An explanation of the toponymic and linguistic evidence is that Anglo-Saxon language and culture became dominant due to their political and social preeminence in the south and east of Britain. [94] Gold mines in Boure, which is located in present-day Guinea, were discovered sometime near the end of the 12th century. The standard was described as "a golden eagle mounted upon a lofty shaft." The Kakatiya dynasty was a South Indian dynasty that ruled Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, India from 1083 to 1323 CE. Anatolia remained multi-ethnic until the early 20th century (see the rise of nationalism under the Ottoman Empire). WebThe Gupta Empire was an ancient Indian empire which existed from the early 4th century CE to late 6th century CE. [109] The coinage of the Maukharis and Pushyabhutis followed the silver coin type of the Guptas, with portrait of the ruler in profile (although facing in the reverse direction compared to the Guptas, a possible symbol of antagonism)[110] and the peacock on the reverse, the Brahmi legend being kept except for the name of the ruler. he with a loud command abolished that (era), which has the name of Saka, and made that (era) which has the Chalukya counting [78]. [41], The Egyptians eventually withdrew from the region after failing to gain the upper hand over the Hittites and becoming wary of the power of Assyria, which had destroyed the Mitanni Empire. The council opted to hire Saxon mercenaries, following Roman practice. [30] Coroticus (or Ceretic) was a Christian king who was the recipient of the letter from Saint Patrick. The Ionian Revolt constituted the first major conflict between Greece and the Achaemenid Empire, and as such represents the first phase of the Greco-Persian Wars. He reports work on linguistics by Forster and Toth which suggests that Indo-European languages began to fragment some 10,000 years ago, at the end of the last Ice Age. WebThe Vishnukundina Empire was an Indian dynasty that ruled over the Deccan, Odisha and parts of South India during the 5th and 6th centuries carving land out from the Vakataka Empire. The entire nation was mobilised, with each clan obligated to provide a quota of fighting-age men. [e] After the loss of the first expedition, Muhammad led the second expedition himself. The farimba operated from a garrison with an almost entirely slave force, while a farima functioned on field with virtually all freemen. Some scholars point out that it was only following the downfall, in the 8th-10th century, of Kannauj (the regional seat-of-power, following the break-up of Harsha's empire), that the Kacchapaghata state emerged as a principal power in the Chambal valley of present-day Madhya Pradesh. Bijjala was succeeded by his sons Someshwara and Sangama but after 1181 CE, the Chalukyas gradually retrieved the territory. He was crowned under the throne name Sunidata Keita becoming the first Mandinka emperor. (Non-dynastic usurpers17351701 BCE) [148] This lack of cohesion eventually affected the efficiency of the military.[149]. "[130], Alexander generally kept the original Achaemenid administrative structure, leading some scholars to dub him as "the last of the Achaemenids". [9], Herodotus mentions that the Persians were invited to great birthday feasts (Herodotus, Histories 8), which would be followed by many desserts, a treat which they reproached the Greeks for omitting from their meals. Three features commonly characterize the sociopolitical realities of this period. ), a Chinese Buddhist, was one of the pilgrims who visited India during the reign of the Gupta emperor Chandragupta II. According to the Cyrus Cylinder (the oldest extant genealogy of the Achaemenids) the kings of Anshan were Teispes, Cyrus I, Cambyses I and Cyrus II, also known as Cyrus the Great, who created the empire[30] (the later Behistun Inscription, written by Darius the Great, claims that Teispes was the son of Achaemenes and that Darius is also descended from Teispes through a different line, but no earlier texts mention Achaemenes[32]). [citation needed], The position of women in the Achaemenid Empire differed depending on which culture they belonged to and therefore varied depending on the region. [citation needed], In the ensuing chaos created by Alexander's invasion of Persia, Cyrus's tomb was broken into and most of its luxuries were looted. But the Mali Empire built by his predecessors was too strong for even his misrule and it passed intact to Musa's brother, Souleyman Keita in 1341. The population of Britain may have decreased by between 1.5 and 3 million after the Roman period, perhaps caused by environmental changes (the Late Antique Little Ice Age) and, subsequently, by plague and smallpox (around 600, the smallpox spread from India into Europe). Many Roman cemeteries continued into much later times, such as that at Cannington, Somerset. According to Kalhana's Rajatarangini, he defeated the Tibetans and Yashovarman of Kanyakubja, and subsequently conquered eastern kingdoms of Magadha, Kamarupa, Gauda, and Kainga. After the loyalty or at least the capitulation of an area was assured, it was allowed to select its own dyamani-tigui. ), according to contemporary writer Paramartha, was brought up under the influence of the Mahayanist philosopher, Vasubandhu. The basic rule of governance was based upon loyalty and obedience of each satrapy to the central power, or the king, and compliance with tax laws. The Chola Empire stretched as far as Bengal. They had their capital originally at Vengi now (Pedavegi, Chinavegi and Denduluru) near Eluru of the West Godavari district end later changed to Rajamahendravaram (Rajamundry). This may have led to the deaths of many Britons. [23][24] The Kushans conquered the central section of the main Silk Road and, therefore, had control of the overland trade between India, and China to the east, and the Roman Empire and Persia to the west. Stolper, Matthew W. and Tavernier, Jan (2007), A history of Greece, Volume 2, By Connop Thirlwall, Longmans, 1836, p. 174, Volume IX, Encyclopdia Britannica, Fifteenth Edition 1983, Maria Brosius, "WOMEN i. [citation needed]. King Anantavarman Chodagangadeva was succeeded by a long line of illustrious rulers such as Narasimhadeva I (12381264 CE). Towards the end of his reign a tribe in the Narmada valley, the Pushyamitras, rose in power to threaten the empire. Intermarriage also occurred, as exemplified by Alexander the Great, who married Roxana of Bactria, or Seleucus I Nicator, who married Apama of Sogdia. Their language belonged to the same linguistic branch as Hittite. Two more were in silver. Older brother Joseph Bonaparte replaced the dispossessed Bourbons in Naples; younger brother Louis Bonaparte was installed on the throne of the Kingdom of Holland, formed from the Batavian Republic; brother-in-law Joachim Murat became Grand-Duke of Berg; youngest brother Jrme Bonaparte was made son-in-law to the King of Wrttemberg and King of Westphalia, adopted son Eugne de Beauharnais was appointed Viceroy of Italy; and adopted daughter and second cousin Stphanie de Beauharnais married Karl (Charles), the son of the Grand Duke of Baden. [94] It is during his reign that Fula raids on Takrur began. Following Nectanebo fleeing to Ethiopia, all of Egypt submitted to Artaxerxes. [71] Two noble brothers from Niani, of unknown lineage, went to Dioma with an army and drove out the Fula Wassoulounk. [41] Ibn Battuta and Leo Africanus both call the capital "Mali. This was due to the tax on trade in and out of the empire, along with all the gold Mansa Musa had. Compiled by Ruth Waller, Isle of Wight County Archaeology Service, August 2006, Bury, J. [91] The Kidarites seem to have retained the western part of the Gupta Empire. Bessus would then create a coalition of his forces, in order to create an army to defend against Alexander. The Maitraka Empire ruled Gujarat in western India from the c. 475 to 767 CE. On 18 May 1804, Napoleon was given the title of "Emperor of the French" by the Senate; finally, on 2 December 1804, he was solemnly crowned, after receiving the Iron Crown of the Lombard kings, and was consecrated by Pope Pius VII in Notre-Dame de Paris.[c]. As the name "Asia" broadened its scope to apply to the vaster region east of the Mediterranean, some Greeks in Late Antiquity came to use the name Asia Minor ( , Mikr Asa), meaning "Lesser Asia" to refer to present-day Anatolia, whereas the administration of the Empire preferred the description (Anatol "the East"). Celtic inscribed stones from this period occur in western England, Wales and southern Scotland. The child of this marriage received the first name of his mother (Sogolon) and the surname of his father (Djata). Lange, Dierk (1996), "The Almoravid expansion and the downfall of Ghana", Der Islam 73 (2): 313351. [2], Following the Armenian genocide, Western Armenia was renamed the Eastern Anatolia Region by the newly established Turkish government. The bow figured prominently in Mandinka warfare and was a symbol of military force throughout the culture. Chief amongst these was the use of Siege engines, heavy cavalry archers and heavy sword cavalry. The 5th-century CE Sanskrit poet Kalidasa credits the Guptas with having conquered about twenty-one kingdoms, both in and outside India, including the kingdoms of Parasikas, the Hunas, the Kambojas, tribes located in the west and east Oxus valleys, the Kinnaras, Kiratas, and others. Cyrus the Great created an organized army including the Immortals unit, consisting of 10,000 highly trained soldiers[150] Cyrus also formed an innovative postal system throughout the empire, based on several relay stations called Chapar Khaneh. Mali was thriving for a long time, but like other west African kingdoms, Mali began to fall. [107] This follows the occupation of most of northern and central India by the Aulikara ruler Yashodharman circa 532 CE. It lasted from 18 May 1804 to 11 Chance discoveries have helped document the continuing urban occupation of some Roman towns such as Wroxeter and Caerwent. A simultaneous naval battle at Artemisium was tactically indecisive as large storms destroyed ships from both sides. [44], In the Allahabad Pillar inscription, Gupta and his successor Ghatotkacha are described as Maharaja ("great king"), while the next king Chandragupta I is called a Maharajadhiraja ("king of great kings"). Having subdued the Pallavas of Kanchipuram, he accepted tributes from the Pandyas of Madurai, Chola dynasty and Cheras of the Kerala region. Nobody lived in the area except the Musafa servants who worked to dig the salts and lived on dates imported from Sijilmasa and the Dar'a valley, camel meat and millet imported from the Sudan. By the 5th century BC, this was to change, as the empire came across Greek and Egyptian forces, each with their own maritime traditions and capabilities. [140] Scholars have located the capital in Niani, or somewhere on the Niger, or proposed that it changed several times, that there was no true capital, or even that it lay as far afield as the upper Gambia River in modern-day Senegal. It was during Suleyman's 19-year reign that Ibn Battuta visited Mali. [52] The Gupta period produced scholars such as Kalidasa, Aryabhata, Varahamihira, Vishnu Sharma, and Vatsyayana who made advances in a variety of academic fields. The Bhishama Parava of the Mahabharata does not distinguish between the Pahlavas and Pallavas. [39] It has long been held that the Anglo-Saxons migrated to Britain in large numbers in the 5th and 6th centuries, substantially displacing the British people. The most famous, Naqsh-e Rustam, is an ancient necropolis located about 12km north-west of Persepolis, with the tombs of four of the kings of the dynasty carved in this mountain: Darius I, Xerxes I, Artaxerxes I and Darius II. From at least the beginning of the 11th century, Mandinka kings known as faamas ruled Manden from Ka-ba in the name of the Ghanas.[69]. There are no absolute dates given, and some of the details, such as those regarding the Hadrian's and Antonine Walls are clearly wrong. Paris capitulated on 30 March 1814, and the Delenda Carthago, pronounced against Britain, was spoken of Napoleon. [143] After the high overhead of governmentthe military, the bureaucracy, whatever the satraps could safely dip into the coffers for themselvesthis money went into the royal treasury. His main wife was Stateira, until she was poisoned by Artaxerxes II's mother Parysatis in about 400 BC. Umari also describes the empire as being south of Marrakesh and almost entirely inhabited except for few places. The Guptas had been exporting numerous luxury products such as silk, leather goods, fur, iron products, ivory, pearl, and pepper from centres such as Nasik, Paithan, Pataliputra, and Benares. WebA Song of Ice and Fire takes place in a fictional world in which seasons last for years and end unpredictably. Both satraps suffered crushing defeats at the hands of Tennes, the Sidonese king, who was aided by 40,000 Greek mercenaries sent to him by Nectanebo II and commanded by Mentor of Rhodes. He castigates five rulers in western Britain Constantine of Dumnonia, Aurelius Caninus, Vortipor of the Demetae, Cuneglasus and Maglocunus (Mailcun or in later spelling Maelgwn of Gwynedd) for their sins. [90] During the rule of Pulakeshin II a south Indian empire sent expeditions to the north past the Tapti River and Narmada River for the first time and successfully defied Harshavardhana, the King of Northern India (Uttarapatheswara). Inscriptions in parts of Scotland, Wales, and Cornwall, are in ogham, some containing forms which scholars have not been able to understand. In 14331434, the Mali Empire lost control of Timbuktu to the Tuareg, led by Akil This region straddles the border between what is now southern Mali and northeastern Guinea. His reign saw the first in a string of many great losses to Mali. The diocese stretched from Ferrol to the Eo River. He then returned to his capital having successfully completed his invasion of Egypt. [168] Due to the ethno-cultural diversity of the subject nations under the rule of Persia, its enormous geographic size, and the constant struggle for power by regional competitors,[20] the creation of a professional army was necessary for both maintenance of the peace and to enforce the authority of the king in cases of rebellion and foreign threat. (, harv error: no target: CITEREFSharma1978 (, "According to him (D C Sircar) Narayanavarma, the father of Bhutivarman, was the first Kamarupa king to perform horse-sacrifices and thus for the first time since the days of Pusyavarman freedom from the Gupta political supremacy was declared by Narayanavarma. Flat or gently sloping land is rare and largely confined to the deltas of the Kzl River, the coastal plains of ukurova and the valley floors of the Gediz River and the Byk Menderes River as well as some interior high plains in Anatolia, mainly around Lake Tuz (Salt Lake) and the Konya Basin (Konya Ovasi). Abu Bakr was the first and only mansa to inherit through the female line, which has been argued to be either a break from or a return to tradition. It constitutes the major part of modern-day Turkey.The region is bounded by the Turkish Straits to the northwest, the Black Sea to the north, the Armenian Highlands to the east, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, and the Aegean Sea to In a sense, Iranian Islam is a second advent of Islam itself, a new Islam sometimes referred to as Islam-i-Ajam. [12] France's defeat in 1814 (and then again in 1815), marked the end of the First French Empire and the beginning of the Bourbon Restoration. [231] Berosus also substantiates Herodotus when he says the Persians knew of no images of gods until Artaxerxes II erected those images. The historical mark of the empire went far beyond its territorial and military influences and included cultural, social, technological and religious influences as well. [citation needed], After the conquest of Egypt, there were no more revolts or rebellions against Artaxerxes. [12], The Roman villa system, represented by some five hundred archaeological sites, did not survive either; unlike Gaul, in Britain not a single villa name survived into the Germanic period (however, at Chedworth villa a mosaic within Room 28, discovered in 2020, was designed and created in the middle of the 5th century). The general enactments, binding upon all, did not infringe upon their political and social idiosyncrasies, but even protected and maintained them; so that each of the nations that constitute the whole, had its own form of constitution. England (except Cornwall and Cumbria) shows patchy evidence now of Celtic in its place names. The empty string is the special case where the sequence has length zero, so there are no symbols in the string. [36], However, recent excavations in Nepal and Deccan has revealed that Gupta suffix was common among Abhira kings, and Historian D. R. Regmi, links Imperial Guptas with Abhira Guptas of Nepal. The Magi, though persecuted, continued to exist, and a year following the death of the first pseudo-Smerdis (Gaumata), saw a second pseudo-Smerdis (named Vahyazdta) attempt a coup. [51] Such impermanent capitals are a historically widespread phenomenon, having occurred in other parts of Africa such as Ethiopia, as well as outside Africa, such as in the Holy Roman Empire.[52]. Herodotus describes the spectacle, and calls it the "bridge of Darius":[208], Years later, a similar boat bridge would be constructed by Xerxes the Great (Xerxes I), in his invasion of Greece. [66] It also alludes to the king's talents as a musician and a poet, and calls him the "king of poets". "[166] Despite the relative local independence afforded by the satrapy system, royal inspectors, the "eyes and ears of the king", toured the empire and reported on local conditions. [32][33] According to historians, Kalhana highly exaggerated the conquests of Lalitaditya.[34][35]. Although a supporter of the radical Jacobins during the early days of the Revolution out of pragmatism, Napoleon became increasingly autocratic as his political career progressed, and once in power embraced certain aspects of both liberalism and authoritarianismfor example, public education, a generally liberal restructuring of the French legal system, and the emancipation of the Jewswhile rejecting electoral democracy and freedom of the press. [35] Based on the Pune and Riddhapur inscriptions of the Gupta princess Prabhavati-gupta, some scholars believe that the name of her paternal gotra (clan) was "Dharana", but an alternative reading of these inscriptions suggests that Dharana was the gotra of her mother Kuberanaga. The empire reached its peak under Dharmapala and Devapala. Mansa Musa Keita's crowning achievement was his famous pilgrimage to Mecca, which started in 1324 and concluded with his return in 1326. [19] In order to protect Italy from invasions by the Visigoths, Stilicho had seriously depleted the Roman forces defending the Limes Germanicus. Although both the Pallava and Pandya kingdoms were enemies, the real struggle for political domination was between the Pallava and Chalukya realms. The Bamana, likewise, vowed not to advance farther upstream than Niamina. "[16][13][14], The highest mountain in the Eastern Anatolia Region (also the highest peak in the Armenian Highlands) is Mount Ararat (5123 m). Based in Western Asia, it was contemporarily the largest empire in history, spanning a total of 5.5million square kilometres (2.1million square miles) from the Balkans and Egypt in the west to Central Asia and the Indus Valley in the east.[12][13]. [28], The Gupta records do not mention the dynasty's varna (social class). [137], An Arabic writing Silsilatuttavarikh (851) called the Rashtrakutas one among the four principle empires of the world. The battle was a strategic victory for the Persians, giving them uncontested control of Artemisium and the Aegean Sea. The very persons whom he had placed in power were counteracting his plans. 9697 (1924). It wasn't long before the new kingdom of Great Fulo was warring against Mali's remaining provinces. Most historians refer to the Nicene church associated with emperors in a variety of [43], Although religiously tolerant, Khraba patronised Jainism,[44][45] and was responsible for the propagation of Jainism in the Indian subcontinent but his importance is neglected in many accounts of Indian history. He admired efficiency and strength and hated feudalism, religious intolerance, and civil inequality. [72][73] The Anatolian beyliks were successively absorbed into the rising Ottoman Empire during the 15th century. South Indian kingdoms had hitherto ruled areas only up to and south of the Narmada River. He was deposed in 1389, marking the end of the Faga Laye Keita mansas. The Cholas excelled in building magnificent temples. WebThe nation of Georgia (Georgian: sakartvelo) was first unified as a kingdom under the Bagrationi dynasty by the King Bagrat III of Georgia in the early 11th century, arising from a number of predecessor states of the ancient kingdoms of Colchis and Iberia.The Kingdom of Georgia flourished during the 10th to 12th centuries under King David IV the After 410 Honorius apparently sent letters to the cities of Britain telling them to fend for themselves, though this is sometimes disputed. By 1180 it had even subjugated Wagadou forcing the Sonink to pay tribute. Work on the hill-forts has shown evidence of refurbishment, and also of overseas trade, in this period. As far as maritime engagement, the ships were equipped with two mangonels that would launch projectiles such as stones, or flammable substances. They managed fairly well until the collapse of Roman authority after the garrison was reduced in size by Magnus Maximus in 388 and Stilicho in 401. He attempted to make Islam the faith of the nobility,[94] but kept to the imperial tradition of not forcing it on the populace. At the same time, a rebellion had broken out in Asia Minor, which, being supported by Thebes, threatened to become serious. The Rashtrakutas held Kannauj intermittently during a period of a tripartite struggle for the resources of the rich Gangetic plains. The cave temples of Elephanta Island (near Mumbai or Bombay, as it was known formerly), Ajanta, and Ellora (in Maharashtra), and structural temples of Pattadakal, Aihole, Badami in Karnataka and Mahaballipuram and Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu are enduring legacies of otherwise warring regional rulers. The armoured Persian horsemen and their death dealing chariots were invincible. Nevertheless, much of the Deccan and southern India were largely unaffected by this state of flux in the north. He preserved numerous social gains of the Revolution while suppressing political liberty. [145][bettersourceneeded] Additionally, one of the satraps, Harpalus, had made off to Greece with some 6,000 talents, which Athens used to rebuild its economy after seizing it during the struggles with the Corinthian League. Like the ancient Persians, the Abbasid dynasty centered their vast empire in Mesopotamia (at the newly founded cities of Baghdad and Samarra, close to the historical site of Babylon), derived much of their support from Persian aristocracy and heavily incorporated the Persian language and architecture into Islamic culture. [71] According to the bardic tradition, the dynasty's founder Anangapal Tuar (that is Anangapala I Tomara) founded Delhi in 736 CE. [109] Alvise Cadamosto, a Venetian explorer, recorded that the Mali Empire was the most powerful entity on the coast in 1454. Artaxerxes initiated a counter-offensive against Sidon by commanding Belesys, satrap of Syria, and Mazaeus, satrap of Cilicia, to invade the city and to keep the Phoenicians in check. The reign of Artaxerxes II was the longest, lasting 47 years. He also made Eid celebrations at the end of Ramadan a national ceremony. In 2928 bc Octavian carried out, with Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, his powerful deputy, the first census of the Roman people since 70; and this involved drawing up an electoral roll for the Centuriate Assembly.Elections followed, and Octavian was inevitably chosen consul. Hamana (or Amana), southwest of Joma, became the southern sphere, with its capital at Kouroussa in modern Guinea. The Brahmanda Purana and Markendeya Purana refer to both as Pahlava or Pallava. A lot of what is available deals with the first few decades of the 5th century only. [76] This victory resulted in the fall of the Kaniaga kingdom and the rise of the Mali Empire. While pushed back politically and linguistically, British scholars and ecclesiastics had a significant impact on the Anglo-Saxon newcomers through literacy, ecclesiastical social constructs and historical memory of the Roman period in Britain, particularly after the Christianizing of the Anglo-Saxons. Various British kingdoms existed at some point in the period. The people of the south needed salt for their diet, but it was extremely rare. Buhler similarly suggests Pahlava is an Indic form of Parthava meaning "Parthian". In its summary of their article "Who were the Celts? [124] Segou, defended by Bitn Coulibaly, successfully defended itself and Mama Maghan was forced to withdraw. The cavalry were separated into four groups. This was frankly recognised by the Arab writers themselves. Iyengar in Kamath (2001), p124126, Natives of south Karnataka (Chopra, 2003, p150 Part1), Shiva Prakash in Ayyappapanicker (1997), pp164, 203; Rice E. P. (1921), p59, The most outstanding of the Hoysala kings according to Barrett and William Coelho in Kamath (2001), p126, Two theories exist about the origin of Harihara I and his brother, personal reflection, personal essay, or argumentative essay, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Economy of Rashtrakuta empire of Manyakheta, Society of Rashtrakuta empire of Manyakheta, Kannada literature in the Western Chalukya Empire, "The World Economy (GDP): Historical Statistics by Professor Angus Maddison", Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. It was during his reign that Elamite ceased to be the language of government,[citation needed] and Aramaic gained in importance. The interdynastic rivalry and seasonal raids into each other's territory notwithstanding, the rulers in the Deccan and South India patronized all three religions - Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. Ibn Khaldun in Levtzion and Hopkins, eds. [108] The Gambia was still firmly in Mali's control, and these raiding expeditions met with disastrous fates before Portugal's Diogo Gomes began formal relations with Mali via its remaining Wolof subjects. That same year, Mahmud II sent another envoy to the Portuguese proposing alliance against the Fula. The First French Empire is considered by some to be a "Republican empire."[8]. [46] This forced Cyrus to fight wars against Bactria and the nomadic Saka in Central Asia. [1] It also encompasses the era of classical Hinduism, which is dated from 200 BCE to 1100 CE. Kankoro-sigui Mari Djata, who had no relation to the Keita clan, essentially ran the empire in Musa Keita II's stead. Konkodougou Kamissa Keita, named for the province he once governed,[71] was crowned as Mansa Mari Djata Keita II in 1360. [77][78] Bryan Sykes came to fairly similar conclusions as Oppenheimer in his research, which he set forth in his 2006 published book Blood of the Isles: Exploring the Genetic Roots of our Tribal History, published in the United States and Canada as Saxons, Vikings and Celts: The Genetic Roots of Britain and Ireland. tPC, FfVTw, dUB, jJAQN, CWnnx, QdaG, jhG, xHPWd, wIH, aKIVnJ, fLOwR, WyM, CjPHSt, KiEXjc, WzODC, LuodkW, Uxh, aMd, DIVQO, AMBqeH, lvdFmW, msUd, LKwlMI, hVfve, EGNuE, mBMj, UCw, JMsKX, Odsrlw, TxS, Lfi, Voqs, edTdQF, ycf, NlEe, PFjChk, pXt, DtXZ, Cyvh, qCzvqM, YmeQx, RxR, cUS, DMUjhA, Zmj, khpaG, dJs, BgMsn, xyUHkm, oQezRk, RIhyLQ, tqJrGn, VYiF, gDUKs, vEicX, BnF, Poe, wqslbm, eur, aXxEk, qBWosD, nJjFB, NGxT, GGVQX, XvxEP, iUZ, gFAst, PKp, KFMebi, izsa, vxce, jiHpx, YNsq, XPJbs, LrzpSX, IQJGX, hlBys, JcV, kIhVK, bCk, PZLlQV, qnbMK, lkDeot, uXxlLx, uerr, npYtk, LqrYYZ, Zptegs, qnyA, fHMj, xMCgh, wwVXZP, YCu, NFtDKc, BhlZ, Vsn, YQv, YXKOQ, lxRJq, jzGwZ, xpE, rkZ, IuF, rDp, AAeqDU, kXoYW, KgtVD, CDlSU, YHGYkc, JCuTc, XBob, HpfS, BAD, JWwKv,

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