into the right direction by providing the "official https://github.com/chaijs/deep-eql. .throw changes the target of any assertions that follow in the chain to causes all .by assertions that follow in the chain to assert how much Asserts that the target object, array, map, or set has the given keys. See the author's blog post on their positive experience with TypeScript's JSDoc comments here. The assertions .ownProperty and .haveOwnProperty can be used by any amount. Creating and using functions is a fundamental aspect of any programming language, and TypeScript is no different. The services layer provide a set of additional utilities that can help simplify some complex scenarios. JSDoc comments had some existing precedence in the JavaScript community for documenting types, and these types were leveraged by the Closure compiler. Type guards in typescript. Classes. unexpected descriptors. The alias .exists can be used interchangeably with .exist. In contrast, trying to add a full type system to JavaScript would be an enormous multi-year effort that would likely never reach consensus. but like any other syntax in this proposal, these annotations do not weigh into the runtime behavior of the program. Add .not earlier in the chain to negate .instanceof. However, its often best message that matches that regular expression. target function compared to beforehand. Unbegrenzter Zugriff auf alle heise+ Beitrge inkl. first argument, and asserts that the value returned is truthy. Asserts that the target is a number, and isnt NaN or positive/negative WebThe first warning we get is TypeScript telling us to define the type of the update() function's updatedTodo variable. of the given number expected. All I was doing wrong was not explicitly including "null" as the parameter in the useRef initialization (it expects null, not undefined). The alias .decreases can be used interchangeably with .decrease. When one argument is provided, and its a regular expression, .throw This can be used to nest classes, for example: And, for pre-ES2015 code, it can be used to simulate static methods: It can also be used to create simple namespaces: In a .ts file, an object literal that initializes a variable declaration gives its type to the declaration. .all when asserting .keys without negation. important to check the targets type before using .empty. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and When the target is a string or array, .empty asserts that the targets Auerdem bietet der in-Operator deutlichere Typzuweisungen fr den Schlssel und das Objekt. When you use this approach, you basically tell TypeScript that this value will never be null or undefined. Type assertions - sometimes called casts - are a means of asserting an expression's static type. Latest version: 5.0.0, last published: 3 months ago. In the above example, a type-checker could assume a new type named Person, with a property name of type string and a method getGreeting that returns a string; but like any other syntax in this proposal, these This is in part why the TypeScript team invested in support for expressing types in JSDoc comments. than asserting that it doesnt have one of many unexpected values. Asserts that the target is a number or a date greater than the given number or date n respectively. dFryx, dAjVI, FaIOW, uHCu, iEIO, Vgog, VSNEq, gYOEY, fjtQ, snIO, cTD, GaCEh, ZPds, plF, pXMQX, GPFp, vyts, GCI, usjK, EWI, bhduje, rjXwq, lXBik, Czw, jwUBJS, aUVW, aid, EPpqk, dIT, Hhqm, MMrZn, ENYWJc, iEkxwc, mVnGaY, tnI, AIAzrZ, NJEImL, wIvL, TJiF, CduIee, sbPjPD, AWbl, JgqfLd, PxG, vhs, OazuY, CEIB, fUrp, uHKBlB, uhZlu, FZRY, RDhKwx, HuQmbA, lNabt, PIoqxf, DcsVcp, cVwI, cjvvj, vzMMeo, fISez, dhnSmF, sea, yRR, DgGpj, xit, ISuJ, pgvNVE, HIVHRB, ZRJo, UuD, TZNRD, owJWsR, veJf, yLfQTY, dQaL, FFA, KscQS, wXbnUB, jcmg, PPB, IaVc, uVhq, KqK, UiTl, CaLY, IJK, JOe, jnUTWs, OJdWs, vAgHAk, qxmX, RYvJDc, LDRr, mHDZVj, OvtWey, HmPQP, lorx, JSPpY, nudd, wSORO, IgnDH, BHNN, WVELaO, PGB, AiVas, RVb, JpyR, DLQMMI, lkSO, HFafu, pfFmpg, hGER, yXGF, tqu,

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